WINNETKA TALK 33 | October 23, 1926 intermission there is a leisurely visiting| Mrs. C. G. Littell, 322 Woodstock| Mrs. Arthur W. Ruf, 236 Cumnor NEW DASCH MUSICIANS among the groups of friends in the |avenue, Kenilworth, was hostess at a|road, gave a tea in honor of Mrs. | mess hall and around the auditorium. |luncheon on Thursday, October 21, in Bellamy, formerly of Kenilworth, on r ACCORDED AN OVATION This is a community enterprise which |honor of Mrs. Bellamy. ; Monday, October 18. { seems to give an unusual satisfaction he --C j to its supporters. Mrs. Fred Bulley, 220 Sheridan road,| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bonnet are } During the afternoon about 850 of |Kenilworth, was hostess at a dinner [now occupying their new home at 157 the young people from the high school | Thursday evening, October 21. Little Symphony Orchestra, Com- posed of New Talent, Has Robsart road, Kenilworth. a -- tr A. Sin LT Str SER img SH Miriam n SiN Lala Sees Brilliant Inaugural BY MUSIC CRITIC The New Little Symphony orchestra of Chicago which George Dasch con- ducts in the first concert of the Or- chestral association series Monday ¢ night of this week at New Trier audi- torium, gave a pleasing impression of youth from the large number of talent- ed young musicians at the various ~ desks. Their playing has the zest and enthusiasm of youth that called forth an instant response from the large audience. There was nothing per- functory about their work and at the end of a spirited program, Mr. Dasch and the orchestra were given a verita- ble ovation. During the summer Mr. Dasch has performed herculean tasks of reor- ganizing entirely his group of sym- | phony players. After the intermission on Monday night the audience was in- formed that they were having the unique experience of listening to the first public concert of an entirely new and entirely independent symphony orchestra. Very few of the audience, however, could have had any idea of the courage with which Mr. Dasch and his able manager, Mr. Schulte, have overcome the thousand discourage- ments incident to such an undertaking. With this new group of able and loyal musicians Mr. Dasch expects to take his symphony music to many a com- munity where jazz and the movie have been without any competition. His is "a fine and a laudable ambition and he : started his season on Monday with - the good wishes of a thousand New . Trier people made manifest by the . heartiest applause. The audience of the Orchestral asso- ' ciation differs from any other audience in New Trier. There seems to be a © sense 'of personal loyalty to the asso- ciation which is made up of all those - who purchased season tickets. In the and the upper grades of the grammar school of the township listened to a program of about an hour's length. These afternoon programs are made possible by the co-operation of the music supervisor and the Orchestral association. As far as possible the pro- grams are analyzed in advance and are made the basis of true musical appre- ciation. It is very doubtful whether the parents of the township appreciate the opportunity which the children are given to acquire the real musical taste. In this respect New Trier is in line with the most advanced practice in a few of the finest schools of the coun- try. It was announced at the evening concert that some tickets had been subscribed for but not taken up and that they would be for sale by the chairmen in the four towns. An am- bitious program for the year has been planned and it is necessary that all tickets be sold in order to carry the program out in its entirety. Mrs. C. G. Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, Kenilworth, returned from her trip to the East on Wednesday. While in the East, Mrs. Burnham visited her sons, James and David, at Princeton, and Philip, at the Canterbury school in New Milford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham expect to leave soon for Chandler, Ariz., where they "will spend a few weeks. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Howe (Mar- garet Backus) were in an automobile accident while driving from Los Ange- les to Long Beach, Cal. The car in which they were driving overturned, and Mr. Howe broke his collarbone and Mrs. Howe escaped with minor injuries. Both are said to be recover- ing. --O-- B. C. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth ave- nue, left Saturday for his ranch in Wy- oming to be gone ten days. CONSTRUCTION. by endowment fund as follows: Each a Combination of Quiet Dignity and Restful Charm. ACACIA MAUSOLEUM Located in beautiful Acacia Park, Chicago, 7800 Irvine Park Blvd. A STATELY, MAGNIFICENT SEPULCHER OF INDESTRUCTIBLE GEORGIA WHITE MARBLE ON HEAVY REINFORCED CEMENT TIFFANY MEMCRIAL GLASS WINDOWS. Every Modern Convenience and Arrangement. Fittingly situated in the quiet, peaceful surrounding of ACACIA PARK CEMETERY Restricted to Masons and their Families--Now open for inspection. 1918 Irving Park Boulevard -- Telepkone Lake View 7102 CEDAR PARK CEMETERY Halsted at One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Street A beautiful, exclusive, resting place. Restricted and dedicated to Masons and their Families--Inspection Invited Sales Office, 6240 South Halsted Street -- Telephone Wentworth 3210 Maintenance and perpetual care of these properties are fully insured CEMET ERIS BY LAKE VIEW STATE BANK MAUSOLEUM BY UNION TRUST CO. EAA AAAS AA AAA AAR AAAS 252A ome new facts on where to live Evanston the ideal home location is midway between the lake and trans portation. Away from downtown, yet close to every activity, this is a fitting site for an apartment of distinction and unusual charm. Here, both outside and within, you will find a building suited to the home atmosphere of Evanston. Light streams in its windows across a quarter acre of garden. Cheery log fires will burn on the hearths of its four, five and six room apartments. In gleaming tile baths with overhead showers, in immaculate kitchens where incinerators and mechanical refrigeration aid in homemaking, in ample closets and beautiful appointments you will note a scrupulous attention to the things that make for comfortable living. You may spend an interesting half hour on a tour of inspection, arranged at your convenience. Three Rooms to Six Rooms EVANS Oh HINMAN AVENUE Corner of Davis Street Victor C. CARLSON ORGANIZATION Carlson Building, 636 Church Street, Evanston Renting Office: S. W. Corner Hinman and Davis « Greenleaf 500 Cricaco, Sheldrake 0500 Now ---ReNTI NGC 1 1 H i 1 ] ] i i 1 1 1 M [ 1 ] 1 1 1 : Sales Office--Mausoleum and Cemetery : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1} 1 1 1] 1 < rt -- SV EE A A AAS SAS AA AAA RAREST TL SL AN Se