14 WINNETKA TALK September 4, 1926 Mrs. A. N. Forberg, 960 Linden ave-| Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Hallquist and nue, Winnetka, has just returned from !children, 1076 Cherry street, left today a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. | to drive to Rock Island, Ill, where they Glen L. Jenkins of Madison, Wis. Mrs. | will visit Mrs. Hallquist's niece, Mrs. Jenkins was Sarena Forberg before her | Herbert Lance. They expect to remain marriage. there several days. SENSIOLE Ninety per cent of all the cars Dodge Brothers built in the last 11 years are still in service. That is because they are built to last! And that is why there is no more sensible in- vestment in the world than a Dodge Brothers Used Car. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka i A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLE ¢ AS THE DEALER WHO SELLS IT A. L. Meyer Constructs Central Avenue House A. L. Meygr, builder of Wilmette, will soon have ready for the market a bungalow type, brick house, which he is building at 1611 Central avenue, Wilmette. The plaster contractors be- gan work Tuesday and Mr. Meyer hopes to have the house completed at an early date, in order that he may get started on another one and per- haps two more, before cold weather sets in. The Central avenue house is on a fifty foot lot. It is brick veneer on tile, with one bed room on the first floor and two on the second. There is also a sleeping porch and sun par- lor. Mr. Meyer says it is a $15,000 property. BUILD NEW HOME A building permit was issued August 31 and ground broken the following day for a residence at 1755 Highland avenue, Wilmette, and thus another of the very few remaining lots on this street is gone. G. Kroschel, contractor, is building a $12,000 residence at the foregoing number for Robert Hoff- man, of Hoffman Brothers, merchants, at 1716 Wilmette avenue. I -------------------------------------- A eed UctuBer 1926 > SVN MON TVE WED THV FRI SAT 2. 34 56 7 809 10 Il 1213 141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 3l October 1-- TEST sre Will It Be Moving Time IRED A of Household Goods E PROBLEMS OF MOVING DAY are greatly simplified by arranging for the service of the Iredale organization when you change your resi- dence. Member of Our entire fleet of vans will co-operate to meet your moving schedule National with the maximum of convenience to you. Although the "peak load" of Faniiure October first will be amply cared for, those who find it possible to move one ; or two days before or after that date will aid themselves and help the situation Warehousemen's in general. Association Iredale shipping service cares for furniture shipments to every point. - Those leaving the city temporarily or going to sojourn at hotels will find safe storage for household goods and personal accessories in our 70,000 feet of floor space (A new 7-story building now in process of construction). For 55 years the name Iredale has stood for thorough dependability. Call FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 'Storage -- Moving -- Packing -- Shipping University 9300--Wilmette 1332--Winnetka 1332--Highland Park 181 for You? LE ELLs eehoeiuslesisiesiusissisbosishusisseshoshushostusiusisusiusisstosiushesiosiusiusiesiesiusisiusiosiosiosiosisiesiiuitiiiot---- i i WEY [ [ i [ [ i WAREHOUSES -- EVANSTON, WINNETKA, HIGHLAND PARK : [ [ 1 : 1 : 1 Construct $40,000 Home for C. Miles McDonald September 1 building permits in Wilmette lead off with one for a $40,000 residence which Drake Broth- ers, builders, of 520 Davis street, Ev- anston, are erecting for C. Miles Mc- Donald, of 1239 Elmwood avenue, Wil- mette, and which is to be completed, it is said, by March 1, 1927. Ground was broken for this beauti- ful home this week. It will be located on the eighty foot lot with riparian rights at the southeast corner of Elm- wood and Michigan avenue, a lot espe- cially featured by its fine large trees and its unusually splendid beach. The house will comprise nine rooms and three baths, and in addition there will be a two-car attached garage with maid's quarters on the second floor thereof. The house will be of Italian style of architecture, constructed of buff, faced brick, and will have a tile roof. Mrs. Charles C. Coyle, 1097 Cherry street, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. F. X. Goetz of Saskatoon, Saskatche- wan, Canada, who will be with her sister about three weeks. Mrs. Goetz's son, Francis, will be remembered in Chicago and by some on the north shore, as the boy soprano who sang for Galli-Curci two years ago. He came to Chicago to sing for Victrola records and was presented to the famous sing- er. He is studying music now, and will return to Chicago in about two years. ---- Mrs. William Jerome Clarke, 902 Pine street, has just returned {rom a two weeks' visit with her daughter who lives in Backus, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will leave September 7 for a fortnight's trip through the East, in- cluding Philadelphia, Atlantic City, New York and Boston. Doan My Conarn, Stel va # pl me nxt wisk- aud ORE me she wile ML Hot she wank % Sows Rosle ga fore. Su "en Gua Kanon chun! Pa EVA KARON SCHUR riwear owns-Wh NORTH SHORE HOTEL 1605 CHICAGO AVENUE" EVANSTON rr | RN