| | 24 WINNETKA TALK October 23, 1926 Goop HousEKEEPING SHOP zac pa "for C4 pe ome EVANSTON 1565 Sherman Ave. Fountain Square invites you to inspect its equipment installed in the Two Model Homes (2 Blocks West of Kenilworth Station) erected by the Kenilworth Community Development (MURISON, CUMMINGS and SANFORD, Architects) Saturday and Sunday, October 23-24 Demonstrations of +. THE HARDINGE OIL BURNER KELVINATOR. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION CHAMBERS FIRELESS GAS RANGE KITCHENAID -- SIMPLEX IRONER AMERICAN BLOWER KITCHEN VENTILATOR WHIRLPOOL WASHER All in actual operation Model Homes Open fot Inspection Every Afternoon _ and Evening Until November First. Red Cross Takes Charge of Relief in Flood Area Colder weather is adding its miser- 'es to the thousands of homnieless flood victims in the 143,000 acres of water- covered lands in and about Beards- town and Jacksonville, Ill. Gov. Len Small has issued a procla- mation calling for food and money to be sent to the stricken communities for relief. The American Red Cross has been appealed to by the local authorities of each community to step in and organ- ize the relief work. National Red cross from Washington has sent $10,000 to start this relief. Each chapter of the American Red Cross throughout the State and Country will do its best in raising an adequate fund for the relief of these friends and neighbors in dis- tress. Hunters in Canada Lose Belongings in Lodge Fire Earle L. Hart, 1211 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, got more than the hunter's accustomed thrill in a recent expedi- tion to the Hudson Bay country. The story runs like this: : Mr. Hart, in company with six other huntsmen, went to Desire, Canada, sev- eral weeks ago, to hunt in the Hudson Bay country. Arriving at the palatial lodge of a friend at Desire, they de- posited all their belongings, including money and railroad tickets, and pro- ceeded northward in the prescribed hunters' garb. After a successful expedition the party returned to Desire only to find the lodge a mass of charred ruins. Everything they had taken from home had been lost in the fire. pn Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mills of 809 Lo- cust street have moved to Detroit, Mich. Parents of High School Students View Class Work Members of the freshman and sopho- more classes and their parents met at New Trier High school Thursday of this week for the first of the series of meetings to be held this season un- der auspices of the New Trier High school Parent-Teacher association. Thursday's session began at 1:30 o'clock and continued through the eve- ning, with dinner in the school cafe- teria. The parents were privileged to witness the actual procedure of class- room work. The next meeting of this nature is scheduled for Thursday, November 4, when the parents of junior and senior students will spend the day at the school. On November 18 there will be a meeting for parents, only. The final meeting of the year will be held May 5, 1927, complete arrange- ments for which have not as yet been made. It is known that a prominent educator will be secured to address the members of the association. LEGION AUXILIARY CITED At the sixth annual convention held at Springfield September 13 and 14, the Wilmette Auxiliary of the American Legion, received a citation for having a one hundred per cent membership. Last Saturday evening Miss Dorothy M. Olson of 736 Roger avenue, Kenil- worth entertained at bridge. Among her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Omer Dahm of Kenilworth, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Morses, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Spitz of Evanston, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Agnew of Chicago. MAY Presented in Silver Cloth with Silver Kid Trimming and Heel THE Ro pie SHOP 630 Church St. INC. Evanston Zipper Boots and 4 Buckle Artics to Fit All Shoes