| FA SERN EL EL TON J i hy 0 Lo iit fda Sl Ga hls August 28, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 11 N. U. Sends Out 25,000 | Football Letters to Alumni and Friends Twenty-five thousand letters to Northwestern alumni and other follow- ers of Purple football contests will be sent out from the office of Edward B. Davidson, cashier this week. These letters will give all informa- tion concerning tickets and will con- tain other data regarding the coming football season. A plat of the field showing the seating arrangement and all exits will also be placed in the let- ters. Among other things the letters state definitely that orders for tickets will not be considered until September 2. Prospective purchasers of the paste- hoards will gain nothing, according tp Mr. Davidson, by sending in their or- Aars ahead of time. All reauests for tirkets received before September 2, will be placed together and will be answered irrespective of the date they were received. Euthusiasm is running high among those in charep of ticket sales this sea- con. The rapid progress being made on the stadium coupled with the increased interest in the ponular fall sport nres- ages, according to those at the head of affairs, a season which will easily break all sales records. Numerous deoartures from former methods of handling sales are an- nounced by the university. Hine of the most important in the eyes of the offi- cials is the sale of 10.000 season tickets at $14 a piece. This will give a larae ~uwmber of fans an opportunity to oh- tain unusually cood tickets at each contest at a nominal cost. . These tick- ets will be good for six games. A great demand from manv auarters has alreadv heen made for these sea- son tickets. Thev are expected to be anickly sold to alumni who have been clase followers of Purple football teams for years. Numerons Bie Ten schools have adonted this season ticket plan with reports of great success. They assure the fans of fine seats §t every import- ant contest without the usual last min- ute effort to obtain tickets. The same seat will be used throughput the sea- son. A season football book will also he iesved this vear to students in the Chi- caon professional schools. This book will be only for the footahll season. In the past these students have been forced to take their chance on seats alone with the public. Despite the great increase in capa- citv of the stands over previous vears, officials alreadv believe that a sell out will be made on the more importazt contests. Little trouble is expected in filling the big stadium for all confer- ence games, while a taxed canacity is exnected for the Chicago and Notre Dame eames. Four thousand tempor- ary seats will be erected at the ends of the field for these two games. Give Bridee-Shower for Couple Soon to Be Wed Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kirkgasser, 166 Woodland avenue. entertained at a hridge-shower Wednesday evening for Miss Collen Bodinson and Leslie Drew of Chicago. in honor of their approach- ing marriage. The shower was a shower of personal gifts. A buffet iunch was served at midnight. Several out-of-town guests were included in the group invited in the young couple's honor. Amone them were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morrissev and Mr. and Mrs. Tulius Ghislin of Rogers Park, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hershev of Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burnett of the Surf hotel, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred- IN CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES Championship matches for the wo- men's championship of the club will constitute the week's events next week at the North Shore Golf club. The qualifying round will be played on Tuesday, with other matches played the following days, with the finals com- ing on Friday. Miss Janet Byrnes and Miss Helen Bode of the North Shore Golf club have entered the Western Golf asso- ciation Junior tournament to be played next week at the Westmoreland Coun- try club. In the finals last Thursday, Mrs. H. H. Harrison defeated Mrs. A. D, Col- lins for the silver tea service which was donated by Hal Reading as a trophy to be awarded to the winner in play among the womtn of the North Shore club. Scandinavian Parish to There will be no morning services at the Scandinavian Evangelical church, Sunday. Young People's meeting will be held at 5 o'clock, and at 8 o'clock Rev. J. C. Olson, of Denver, Col. will preach. On Wednesday evening, Sep- tember 1, at 8:15 o'clock, Rev. Olson will preach in the Swedish language. TRADE-MARK AUTOMATIC Ql1l BURNER Quiet-- Absolutely No Vibration Economical-- Burns Low Grade Fuel Oil Reliable-- Dependable Automatic Controls wm Sold and Installed by Hear Denver Minister erick Strauss of Chicago. Permanent Wave $15 Even the most discriminating women may feel assured of satis- : faction. Our waves last. Alice Beauty Shop 522 Linden Street Winnetka 800 -- Phones -- Wilmette 235 The Children's Shoes ready for school wear School days will soon be on us and the children will need to have their shoes rebuilt. Bring their old shoes to us. We will put them in condi- tion for another season's wear. Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store R. Wagner 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 Wm. Edwards & Son BETTER HARDWARE at LOWER PRICES plus Reliable Delivery Service and Dependable Clerks equal Satisfaction "The Right-Priced Stores" Il Hardware VIC. J . KILLIAN 895 Linden Ave. 572 Hazel Ave. Plumbing Contractor ) Hubbard Woods Glencoe po: Semtes Serger Winnetka 970 -- Phone -- Glencoe 951