--------_------ November 6, 1926 WINNETKA TALK DR. H. F. RALL HERE Pleads at Woman's Society for Revis- ion of Our Ideals of Democracy Through Patience and Faith The Woman's society of the Congre- gational church met Wednesday, No- vember 3, at 10 o'clock. The morning was devoted to business, important sewing and friendship. At 12, Mrs. John R. Montgomery led the devo- tions. At the luncheon table the announce- ment was made by Dr. Richards of the birth of twin children to Mr. and Mrs Thomas Goodwin, an announcement joyously received by their host of friends. Mrs. Wiley Huddle, president of the society, then turned the meeting ove: to Mrs. Paul Hutchinson, chairman of the program committee. Word had come that morning, said Mrs. Hutch: inson, of the sudden illness with pnev- monia, of the speaker of the day, Di Hubert Willett of the University of Chicago. To the relief of his friends it was stated that the case is as yet a light one. All were delighted to see that the man to whom Mrs. Hutchinson had turned, in her need, for the addres of the day, was Dr. Harris Franklin Rall, dean of systematic theology in Garrett Biblical institute. Dr. Rall so greatly impressed and endeared him- self to those who attended his lec- tures at the Congregational church last spring, that an opportunity to hear him was greatly appreciated. Dr. Rall's choice of subject was "One of the Advantages of Coming at a Moments's Notice," as had he, said Dr. Rall, and he thought his remarks should be called, "The Morning After." It should be a good time for medita- tion, although it seldom was. Dr. Rall made of the subject a fine plea for an examination and revision of our ideals of democracy. "The' war," "said Dr." Rall," had brought disillusionment as to many of these ideals, but did democracy really suffer a set back?" At that time the nations of the world had received a glimpse of a great ideal and such a glimpse could not be perman- ently lost. "Why scrap democracy because a few liberals have grown weary and reactionaries are to the fore?" Dr. Rall examined various in- stitutions in the light of a Christian democracy, warning us that politic»! stitutions are only an expression of the application, or as elsewhere phrased, "I'he length and shadow of the man." In other words, we, the people, have need of much education in this line. , "Humanity alone is sacred," said Dr Rall, "not things or vested rights. Nor is one strain of humanity alone sacred For humanity, Christian democracy de mands first: justice, not only what i earned, not that awarded to the strong man according to his strength, bu' Tustice for all, second, Freedom, and third peace. "To accomplish this, faith is neces- sary. What alternative is there tc democracy? Would we consider hered itary monarchy or aristocracy of birt! or wealth? Patience is also needed Problems are not settled in a day by + law. Lincoln maintained firmly that ir the end the people would do the right In spite of the futilities and puerilities and the witchery of slogan and sym bol, we too must have faith and pa- tience. We must educate ourselves. the people, remembering that as his- tory goes, democracy is very young A new humanity cannot be grown in a day and we are at the dawn." LET'S FINISH THE MEMORIAL FUND BY ARMISTICE DAY! MORNING-- School. Austin Richards, AFTERNOON-- for baptism. EVENING-- 8:00 Evening worship. MORNING-- 9:30 Kindergarten, Primary, 7th, 8th and High School grades of the Church School, the Men's Class, the Woman's Bible Class. 11:00 The Young Men's Class. 10:15 The 4th, 5th and 6th grades of the Church 11:00 Morning Worship, Sermon by Rev. James "A Winnetka Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 3:30 A service when children may be presented 6:00 Winnetka Sunday Evening Club. 7:00 Young People's Club. A. Goodwin. "What Is Christian Patriotism?" Tuesday, November 9th 10:00 in the Neighborhood Room of Community House, lecture by Mr. \ Congregational Church Sunday, November 7, 1926 : Revival." Sermon by Rev. Thomas Richard on the Gospel of John. Subject, "Jesus, Our Victorious Life." ] . Community invited. Wednesday, November 10th EVENING-- 8:15 in the Parish House of Christ Church, lee- ture by Dr. Carl S. Patton, "What Is a Church For?" bearing on the topic, "The Old Gospel in the New Times." All are invited. A State Bank You Can Make Success a Habit F YOU resolve always to finish every job you start you can make success a habit. These words were spoken by a man who profitably practiced his own advice. Never is this more true than in the case of saving money. Decide what you want, what it will cost--then "finish the job." Success is inevit- able. You will find this a most helpful Bank Banking Hours eight to three; Saturdays eight to 12:30 Monday evenings seven to eight WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK