November 6, 1926 WINNETKA TALK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices-- Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates-- 30 cents a line in all three papers. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE, 50 cents. 10 discount on all eash with order advertisements *vhen brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave.,, Wihimette, or 564 Lincoln Ave.,, Winnetka. : wr Classified advertisements will be accepted Deadline for Inser tIONS--y), 10 Wednesday 5 p. m. for the WIL- METTE LIFE or ah three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 2 BOOKS ila SCHOOLS AND TUTORING NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL USED books. Write for a call. Minerva Books, 5310 University Ave. Ch cago. 2TN4-2tp "w BuiLuvinu AND CARFENIRY WM. OTTEN Mason Contractor County Line Rd. Tel, Highland Park 899-Y-4. 3LTNé-tfe LOANS WE MAKE SECOND MORTGAGES ON improved property and first mortgages on good vacant. F - J. Budinger & Co. 7 Wilmette Ave. Opp. Village Hall Phones Wilmette 1750 and 363 EE EP PAINTING AND DECORATING THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO DO YOUR Decorating. Let me give you an e€s- timate. I am sure I can save you money. Best Ref. E. M. Brandt. Glen. 971. TTN35-tfc | PETS PUPS FOR SALE CHAMPION BRED STOCK OF THE following : CHOW CHOWS ST, BERNARDS WIRE HAIRED FOX TERRIERS See these strong, healthy pups. RIVERSIDE KENNELS Six miles west of Highland Park and 1 mile East of Half Day on Route 22. Phone Libertyville 606W2. SLTN6-1tp FOR SALE -- TO THE DISCRIMINAT- ing. Toy Boston pup. Show specimen Father champion, $75. Tel. Winn. 698-W. SLTNG6-1te FOR SALE -- WIRE HAIRED FOX terrier, nice disposition. One and one- half years old. Reasonable. Glen. 1035. 8TN35-1te FOR SALE -- FEMALE CHOW, YEAR old. Very reasonable for good home. Pedigreed. Tel. Winn. 1037. 8T35-1te Eleanor B. Sherman TEACHER OF PIANO For advanced pupils and beginners STUDIO: 1159 WILMETTE AVE. Scholarship of half tuition to talented pupils 'Write for circular 10aL TN 4-4tc 11 PERSONAL WANTED REFINED LADY share a home and small cottage TO in Glencoe. Protestant preferred. Board optional. Glencoe 1161. 11LT6-1te 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BOY'S GLASSES, SHELL rim, gold temples, in green box marked Fred Steul. Return to 426 Maple Ave. or phone Winnetka 2021. Reward. 12T35-1te LOST -- LADIES' WHITE GOLD wrist watch. Possibly in grass near walk, Oak or Berkely. Finder Tel. Mrs. Belote, Winn. 561-J. 12T35-1tp LOST THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, during the afternoon, grey great dane. About 4 months old. No collar. N. W. part of Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1021. 12-T35-1te LOST -- BOY'S BROWN LEATHER jacket. Reward. 531 Prospect, Lake Bluff, Ill. Lake Bluff 1399. 12TN35-1te LOST CHILD'S HORN-RIMMED eyeglasses, on Gage St.. Oct. 29. Re- ward. Tel. Winn. 1004. Mrs. Helm. 3 12T35-1te LOST -- BAG OF TOOLS. IN WIN- netka. Sat., Oct. 30. Reward. Tel. Win- netka 1030. 12T35-1tp 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 SITUATION WTD.--MALE HELP, WANTED COMPETENT white maid for general work. No wash- ing. Good wages. 337 Sheridan road. Winnetka 2170. 13T35-1te HELP WANTED -- GENERAL MAID for cooking and downstairs work. Home nights. Call Winn. 2307. 12TN35-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. Refs. 2 in family. Good wages. Tel. Winn. 2151. 13T25-1tn HELP WANTED -- GENERAT. HOUSE- work girl. Gond cook, family 3, $20. No laundry. Near trans. Winn. 176. 13T35-1te WANTED --- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework, sm~1l family. no laun- dry, good wages. Glencoe 836. 13TN35-1te WANTED -- WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER for general housework, wido™er and daughter. Phone Winnetka 2589. 13LTN6-1tc WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; no washing. 