| LS ht § J August 14, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 31 DEMONSTRATE AUTOS Hupmobile Motor Car Corporation Shows New Straight Eight in Dem- onstration Fortnight Those who are concerned in trying everything new in automobiles will be interested in the recent announcement of the Hupp Motor Car corporation that they are conducting a "Demon- stration Fortnight" during which time the public are invited to visit Hup- mobile showrooms, to see the new straight eight and go out for a drive, the Hanson Motor company of Win- netka announce. The appointments may be arranged with the salesmen and a car will be sent to your door for you to enjoy a ride over your favorite route. Special emphasis is placed on the "without obligation to buy" feature according to the Hupp men as this fortnight is just what the term implies and no persistent solicitations will follow any demonstration. For those who do not wish to drive themselves but desire the salesman to chauffeur«for them a series of novel "stunts" have been arranged which are very interesting and show the surpris- ing flexibility and performance of the straight eight motor. Cars will be started without the usual starter ped- al, low curbs mounted in high gear with the motor scarcely revolving ; with the speedometer masked the oc- cupant will be asked to guess the speed; these and other performance tests have been arranged to make the demonstration ride more than ordin- arily entertaining. "There are several important chassis and body features which we have per- fected in this eight which were never found on a car in this price class and we are desirous of informing the mo- torist of what he can expect from his investment" says O. C. Hutchinson general sales manager who is super- vising the "tortnight" from the factory. Design Unique Motor "The Hupmobile straight eight in- troduced last year led the way toward a reduction of prices in the fine car field. We have, through our experi- ence of the last nineteen vears and our study of present day motor de- mands designed a motor that brings for the first time the highest quality | performance down to the price limit of the medium car buyer. It is the shortest, compact eight in line motor ever built. The uncanny quiet- ness of the motor, its breathless pick- up hill-climbing ability and unusual gasoline and oil economy have mer- ited this car world-wide popularity. "The valve mechanism, devised after the latest aeronautic practice is posi- | tively quiet and efficient at all speeds. | The connecting rods and crakcase are | of aluminum, an expensive material | giving the needed strength without most adding unnecessary weight; light cast grey iron pistons designed by Hupmo- bile are hand fitted to each cylinder within .0005 inch variation, and the 100 pound crankshaft with patented vibration damper are features which are not found on any car in this price class. "This gives us something to boast about" continued Mr. Hutchinson. "And that is the principal reason why we are broadcasting our invitations to motorists to drive this eight whether they have just purchased a car or if for other reasons they do not intend to buy in the near future or if they merely desire to know what is what in the latest improved automobile. At any rate we are going to have every car available going every hour of the day to show people not only what val- ue they can secure in a Hupmobile but what to expect if they purchase another car at a higher or slightly lower price." HAPPY, ACTIVE LITTLE TOTS Are they . . . who in this warm weather . . . get all their little "tum- mies" can hold of our pure milk! It's nour- ishing, health giving quality gives them the tireless energy their playing desires. Keep Plenty on Ice! --Lasting satisfaction means conunued business --Evanston stores carry only the best. EVANSTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Benson and their family of 671 Lincoln avenue, left last Tuesday for a month's stay at Colorado Springs. Bika Te Miss Julia Harvey, 88 Indian Hill road, secretary of the North Shore Country Day school, has left Winnet- ka to spend the month of August in Maine. PREACHES TWO SERMONS Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin who will preach at both morning and evening services at the Winnetka Congrega- tional church, Sunday, August 15, an- nounces for his morning sermon topic, at 11 o'clock, "The Joys of the Chris- tian Life." The subject for the eve- ning sermon at 8 o'clock, will be, "Is There an Unpardonable Sin?" Sport-Lovers-- Thrill-Seeckers Don't miss this year's |Bos $35,000 IN CASH PURSES | Daily 3P.M. and 8:30P. M../ * (RO-DAY-0) Eo CHICAGO Aug. 22 } Every Day is different SOLDIERS' FIELD GRANT PARK Here's rip-roaring action!--and only real con test and ardent endeavor could make it so ut- terly thrilling. They're fighting hard--these splendid cowboy and cowgirl champions--and the crowds are fighting with them. Hear the spontaneous shouts of keen appreciation. De- light in clean sportsmanship. Love for mighty battling. Come today and join in the most thrilling sporting event of the year. 7 EVENTS 7 Bronk Riding Steer Wrestling Calf Roping Wild Horse Race Fancy Roping Relay Races Trick and Fancy Riding Steer Riding Bareback Bronk Riding 50 Flathead Indians | Buck and Squaw Races ® SN ADMISSION \S (including seats) $1.00 $1.50-52.00 Unreserved Reserved (Plus War Tax) Tickets for all days on sale at LYON & HEALY Wabash Ave. at Jackson Blvd. Also at Stadium a Organized by the Domestic and Foreisn Commerce Committee of the Chicago Association of Commerce TEX AUSTIN, Manager and Director The preparation of this advertising contributed by Members of Western Counce, , American Association of Advertising Agencies AE EEEE--S--STSTES a.