CSE i ------------ § i i 5 J A RATT Gn WINNETKA TALK October 30, 1926 Bi News of the North Shore Clubs lai dane Addams on Open Meeting Program of the Winnetka Club On Tuesday, November 2, at 2:30 o'clock, Miss Jane Addams will speak before the Winnetka Woman's club. This meeting is not limited to members, but is open to all who care to attend. The program is in charge of the civics 'and philanthropy committee. Miss Addams' subject will be "Dub- lin, last July; Geneva, in September." The title may seem a bit cryptic to those who are uninitiated, but to those who know, it means that Miss Addams will have many interesting things to say about the World Congress of the Wo- man's International League for Peace and Freedom, which met in Dublin in July, and whose international president Miss Addams is. In her official capacity Miss Addams presided over these meetings at which were representatives of twenty-four countries. Miss Addams visited Gene- va in September, so brings the latest word from the League of Nations. The meeting at which Miss Addams is to speak is being arranged by the Winnetka Woman's club, in co-opera- tion with the Woman's International League for Peace and Freedom. Local Guilds at Work for St. Mary's Bazaar The third annual bazaar given for the benefit of St. Mary's Home for Children, which has the enthusiastic support of the entire Episcopal diocese of Chicago, will be held in the ballroom of the Palmer House, Thursday, No- vember 4. Mrs. I. K. Stover is representing the Associated guilds of St. Augustine's Episcopal church, for the bazaar, Mrs. Wyndham H. Channer is chairman of the committee from the Woman's guild of Christ church, Winnetka. The guilds of the Church of the Holy Com- forter in Kenilworth and the Church of St. Elisabeth in Glencoe are also represented. Select First Play by Community Drama Club "The Goose Hangs High," the first play of the season to be presented by the Community Drama club, will he given in Matz Hall at Community House November 10 and 11. It is a play of family life dealing with the problems of the so-called spoiled younger set, and shows how some young people would meet emergency. The play is a pleasant one with which to begin the year's activities. NOVELIST SPEAKS AT CLUB Frank Swinnerton addressed the Winnetka Friday Evening club, Wed- nesday evening, October 27, at the regular meeting of the club. Mr. Swinnerton spoke on "Authors, Their Friends and Critics." Mr. Swinner- ton is a well-known novelist, having ublished thirteen novels including "Nocturne," and "Young Felix." Dr. 'Harry Jackson of 1294 Asbury avenue is. president of the Friday Evening ~~ GARDEN CLUB HOSTESS . Mrs. Homer Horton of 343 Green 'Bay road, Glencoe, will entertain the 'members of the Glencoe Garden club, 'which will hold its November meeting, Sonday, November 1, at Mrs. Horton's home, at 2 o'clock. : Dr. Hubert L. Willett to Speak at Church Society At the meeting of the Woman's so- ciety of the Winnetka Congregational church, Wednesday, November 3, Dr. Hubert I. Willett, professor of oriental languages and literature in the Univer- sity of Chicago, will speak on "Pick and Spade in Bible Lands." The talk will immediately follow the luncheon. Many persons feel there is nothing from which one can obtain more of a thrill at present than from recent ex- cavations. They cast such new lights upon history, injecting so much of drama and romance. As Dr. Willett has but recently returned from the latest of his many trips to the Orient, he will bring the last word in these discoveries. The interest of the theme with so many discoveries being made daily, ad- ded to the well-known fact that Dr. Willett is a fascinating speaker, is ex- pected to bring a large attendance. The morning session will be de- voted to sewing and social inter- course. At 12 o'clock Mrs. John S. Montgomery will lead the devotions. Alexander Sebald Delights Audience at Woman's Club The music committee of the Winnet- ka Woman's club presented Alexander Sebald in a violin recital, Tuesday, October 26. Mrs. Everett I. Harris of the music committee introduced Mr. Sebald and his accompanist, Tony Abele. Mr. Sebald gave a purely classic program, displaying splendid technique and unusual knowledge of the tradi- tions of the classic writers. He included in his program a sonata by Schumann. two rather little-used Beethoven Romances, Opus 50, F Maior and Opus 40 B major, and delighted his audiences with his scholarly interpre- tation. He also played the well-known Brahms Sonata, Opus 100 A major, with great charm. Tony Abele at the piano showed real musicianship. After the program, tea was served, the hostesses were, Mrs. John H. Cad- mus, Mrs. Warren C. Agry, Mrs. George E. Frazer, Mrs. I. B. Connor and Mrs. G. S. Bailey Mr. Sebald, an eminent musician in Europe as well as America, was born in Budapest, and started his career as a civil engineer. Franz Liszt advised him to abandon the engineering and study music. He has been concert master in leading orchestras in Munich and Berlin, and has played under con- ductors well known in the musical world. Mahler Strauss, Dr. Carl Muck, Dr. Hans Richter, and Arthur Nick- isch. GARDEN CLUB MEETS The Kenilworth Home and Garden club held its October meeting in the home of Mrs. George R. Benson of 210 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth. Mrs. C. D. Ewer of 1111 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, who is president of the Wil- mette Garden club addressed the meet- ing with a delightful talk on *"Table Decorations," which she illustrated. GIVES LECTURE The North Shore Catholic Woman's league has announced the first of a series of book talks given by Mrs. An- thonv French Merrill on Fridav, Octo- ber 29, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Tohn Janette, 315 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. | Music Society Meets The second meeting this season of the North Shore Musical society was held October 25, at the home of Mrs. Fred B. Ahara, 735 Eighth street. The program of Russian-Polish character, was as follows: I. Biographies Ethel Flentye 2. None But the Lonely Heart.......... pe TIE TI SE BE Tschaixowsky The Nightingale and the Rose ........ Bas x Cat ve vs aides Sul Rimsky-Korsakow Over the Steppes ....... Grechaninov Mrs. A. H. Ruth 3. Humorésque ........cvrus Rachmaninoff Maiden's Wish .......... Chopin-Liszt Ragamuffin oo... coercive vases Ireland $."The Thme-of Parting .......... Hadley Song of India ...... Rimsky-Korsakow Song of the Shephers Lehl .......... Coed, Rimsky-Korsakow Mrs. Frances Evans 5. Shadow Dance .....MacDowell Hungarian Etude ......... MacDowell Mrs. George Orr 3. Orientale"V...ccovaresa chon Cesar Cui Poehy.:aiiv i tm. vd Zdenko Fibich MBRZUBKA.: ... idee csmres dons Wieniawski Mrs. Bertha Dubbs i. A Russian Folk Song...Rachmaninoff Floods of Spring ....... Rachmaninoff To the Suh... caer. vu. ess Curran Adelaide Jones 8; LeBenl i. un iiviiiviivg vis Wieniawski Mrs. Winifred Townsend Cree 4. Es Blinkt der Thau ...... Rubenstein A:Piper J. oiled Mihael Head In the Silence of the Night ...... is Ce rey 5 ae Sees Rachmanino Hopatk © vin aac Moussorgsky Mrs. Alvene Resseguie Group of Church Women Visit Neighborhood House A joint group of women representing the Woman's society of the Winnetka Congregational church, and the Glen- coe Union church spent the greater part of the day, Wednesday, October 27, at Onward Neighborhood House in Chicago. All members of the two organiza- tions were invited to go. The kinder- garten and Mother's club were visited, and tea was served by Miss Stewart, head worker at Onward. Mrs. E. Hubert Allen of 1405 Edge- wood lane, Winnetka, was in charge of transportation, and saw that every- one was provided for in reaching the house. MUSIC CLUB ENTERTAINS The Winnetka Music club is enter- taining guests next Monday afternoon, November 1, at the home of Mrs. Asa B. Cooley in Hubbard Woods. The program will be based on "Social dances of the past," "Mexi- can and Spanish dances," arranged by Mrs. Everett L. Harris. The members participating will be Mrs. Dwight Orcutt, pianist, Mrs. Asa Cooley, contralto, Mrs. Warner Robin- son, soprano, and Mrs. Mellen Martin, guest dancer, accompanied by Mrs. Pope, who is connected with the Adolph Bolm school of dancing in Chi- cago. SEW FOR SALE Mrs. Harry S. Marshall of 847 Grove street, Glencoe, will entertain the mem- bers of the Winnetka chapter, Order of Eastern Star, at her home, Tuesday, November 2, at 10 in the morning. The Eastern Star chapter is sewing for its apron and towel sale to he given No- vember 18, at the Winnetka Masonic "temple. Mrs. Gross T. Williams of the Speakers bureau of the Winnetka League of Women Voters, spoke at the Woman's Library club of Glen- coe, October 21, on "The Revenue Amendment." Library Club Will Be Tenth District Hostess November 4 The Tenth district, Illinois Federa- tion of Women' clubs, will meet with the Woman's Library club of Glencoe on Thursday, November 4, Mrs. Wil- liam F. Farrell, president, presiding. The morning session, which convenes at 10 o'clock, will be opened with greetings by Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, president of the Woman' Lisbrary club of Glencoe, and the response given by Mrs. William F. Farrell, president of the district. This being "District day," the de- partment chairmen of the district each will present her work in a twenty-five word talk. Mrs. Rufus C. Dawes, chairman of "International Relations" of the gen- eral federation, will be the speaker of the morning. Luncheon will be served by the hostess club and the afternoon session will be opened by an organ recital by Mrs. Dwight Orcutt of Glencoe. The address of the afternoon will be given by Horace J. Bridges, his sub- ject being, "The Art of Renewing One's Youth." Eastern Star Chapter Plans Visit to Home Winnetka chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is planning a trip to Rockford to visit the Eastern Star home, Friday. November 12. The announcement reads: "Will all members desiring to go, call Mrs. Anna Blake at Blake's Electric shop, Winnetka 318, and give their names, as we must know four days in advance that we may order the bus in time? "Will all donations be brought to the home of Mrs. Frank Anderson, 910 Spruce street, on the morning of Thursday, November 11, as all boxes will be packed and each woman at the home will be taken one of these boxes, and we want them all just alike." Early Xmas Shopping at Bazaar to Benefit Home One of the first bazaars of the season will be held at the home of Mrs. Frederick Rye, 1015 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, Thursday, November 4. Many beautiful handmade articles will be on sale, as well as homemade cakes and preserves. The sale will be held in the interest of the Presbyterian Old People's Home in Evanston. The notice reads: "Will you come and bring your friends and help us make it a success?" The bazaar will be open from 10 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. RECIPROCITY DAY AT CLUB On the afternoon of Tuesdav, No- vember 2. The Neighbors anticipate a very interesting program. Maestro Giorgo Polacco, conductor general of the Chicago Civic Opera company, will give a talk on grand opera, and Ma- dame Edith Mason, a soprano with the same company, will sing. The program will be given in observance of Reciprocity day. AT LEAGUE COUNCIL The Cook County council of the Illinois League of Women Voters met Tuesday, October 26, and discussed "Forest Preserve. Purchases." Win- netka women who attended the meet- ing included, Mrs. R. S. Childs, Mrs. Harry Lay, Mrs. W. P. Heyn and Mrs. J. N. VanderVries. al Re i aS