415 Essex Rd. Phone Kenilworth 3224. 13LTN6-1tc HELP WANTED -- GTRT, FOR GEN- eral housework. 514 Willow Rd. Tel Winn. 2444, 13LTN6-1tp HELP WANTED -- RELIABLE WHITE girl for general housework. Tel. Winn. 521-WX. 13LTN6-1tn HELP WANTED -- MOTHER'S HET.P- er. White. 1280 Scott Ave., Winnnatka, 13TN35-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call Glencoe 837. 13TN35-1te SITUATION WTD. -- YOUNG MAN, 18 years of age, high school graduate, wishes to find work along the north shore. Experienced in grocery, drug and office work. Can drive a car and use typewriter. Very willing and re- liable. Best of references furnished. Phone Winnetka 2260. George Good- rich. 17LTN6-1tp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS WORK by the day, general yard or house- work ; painting or odd jobs. M. Michael, 970 Green Bay Rd. Glencoe. 17T35-1te EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS TO take care of furnaces, overhaul flower beds, take down trees and do cement work. Lewis Pantle. Phone Winn. 1813. 17T35-1tp SITUATION WTD.--PRIVATE CHAUF- feur. 6 yrs. experience. Winn. Refs. Tel. University 3261-J. 17TN-35-1te -- CHAUFFEUR experience. 17TN35-1tp POSITION TAKING CARE OF FUR- nace in private family. Phone Green- leaf 2047. 2002 Emerson St., Evanston. 17L/TN6-1tp SITUATION WTD. wishes position. 5 years' Ref. Call University 6227. SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED man wants furnace and housework. Tel. Wil. 3233. 17LT6-1te HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- ing floor wiping, and odd jobs. Tel Wumette 3428. 17TLTNé6-tfe SITUATION WTD. -- WHITE CHAUF- feur and houseman. Refs. Phone Winn. 1271. 177, TN4&-1tp a ------ 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS 1 HELP WANTED--MALE HELP WANTED GARDENER FOR ? days a week, heginning next sorine Mwnst he real gardener and prefer one vith other cvstomers in Glencoe. 540 'Washington. Phone Glencoe 5? 14LTN6-1tc WANTED -- EXPERT CHAUFFEUR with best of references, Will poy high waees to right man. Phone FJ. Rare. bach. Winn. 25, or call at 30 Tndian Hill Road, Winnetka. 14T35-1te WANTED -- GROCERY CLERK. EX- nerienced. Well recommended. A. S VanDeusen. Wilmette. Phone Wil =10 TAT TNR 140 15 HELP WTD.--MALE AND FEMALE NEEDS RELIABT.E COTIPLE. COOK and housemon. Wife must be good plain cook. References required. Good waees, Tel. Winn, 491. 15TN"5-1te LOST -- TUES. NIGHT. GERMAN PO- lice pup. Ans. to name of Fritz. Re- ward. Tel. Winn. 2749. 12TN35-1te 3 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- REFINED WHITE GIRL or woman who likes children. General housework with or without laundry. Permanent pleasant home. Experience WANTED -- A PEDIGREED DOG, housebroken, for pet. Will give excel- lent home. Call Winn. 964. 8TN35-1tc FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED Boston terrier. 1 year old. Phone Winnetka 1971. fT TN&R-1 0 9 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING SEWING MACHINES REPAIRING ALL MAKES Work Guaranteed We will make your old machine as good as new. 20 Prouty Annex Ph. Winnetka 978 SLTN6-1tp A. VICKERY 906 Linden Ave. Phone 126 BICYCLE REPAIRING Best Rebuilt and New Bicycles for sale. Also at Residence 572 Center St. Phone 2727 9T35-tfc THE TRIM SHOP LOCKSMITH & AUTO GLASS SIDE CURTAINS REPAIRED 20 PROUTY ANNEX WINN 978 9T35-tfc SCHOOLS AND TUTORING REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER Children brought up to grade. Children taught how to study. Phone Kenilworth 248, 10ALTNG6-4tp 10a unnec ry. Winnetka 1028. 13LTN6-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED NURSE. white, to care for boy 5 and girl 18 months, and assist with housework. References required. Winn. 1244, 471 Hawthorne Lane. WANTED -- YOUNG LADY FOR GEN- eral office work in business office at Winnetka. See Mr. Petry, Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 725-12th St., Wilmette. 13T35-1te 13TN35-1te |. 16 WTD.--~FEMALE SITITATTON WTD. COMPETENT girl will go out by the day or week for table serving. cleaning. mendine caretaking, or snbstitute for second maid. Address Winnetka Talk R-116, SITUATION FOR RENT -- CONNECTING ROOMS. Can be used in suite or singly. With or without breakfast privileges. Near transportation. Refs. required. Tel. Winn. 1525. 21LTNG6-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH CLOSED in gleeping porch, 2 closets, suitable for 2 or 3. Gentlemen preferred, Tel. Winn. 2336. 910 Elm St., Winnetka. 21T35-1te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keep'ng and sleeping rooms, 1/2 block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 21TN35-tfe FOR RENT -- ONE ROOM WITH double bed. Near Kenilworth station. Address Wilmette Life B-115. 21T35-1tp CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080 21LTé-tfe TWO ROOMS WITH RUNNING WA- ter, 2 blocks from North Shore line. Wil. 3738. 21LTN6-1tc FOR RENT -- 2 DESIRABLE FRONT rooms, single or suite. East Side. Tel Wil. 1940. 21LT6-1tc 16T35-1t» | DELIGHTFUL BACHELOR ROOMS, central location. Phone Wilmette 2399, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER oF 21LTNG6-tfe French desires position as traveline companion or governess on winter | FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 1ST cruise. Wilmette Life B-112. class room. Near trans. Ph. Winn. 2022. 16LTN6-1tn 21T35-2tp SITUATION WTD, -- EXPERIENCED | FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM nursemaid, Will assist with housework near Elm St., station. Tel. Winn. 1921. and mending. Refs. Tel. Winn. 2472, 21T35-1te 16TN35-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM AND KITCHEN. SITITATTON WTD. -- WANT DAY | 410 Provident Ave. Tel. Winn. 557-R. work hv man aw» wamw~= "xparienced. 21T35-1tp Ref. Phone Glencoe 321-M., 16TN35-1te HELP WANTED -- NEEDLEWORK & handwork. First class. Shop opening ahout Nov. 5. Consignment basis. References given. Address Talk B-111. 13LTN6-1tp WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework ; small family: good wages. New home, own room and bath. Phone Glencoe 560. 266 Greenwood Ave. 13LTN6-1tc WHITE GIRL TO DO housework; 4 in family; good home and good wages to right partv. Tel Winn. 2657. 13LTN6-1te WANTED -- GTRL GENERAL HOUSE- work. 471 Woodlawn Ave. Glencoe 467. 13LTN6-1te EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, FULL time, apply Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce. 13LTN6-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED NURSE , for 3 small children, Call Glencoe 391. WANTED -- 13LTN6-1tc SITTTATTON WTD. -- CARY OF CHTL- dren. Wonld trovel, Can give best ref. Mrs. Wait. Sheldrake 2778. 16TN35-1tp FOR RENT -- 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. near transportation. Call Winn. 234. 21T35-1te ROOM FOR RENT -- BUSINESS MAN or woman. Winn. 589. 21T35-1te SITTTATTON WTD. -- EXPRRIENCED colored maid with ref. wonld like gen- eral or second work. Tel. Univ. 2252-R, 16T35-1tp ROOM FOR RENT -- 552 BURR ST, Winn, 2204, 21T35-1te be J FOR RENT--APARTMENTS WANTED -- WASHING TO TAKE home Will call and deliver, References, Tel. Wilmette 1391. 16T35-3tp WANTED DRESSMAK'NG AND plain sewing hy the day. Gond refar- ences. Greenleaf 1142, 16LT6-1te WASHING IRONY™G OR CLWANING hv the day. References. Greenleaf 1142. 16LT6-1te SITTTATTION WTD. -- TAKR® CARRE OF children evenings. Tel. Winn. 5i7-R. 18T35-1tp | WANTED -- WASHING TARR home. Phone Wil. 2130. 16LT6-1tc FOR RENT -- 4 ROOM FLAT. 840 Center St., Winnetka. $70. per month. Call Wil, 98% 907 TNTR-Tte FOR RENT--HOUSES IN KENILWORTH FOR RENT -- 9 ROOM HOUSE TO reliable party from January to April Will make atvwactive rental to right party. gentiles only. Four bedrooms 1 maid's room, 3 baths, 1 lavatory, sleeping vorch, living room, dining room and large sun room. Wilmette Life B-107. 24LTN6-1tc 21 (More Want Ads on Page 56)