ry October 30, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 49 LENSKA MAGNIFICENT IN BENEFIT RECITAL Chicago Civic Opera Star Holds Audience Enthralled in | Winnetka Program BY:R. 1. P. Madame Augusta Lenska, contral- to of the Chicago Civic Opera com- pany, ally at her concert last Monday eve- ning at the Skokie school, Winnetka. The concert was given as a benefit for the Winnetka Nursery school, under the auspices of the Winnetka Wom- ans' club. Madame Lenska opened with an an- them by Bach, "My Heart Ever Faith- ful," and followed it by an aria from Handel's oratorio, "Samson." This aria is found in only the Chrysander edition of Handel's work, and one wonders why it has been omitted from other editions. Madame Lenska showed a strong feeling for its pathos and beauty, and one readily recognized the tremendous background necessary to execute this piece. The Mozart "Alleluja" was joyful and vigorous, like the preceding Bach. The second group talky, character song, "Elfenlied" which ended with several delightful "Ho-ho's." Both "Der Asra" by Loewe, and "Brangaenes Call from Tristan and [solde," by Wagner, brought out Ma- dame ILenska's remarkable breath con- trol in her pure, steady, sustained tones. Their perfect clearness and beauty were thrilling. "Habanera" from the opera "Carmen," was Madame [.enska's encore, sung in a teasing abandonment. began with a Displays Versatility The dramatic "My Land," by Gret- chaninoff, was sung excellently, as was the mournful "Willow--Why Bended Thou," by the same composer. One sensed the dreariness of the Steppes of Russia was in "Steppe," by Mossourgski, who was also the com- poser of the saucy "Hopak," which fol- lowed. Madame Ienska again was gracious enough to sing an encore, a plaintive melody. The last group was made up of folk songs, the first of which "Les Fetes Venitiennes" (Capra, 1660, 1744) was reminiscent of Bach A French song of 1703, "La Petite Janneton" was very sweet and naive; and the delicate Ivrical quality of "O Du Liebes En- gele," a Swiss folk song of 1548, was so beautifully done that the audience demanded to have it repeated. "Sally in Our Alley," (Henry Carey, 1685- 1745) completed the folk songs. The program ended with a sentimental "Song of the Heart" by Rosamund Johnson. In response to the continued Where the neighborhood housewife gets her bakery goods. Spe- cial attention to Party Orders Hubbard Woods BAKE SHOP 1077 Gage Street Tel. Winn. 1365 was received most enthusiastic- | applause of the audience, which re- fused to be dismissed just because the | program was ended, Madame Lenska | sang that exquisite Lullaby by 3rahms. Frank St. Leger did the ac- { companiment work for Madame Len- ska throughout the program in a mas- terly way. Expresses Gratitude Preceding the program, Carlton W. Washburne, superintendent of Winnet- | | ka schools, expressed his gratitude to | Madame Lenska, who was so gener- | ously giving her voice for the benefit of the Nursery school. He told of the need for a school where tiny tots of pre-school age might have a natural place in which to live, where they might climb and build and move around harmlessly. Here, he said, they learn the right habits of eating, sleeping, and cleanliness; and the workers deal with the four sides of growth, the mental, physical, emotional and the social. | "The child goes to the school after | a snack of orange juice in the morn- ing, and is returned after the after- noon nap. The mother is fresh then, the baby is happy, and they can have a real visit before bedtime. The nur- sery school is good training for the parents too, for it shows them how | their children are handled, and how they act with groups of other children, and whether their problems are normal or whether they require special atten- tion. It is the best place in the world for them to learn the important habits of independence, responsibility and | consideration for others." Perennials and Black Dirt Fertilizer and Shrubbery Landscaping Trimming Spraying Grading = LAKE SHORE GARDEN & HOME SERVICE N. Anderson, Prop. 1108 ASH STREET Phone Winnetka 456 | sumer by parcel post is the plan the | shipments of two or four dozen to eli- Eggs Fresh From Farm Is Plan of This Firm Fresh eggs sent direct to the con- Farmer's Marketing company uses to supply its customers. The organiza- tion is located in Iowa. An especially constructed container is used on small minate loss by breakage. The ship- ments come on open account. The Wilmette and Winnetka Wom- an's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of Mrs. W. S. Hamm, 270 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods Monday afternoon, November 1, at 2 o'clock. Reports from interest- ing speakers will be heard. --STARTING MONDAY-- Continuous 1:30 to 11 P. M. MUSIC STUDIOS VILLAGE THEATRE BUILDING 1150 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette Miss Maysi, Berry Violin Class Mgr. and Mgrs. Dgss Piano and Harmony For appointment phone Wabash 7120 AVE you been waiting for just the right occasion to have a new Photograph made? What better time than this Christmas season, to express your love and friend- ship with a Portrait of yourself. 02 Hoyburn Building For Appointment 615 Davis Street Call Univ. 2238 You Will Too--If cost. | CSE Your Neighbor Has His Car Greased Here Regularly We Once Grease Yours A Special Service Supplements our Expert Greasing. We call for and Deliver your car at no additional 1428 Sheridan Road, just South of "The Cottage" Stephen Shimonek Jr. 188 Proof ALCOHOL for Your Radiator We have this alcohol here in bulk, so that we can put it in your radi- ator right here at the station--and also carry it in 1 gallon and 5 gal- lon cans. Just phone us Wilmette 3379 Distributor GASOLINE AND OILS