ode ME aa Tt lh NP ul Gd hank Sain l sl Jets a aden de ch dowd dos WINNETKA TALK December 11, 1926 > 2, % " NN Ce \ aa A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR SHOP- PING LIST Cigars Candy Stationery Clocks Watches Fountain Pens Automatic Pencils Kodaks Motion Picture Kodak Imported and Domestic Toilet Sets Perfume Atomizers Purchases will be packed and wrapped for shipment if desired. PH The n LEE Says: BACK again--we saw it WELL, the old slogan's LAST night,-- "Do Your CHRISTMAS Shopping EARLY!" but so far as this STORE is concerned, we're NOT going to harp on that SUBJECT this season YOU know Christmas is COMING and you know YOU'RE going to buy SOME Christmas gifts-- "2 SO we're just going to OFFER a little suggestion THAT we know you'll THANK us for later-- COME into our store RIGHT away, select any ONE of the hundreds of BEAUTIFUL and practical GIFTS you'll find here, HAVE it laid aside for YOU, in that way you'll GET first choice and YOU'LL never miss the * TIME--If that isn't a GOOD idea, we never HEARD of one. ADAMS ARMACY exall Sire Frank L. Tucker Named Leader of I. 0. O.F. Lodge (By A. H. H.) A. T. Sherman lodge, No. 892, In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows, held its semy-annual election of officers, at its meeting Thursday, December 2, for the ensuing term, which begins Jan- uary 1, 1927. Frank IL. Tucker, vice grand, was elected to succeed Arthur Lips, the present noble grand. William J. Cun- ningham was promoted from chaplain to vice grand. Henry W. Lange was unanimously retained as treasurer, and Homer G. Cazel, as recording secre- tary, and Charles Knobel, as financial secretary. The following members were elected trustees: William C. Kurz, R. F. Crunie, W. L. Rogers, Henry H. Abegg, and Alex Knobel. The officers-elect will be January 6. Builders Will Install Officers Next Monday New Trier Chapter No. 94 of the Order of the Builders will hold a pub- lic installation of officers at the new Wilmette Masonic temple, Monday evening, December 13, at 8 o'clock. These public installations are the only opportunity afforded the public to learn something of the purpose of the Order and the mothers of the members of the chapter are especially urged to attend. Following the ceremonies refresh- ments will be served. installed The Home and Garden club met with Mrs. Harry Vissering, 257 Kenilworth avenue, Monday, December 6. Mrs. Lutwicki spoke to the women on "Rus- sian Interiors and Customs." £0 When you want something different, something home- made in Baked Goods try the Yillage Home Bakery 730 Elm Street Vet Thanks Women for Remembering Disabled Soldiers As a result of the sale held Novem- ber 30 at the home of Mrs. Joseph Joyce of 531 Essex road, Kenilworth, one of the wounded veterans for whom the sale was promoted, wrote the fol- lowing thanks. The name of this man and any others may be had upon re- quest from Mrs. Joyce, it is said. My Respects to One Who Makes Life Happier for Disabled Veterans at Great Lakes Hospital-- The other day sitting in silence in my chair Thinking of my boyhood days and Mother Dear, Then all at once my thoughts reverted home, young back, To where I were, and why, at that. It seemed everything wrong, nothing right, I only accepted that, as. a matter in my fight, My attention was attracted just then, By the presence of three women. They stopped at a bed, at right entrance of door, It was McCartney, they had met before, Then to my bed came one of the ladies, Of course up out my chair I made a hoist. After a few words and cordial greetings, Mrs. Joyce, says is there anything you are needing? I was badly in need, that's a fact, I tried to talk without admitting that. As we talked this, and that, I admitted I need, suit of clothes, over- coat, and hat, These she brought forward, just my size, Now how they are cherished as an ex- cellent prize. Honestly I've never been positioned this way before, But War Service caused that knock at my door, Your kindness I'll never forget, Your visit brings joy to all of us boys. Please accept my good thoughts, as best you can, Such hospitality of kindness should make good men, I spend no thoughts of heaven and hell, But wish good people, like you, could with us always dwell. Rogers Park Methodist Church Offers "Messiah" An event of interest to many north shore residents this, season will be the "Messiah," given twicé at the Rogers Park Methodist church, Greenleaf and Ashland avenues, Chicago, Sunday af- ternoon, December 19, at 4; and Sun- day January 2, at 4. The soloists, well known to concert-goers, will be as follows: Grace Holverscheld, sopranc; December 19; Monica Graham Stults, soprano, January 2; Frederica Ger- hardt Downing, contralto, both dates; Eugene Dressler, tenor, both dates; William Phillips, bass, December 19; Rollin Pease, bass, January 2. The leader will be Noble Cain, organist and conductor, formerly organist at the Wilmette Congregational church, a ddd di ddd adiziaziiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimdiddddddddd Ff 568 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka Announces a Complete Line of Hand Bags--Evening Bags-- Imported Flowers For Your Christmas Selection dd PR 7 Pd dvd rdedadeddddddddd 2 i ddd ddd Clearance Sale Afternoon Frocks -- Dinner Gowns -- Sports Clothes PLIST SL SSLSISLL SS SLSLLLS SSIS SEIS SSL SS SSIS SSSSLSSS SSS SSS S SSS SSS LASS SSSA SSSA S17