£ WINNETKA TALK October 9, 1926 HOLD FIRST DANCE The opening dance of the Sewing Machines Repairing All Makes WORK GUARANTEED We will make your old machine as good as new. C. Skowron Annex Ph. Winnetka ars : } ,. & | of the high school and their guests. Oa -- --a-- and acted as hosts and w 0 Prouty oe -_-- -- CC PING 96 36.96 96 86 86 86816 Ye 8 16016 06 8606 36 56.36 5686 36 SE IS ---- |.) A) 367 Easy to Wear Hard to Wear Out ERE"S a sturdy, comfortable, all-weather storm boot for active boys of all ages. High-cut, with hooks and raw-hide laces to fasten snugly to the top. Tough, water- proofed leather makes this an extraordinary storm boot to withstand an unusual amount of streauous outdoor wear. ez $77.00 Larger Boys' $850 Bis Boys $ 1 1:0 215 to 6 Telephone University 973 Pool & PIPER 'INC: CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS 1608 Chicago Avenue Evanston, lllinois Shore Country Day school was held Friday evening at the girls' gymnasium. The sophomore class gave the dance hostesses to the members of the faculty, students | of the BETTER AMERICAN HOMES 2p gle Rule], pata Lucy Rue) HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB OCT. 13-14-15 MOST IMPORTANT CURRENT PROJECT OF THE GENERAL FEDERATION OF WOMAN'S CLUBS <orer REV. ROHRBACH HERE TO BEGIN CHURCH WORK Formerly Occupied High Posi- tion in Sweden; Was Born and Educated in England Rev. A. E. Rohrbach, the new pastor First Scandinavian Evangelical church of Winnetka, arrived Wednes- day of last week and is now perman- | ently located at the home of Mrs. Elida B. Andrewson, 910 Elm street, only a short distance west of the church, which is located at 886 Elm street. This Sunday evening, at 7:45 o'clock, Rev. Rohrbach will preach on the "Drawing Power of Christ." He will conduct services every Sunday at the foregoing hour and announces that he will, in all probability preach on Sun- day mornings, also, at 11 o'clock, in the Swedish language and in the Eng- lish language at the evening service. Rev. Rohrbach's family will remain in Stockholm, for the time being. Rev. and Mrs. Rohrbach have a family of four children, three daughters and one son. Two of the daughters have gradu- ated from high school and one is now studying medicine and the other music. Resided in Stockholm In Stockholm, where the Rohrbachs have resided for a number of years, Rev. Rohrbach has been pastor of a large inter-denominational church, and during the war he was general travel- ing secretary for the Y. M. C. A,, dur- ing which he addressed more than 70,000 soldiers in one year. He has traveled extensively in Russia, Burma and India, and in fact, throughout most of the countries in Europe. He has had the privilege of moving among the Swedish aristocra- cy, and counts Prince Bernadotte, a brother of the present king of Sweden, as his personal friend. Rev Rohrbach Pure Milk Insures Health! The best life insurance is good food. Pure milk is the best food for all ages. Give your chil- dren good health by | giving them the best | milk. PE, WINNE TK/ PED SANITARY a Si CO was a guest of Prince Bernadotte at his private estate and preached in his private chapel, the same week he left for this country. He comes with the highest recommendations from his dis- tinguished friend in Sweden, to the fellowship and confidence of the Christian public in America. Rev. Rohrbach's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Julius Rohrbach, reside at 1123 Linden avenue, Wilmette. Dr. Rohr- bach, for forty years was a leading pastor in Berlin, Germany, prior to his coming to this country several years ago. Born in England Rev. Rohrbach, was born in Eng- land. His mother is an English wom- an. His high school education he ob- tained in both England and Germany, completing his college course in Eng- land and Scotland. He took his holy orders at Upsala, Sweden, in which country he has resided for the past twenty-one years. Last winter, during a sence from his church in Stockholm, Rev. Rohrbach came to Wilmette to visit his aged parents, it being his first visit to this country for fifteen years. He spoke frequently at the Winnetka Scandinavian FEvangelical church and also received many invitations to ad- dress Rotary and various kindred so- cieties both on the north shore and in Chicago, and soon after his depart- ure for home this spring, was extend- ed a call to the pastorate of the Win- netka church. Despite his pleasant surroundings in the country of his adoption and in which he had resided for so long, he was so impressed with the Winnetka community and the great possibilities in the field of Christ's labors thus of- fered him, that he replied to the call with his acceptance. A The church to which he comes is a small congrega- tion, but Rev. Rohrbach, with his broad vision and wide experience in travel and study, said he felt that opportun- ity had been opened to him to do a great work in this splendid, responsive community. Invites Cooperation He invites all to co-operate with him. He says he does not preach any "isms," but the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he fairly radiates his highest ideal--"If IT can give a lifting hand, I have not lived in vain." On last Sunday evening he preached on "The Vital Determination," accord- ing to First Corinthians, 2-2, when St. Paul declared, "he would know noth- ing save Jesus Christ and Him cruci- fied." Rev. Rohrbach declared, "it was that silent, directing, restraining, illuminat- ing and purifying ministry which has made Paul immortal. I have come to preach Jesus Christ and Him cruci- fied. Not a philosophy, but a Person and that Person a crucified Person, now raised from the dead; our living Head, soon to appear again." leave of ab- Mrs. Charles Brand of Winnetka and Miss Lillian Brand. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brand. 585 Lincoln avenue, left for Los Angeles, where they plan to spend the winter. Thev will be joined later in the month bv the F. Schwalls and the William Brands, who are driving to the coast. -- The Public Speaking classes which are conducted by Mrs. Frederick Dick- inson of 1228 Scott avenue, will begin again this fall at the Community House. Two classes for women have been announced, one for beginners, which will open Thursday, October 21, at 10 o'clock, and one for advanced pupils, to-open on Tuesday, October 12, at the same hour. The men's class will be started on Wednesday, October 20, at 8 oclock in the evening. These classes give the students voice work, extemporaneous speaking and interpretative reading work.