October 23, 1926 WINNETKA TALK PSYCHOLOGY CLINIC BEGINS BIGGER YEAR Northwestern Clinic Treated Two Hundred Cases Last Year, Says Prof. Morgan Two hundred individuals were re- ceived and treated in the Northwestern university psychology clinic in the past vear, it is stated by Dr. John J. B. Morgan, a leading member of the staff, in a report sent to the office of Presi- dent Walter Dill Scott. That was the case with the north shore clinic open only one afternoon a week. This year, Prof. Morgan says, the clinic will be open both Tuesday and Thursday af- ternoons. But more than this, in order to make the work more effective, the Junior league of Evanston is to co-operate extensively with the clinic. The league has provided a worker for the clinic in the person of Miss Buck, recently of the Psychopathic hospital of Chi- cago, and she is to act this year as clinic visitor. "The league members are likewise donating the use of their cars to trans- port those who care to come to the clinic from their homes," reports Pro- fessor Morgan. "The different mem- bers also are helping in the actual con- duct of the clinic on two afternoons each week, at 1882 Sheridan road, the new home of the Northwestern psy- chological laboratory. "This clinic is putting into practice the most recent principles of mental hygiene and bids fair to become a vital factor in the mental health program of the north shore. "A large proportion of the individu- als who develop mental diseases, be- Winnetka State Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 11th day of October, 1926, as made to the Audi- tor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate (la)..$191,600.00 Loans on Collateral Security 17 DESMA SE Ar LARA 61,349.37 Other 'Toans (Ic)" .. ..... 5% 193,229.45 Overdrafts (CY =... 0... an 929.31 U. S. Government Invest- ments 23) TU ited 1,938.50 Other Bonds and Securities (A) SEER ARR 608,553.50 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) ...... .. ,000.00 Due from Banks, Cash and other Cash Resources (7, 89), deve. oii on 351,137.87 Total Resources ........ $1,444,738.00 LIABILITIES Capital Steck (1)... ui $ 50,000.00 Surplus (2)...ov vevavensnain 37,500.00 Undivided Profits (Net) (3). 42.271.77 Time Deposits (4a) ........ 494,101.53 Demand Deposits (4b) .... 803,996.97 Dividends Unpaid (5) 10.00 Reserve Accounts (6) ...... 16,857.73 Total Libilities ......... $1,444,738.00 I, Sanborn Hale, Cashier of the Winnetka State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be- lief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond to the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. SANBORN HALE, Cashier. County of Cook Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of October, 1926. FRED R. HAVILAND, (Seal) Notary. Public State of Illinois | come criminals, or fail to get along with other people, begin with minor mental difficulties. If such persons are helped in time and are trained to de- velop different attitudes toward life their progress toward a mental break can be checked. "The function of the clinic is to get people to come who have the first signs of failure to adjust properly and give them instructions that will keep them from falling into vicious mental habits. In this way it is hoped that the incidence of mental disease can be decreased. Rev. A. E. Rohrbach to Tell Church's Spiritual Calling The Rev. A. E. Rohrbach, of the First Scandinavian Evangelical church, 886 Elm street, Winnetka, will preach in English next Sunday evening, Octo- ber 24, on the subject, "The Spiritual Calling of the Church." The service will begin at 7:45 o'clock. Preceding the sermon, a vocal solo by Miss Mild- red Grant will be given. Mr. Rohr- bach, in announcing the service, says: "It has truly been said, 'It is as much a2 part of Christianity to know that Christ is in His church as to know that God is in Christ." ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs. William Andrews of 954 Linden avenue announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Violet G. to Leslie W. Richards, son of Mrs. K. P. Richards of 853 Grove street, Glen- coe. Sterling's old residents say that the first successful gasoline internal com- bustion engine was built in their city in the late seventies. An electrically operated shoe-shining stand and apparatus, the only device of its kind, is manufactured exclusively at Elgin. EUGENE L. RAY photographs are not alone a result of acquiring its best methods of craftsmanship but of studying the photographic tastes and needs of our patrons. For many years our clients have been guaranteed the satisfaction that makes a new portrait a pleasure. d wd Photographs in the Studio are as low as $6.00 per dozen. pubes Hoyburn Building 615 Davis Street For Appointment Call Univ. 2238 BEAUTY [lilmmmm WE DO AND GIVE THE BEST to insure real comfort and satisfactory results COMPLETE BEAUTY PARLOR SERVICE Phone Winn. 933 NCVRING The Comfort Shop Miss Jennie Anderson "Mrs. Chas. Stromgren' Meyer Bank Bldg. 797 Elm St. Winn. 933 CEES | | PHONE for this Ice Cream Our special this week end is Carmel Nut and Vanilla. Try us at solving your desert | problem. 50 cents for | a quart brick. Carmel Apples for Parties We Deliver Free of Charge Phone Winn. 2260 GRAY and GREEN EAT SHOP Doris Arnold, Mgr, 464 Winnetka Ave. Slush and Sleet Make Wet Feet . . . . but this can be remedied, bring your shoes to us. Let us rebuild them be- fore the bad weather sets in. The latest device permits us to re- sole women's shoe with nails or stitches. Ask us about this wonder- ful service. Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store R. Wagner 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 Command Us FOR SKILLED AND EXPERIENCED WORKMANSHIP Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing ONE DAY PRESSING SERVICE b "You will be charmed with results" Cea as as SS Sees a Elsie Le Comte 541 Chestnut St. Ph. Winnetka 410 Fo Lod 20d 4 PEPIN > ~ NE ore