"A J « September 4, 1926 WINNETKA TALK INDIAN HILL HOLDS NET CHAMPIONSHIPS Tournament Play in All Divisions to Be Staged September 9, 10 and 11 Tennis championship togrnaments at the Indian Hill club will be held Sep- tember 9, 10 and 11, it was announced this week. There are to be events in all divisions, it is explained, with play in singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Entries for the events are to be made on or before Tuesday, September 7. Recent tennis events at Indian Hill brought the following results: Summary of the Indian Hill Singles Ten- nis Touranament, August 28,2930, Junior Boy's Singles Semi-Finals Upper Bracket: ; Mancel T. Clark, Jr., defeated William Simpson 6-1, 4-6, 6-1. (Lower Bracket) John Wallace, defeated E. Kohlsaat by default. (Final Match) Mancel T. Clarke, Jr., defeated J. Wal- lace 6-1, 6-4. Women's and Junior Girls' Singles Semi-Finals Upper Bracket: Margot Atkins defeated J. Routh (Lower Bracket) Mrs. W. G. Hibbard, III., defeated bar- barba Holden 4-6, 6-2, 6-4. (Final Match) Mrs. W. G. Hibbard, III., defeated Mar- got Atkins 3-6, 7-5, 6-4. 6-2-6-3. Racquet Welders Girls' Singles Semi-Finals Upper Bracket: Helen Fulton defeated Virginia Miller 6-1, 6-1. (Lower Bracket) Buddy Holden defeated Anne Noyes -1, 7-5. (Final Match) Helen Fulton defeated Buddy Holden 6-3, 6-0. Ball Chasers Singles Boys and Girls Semi-Finals Upper Bracket: Helen Bersback defeated Baird one set 6-2. (Lower Bracket) Evelyn Totman defeated Barbara Bers- bach one set 6-2. (Final Match) Evelyn Totman defeated Helen Bers- bach 6-3, 8-6. Mary L. Ball Chasers Junlors--Boys' and Girls' Singles Semi-Finals Upper Bracket * Arthur Sullivan defeated Dudley Cates one set 6-1. (Lower Bracket) Mary Louise Laird defeated Jane Mec- Intosh one set 8-6. (Final Match) Arthur Sullivan defeated Mary Louise Laird one set 7-5. Winners of Everybody's Round Robin Singles and Doubles Tournament for August--Consisting of nine singles and four doubles matches: Helen Fulton, first prize, having won 22 sets. Jack Routh, second prize, having won 20 sets, 7 Adelaide Ball, third prize, having won 10 sets. Helen Holden, third prize, having won 10 sets. Winners of the Ball Chasers and Ball Chasers Juniors--Boys and Girls, Au- gust Round Robin Tournament : Barbara Bersback, first prize, won 49 games. Barbara Totman, won 35 games. Dudley Cates, 32 games. having second prize, having third prize, having won Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster returned to their home in Glencoe last week from a month's outing at their island home, Glousecter Pool, Ontar- io, Canada. They had as house guests their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dougal A. Kittermaster, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Macmillan of Grand Rapids, Mich. (Gladys Jones of Glencoe They enjoyed ideal weather conditions and excellent fishing. = Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ratcliffe, 804 Lincoln avenue, and their daughter, Vivian, returned this week from Front Range Lodge, Estes Park, Col. =O Miss Dorothy Diettrich, 817 Elm street, Winnetka, left Saturday, Au- gust 28, to spend a week with friends in Utica, Ill | Teachers Arriving for Start of School Season Instructors will be arriving in the village within the next week to place themselves in readiness for the open- ing of the public school Monday, Sep- tember 13. Among those who have arrived is S. R. Logan, new principal of Skokie school, who has assumed the duties relinquished last June by Willard W. Beatty who has taken the superintendency of the schools at Bronxville, N. Y. Miss Isabella Carey, 883 Oak street, spent several days in the Prairie Club cottage on the Dunes in Indiana, with a friend who is a member of the club. The cottage is beautifully located in a secluded spot on the dunes, and is an ideal place for swimming and hiking. Miss Carey will resume teaching in the Haugan school in Chicago, this fall. Rev. C. T. Olson Will Preach Here Tomorrow Young People's meeting will be held at the First Scandinavian Evangelical church, Sunday evening, at 5 o'clock. At 8 o'clock, the Rev. C. T. Olson will preach. The monthly business meet- ing of the church will he held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock and the regular Scandinavian meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 8:15 o'clock. Sunday school will be resumed Sunday morning, September 12, at 10:15 o'clock. Blythe Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. B. Adams, 567 Ash street, is re- covering from an accident. He cut his wrist so badly that twelve stitches were taken. He will leave Winnetka this fall to resume his studies at Dart- mouth college. "RADIO FANS" Now is the time to install a Ma- jestic Super "B" Eliminator for good winter reception. Price $35.00 We also carry all sizes of EVERYREADY '"'B" Batteries. THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex Phone 1840 value. be "WfHome Bank for Winnetka Feople" PARTNERSHIP IF YOU ARE one of our depositors, you are practically one of our partners, we have an in- terest in your prosperity and you will find us al- ways working in harmony. Frequent financial counsel is earnestly requested whenever you feel that our advice might be of New Business solicited with a pledge that it will handled with courtesy. accuracy, Deposits made on or before the 10th of the month will receive interest from September Ist. Qficers and Directors HENRY R. HALE Fresidlent | LB.AKUPPENHEIMER Vice-fresident SANBORN HALE Costhier CLORGE W. MEKHINNEY Asst Cashier 1] VICTOR FLTING ~ NOBLE HALE promptness and WINNETKA STATE BANK r- 8 3 TERE Slurdays 8am. lo 12-30pm. and 2 lo Brm ; BANKING HOURS A.M. lo 3 P.M. LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. =