Ry E § arm pr 31, 1926 July WINNETKA TALK 27 Children's Frolic Brings Untold Joy to All Spectators Sunshine and a cool breeze were two of the most welcome guests at the Children's Midsummer Frolic given by the National Kindergarten and FEle- mentary college at Craigie Lea, Glen- coe, last Tuesday afternoon. Balloons and stories, songs and plays, ice cold lemonade and cunning little elves and brownies combined to make the Frolic a rare delight for many of the children of Evanston and the north shore. The picture of the spacious grounds with the happy, laughing groups of children beneath the great trees will not readily be for- gotten by any of the grown-ups who attended, and the floppy tar baby and clever Br'er Rabbit, the strutting cock with his gallant "Cock-a-doodle doo," the hound and the braying donkey and the Little Old Woman and her troublesome pig are friends for life of every boy and girl who watched them that afternoon. Miss Harriet Ling, Miss Mary Saxe and Miss Elizabeth Peabody of Ev- anston and Miss Gladys Huntley of Wilmette were included in the cast of twenty-two summer students who presented thz plays under the direc- tion of Miss Margaret Farrar, Miss Willmina Townes and Miss Laura Hooper. Alumnae and friends of the college took charge of the sale of tickets for the Frolic in the various centers: Miss Anna Murray in Evanston, Mrs. Percy Arden and Mrs. C. P. Dubbs in Wil- mette, Mrs. Theodore J. Coyne in Winnetka and Miss Ethel Parry in Glencoe. The afternoon's entertainment was given under the auspices of the alum- nae and members of the equipment committee of the governing board and proceeds will be used in the furnishing and equipment of the auditorium and gvmnasium of Harrison hall. The success of the Frolic was largely due to the contribution of the grounds of Craigie Lea by Mrs. Andrew Mac- Leish, and to the time and effort con- tributed by alumnae and friends and by the summer school students, who, in addition to costuming and present- ing the plays, made the attractive fa- vors sold to the children. --O-- Mrs. Charles C. Prest, who was the guest of her sister, Mrs, William B. Dale of 519 Ash street, for a month, returned to Hollywood Friday of last week. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Gresham of Louisville, Ky., arrived Wednesday to spend a few days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Watson of 928 Pine street. | In all matters having to do with the buying, sell- ing, leasing and financing of North Shore Real Estate, the aid of Smart 8 Golee has proven inval- uable for many years. SMBRGLEE, 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston ANNOUNCE FLOWER The Barrington Garden give its first Flower show and 11 from 11 o'clock in the morn- ing until 8 at night at Oak Brae, the home of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mac Murray at Barrington. Other estates in Barrington will also be op- en, it is announced. SHOW club will August 10 Mr. and Mrs. LI. S. Hammond are spending the summer in the R. C. McNamara home at 267 Ridge avenue while the McNamaras are in Europe, The McNamaras will probably return to Winnetka sometime in August, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ball will return to their home at 296 Forest avenue, August 13, after spending a month at the Evergreen Beach hotel at Ephraim, Wis. metrd ctp Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Hosbein, 491 Orchard lane, are leaving this week- end with friends from New York for a three weeks' motor trip through Estes and Yellowstone national parks. Oe W. G. Pancoast of 637 Hill road, has as her guest for a few weeks, her sister, Mrs. Harry Fuller of Cleveland. Mrs. 500 Davis Street PERSONAL INTERESTED SERVICE IN THE SELECTION OF HIGHER-GRADE NORTH SHORE PROPERTIES Hoxavsoy ENKS Greenleaf 1817 Lake Geneva Wisconsin Summer Homesites On Lake Shore Drive 1/4 block to lake--5 min. drive to Lake Geneva Hotel. ; LOTS 60 X 158 as low as $1,400.00--easy terms Only 36 Bargains to Be Had Get Yours NOW Phone or write for particulars. We pay your railroad fare. ELDER & uarantee -- NEARY atisfaction 652 First National Bank Bldg. Chicago, IIL Phone Central 0374 Hy-tex Face Brick homes always save money for their owners. Annual expenses for insurance, fuel, repairing and paint- ing are much less for a brick house than for one of less permanent materials. Our new book "Hy-tex Brick," explains these costs in detail. It's free. Ask for it. The Standard of Quality in Brick TERE is the same difference in the quality of Face Bricks that you find in all other manufactured products. The care and skill that the manufacturer puts into the product is reflected in its quality. For more than halfa century the Hydraulic- Press Brick Company has been building the reputation for quality which Hy-tex Brick enjoys today. And, quality considered, you will always find Hy-tex prices fair. Visitors are always welcome to our Exhibit Rooms where all colors and textures of beau- tiful Hy-tex Brick are on display. HYDRAULIC-PRESS BRICK COMPANY Member, American Face Brick Association CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING + CHICAGO LEADING CREATORS OF COLORS AND TEXTURES IN FACE BRICK