Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 11 Dec 1926, p. 64

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December 11, 1926 LK Ho -" a == 63 ------ | General Notic NEWS Average of five_words to the line. CLASSIFIED ' ADVERTISEMENTS . Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE 15 cents a line In one paper. .25 cents a line in any two papers. Rates--3¢ cents a ins in all three papers. No black face type used. all eash with order advertisements =vhen brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. * . god Classified advertisements will be accepted Deadline for Insertions--, to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the WII~ METTE LIFE or alr three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. SA nye a MINIMUM CHARGE, 50 cents. 109 discount on 13 HELP WANTED--FEMA LE 2 BOOKS FOR SALE -- COMPLETE SET "JOUR- ney Through Bookland." Perfect con- dition, very reasonable. Winn 2221. 2LTN11-1te 3 BUILDING & CARPENTRY WM. OTTEN Mason Contractor County Line Rd. Tel. Highland Park 899-Y-4. 3LTN11-tfe 6 LOANS WANTED -- RELIABLE WHITE GIRL as mother's helper. Home nights. Fx- perience unnecessary. Tel. Winn. 2814, or call at 446 Provident Ave. 13TN40-1te HELP WTD. -- GOOD COOK FOR GEN- eral housework. No laundry. $20 a week. 180 Linden St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 2661. 13LTN11-1te WANTED -- SCHOOL GIRL TO TAKE care of children two afternoons a week and Saturday. Winn. 2058. 13TN40-1te WANTED $18,000 ON FIRST MORT- gage, secured with north shore im- proved property, $40,000 worth. No middleman wanted. Wilmette Life B- 147. 6LTN11-1te 7 PAINTING AND DECORATING THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO DO YOUR Decorating. Let me give you an es- timate. I am sure I can save you money. Best Ref. E. M. Brandt. Glen- coe 971. TTN40-tfc SITUATION WTD.--PAINTING, CALCI- mining, paper hanging, floor waxing, and odd jobs done at reasonable prices. Tel. Winn. 2783. TTN37-4tp s PETS IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Beautiful Pedigreed Pekinese Pups, solid colors of imported stock. Univ. 2848-J. SLTNI11-1te FOR SALE -- ENGLISH BULLDOG puppies. Best of bloodlines. Glencoe 854. 8TN49-1te 9 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING THE TRIM SHOP LOCKSMITH & AUTO GLASS SIDE CURTAINS REPAIRED WANTED -- STUDENT TO TUTOR AN- other in first year French and first vear Latin. Tel. Glencoe 464. - 10ALTN11-1te 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- POLICE PUPPY, ANSWERS to name of "Buck." Bunch on right Please phone Kenil. 2212. 12LTNI11-1tp leg. 20 PROUTY ANNEX WINN. 978 9TN40-tfc 0A SCHOOLS AND TUTORING FRENCH --MADAME FANCHON AN- nounces that she will take pupils in conversational French. Phone Win- netka 544. 10ATN40-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid, cooking and downstairs work. Winn. 1133. 13TN40-1te GIRL TO CARE FOR CHILDREN 3:30 to 6:30 afternoons. Call Winn, 1474. 13TN40-1te WANTED -- MAID GENERAL HOUSE- work, 6 room bungalow; sleep out. Glencoe 1169. 13TN40-1tp WANTED -- WHITE GIRL; 3 IN FAM- ily, general housework. 119-6th St, Tel. Wil. 3472. 13T40-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE couple, . cook, housework, chauffeur and gardener. Call Wil. 771. 13LTN11-1te WANTED COMPETENT WHITE maid for general housework, 4 in fam- ily, good wages. Wil. 853. 13LT11-1te 14 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN ONE OF THE BEST KNOWN AND most active real estate firms dealing only in high grade property from Ev- anston to Lake Forest and in country estates in and around Barrington has an opening for a man of some sales ex- perience residing on the North Shore. We have offices both in Winnetka and Chicago. Excellent opportunity and permanent connection for high grade man. Our employees know of this ad- vertisement. Winnetka Talk B-141, a ps 14LTN11-1te 16 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE POSITION WTD. -- NURSE TO CON- valescent, excellent reader, correspon- dént. Useful companion by elderly lady, cheerful, trustworthy, an experi- enced housekeeper, economical manager, good cook, no laundry. Mrs. Acker- man, Route No. 9, Rockford, TIL 16TN40-1tp NURSE -- PRACTICAL WILL CARE for nervous, mental, semi-invalid. Will travel. Wilmette Life B-149. 16LTN11-1tp WINNETKA T i ---- I --__-- SITUATION WTD.--~FEMALE nt met + a ---- : er id FOR RENT--ROOMS LET A MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. . 16TN40-tfe FOR RENT -- DOUBLE ROOM IN private family. One block from trans. Phone: Winn. 2725. 21LTN11-1tp WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE FOR RENT -- 2 FURNISHED ROOMS Phone Glen, 73. 17L/TN11-1tc STUDENT WANTS * ROOM IN EX- change for services. Experienced ; home work, furnaces, clerical, tutoring. Please address Wilmette Life B-145. 17LT11-1tp SITUATION WTD. --EXP. MAN, WORK by day. General housework or cater- ing. Floor polishing and window wash- ing a specialty. Tel. Douglas 8957. 17TTN40-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- GENERAL WORK of any kind. Some experience in elec- trical work. 30 yrs. old. Tel. High- land Park 1708. 17T40-2tp WINDOW WASHING, TAKING DOWN trees, cutting up wood by machine. Ph, Glencoe 1186. Please call evenings. 17TN40-3te dinners. References. home. Will call for and deliver. Call in business district. Call Winn. 2372. Winnetka 2783. 16TN39-4tp ' 21T40-1tp TTT _ ------ | FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE ROOM, i SITUATION WrD-~MALE near transportaton, gentleman pre- SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED | ferred. Winn. 898. 21T40-1tc man will ¢lean your home from base- wr rach ment to attié, wash windows. Can serve | FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, Gentleman preferred. private family. 21T40-tfc Phone Winn. 1686. FOR RENT -- WARM, COMFORTABLE room for 2.. Single beds. 419 Chest- nut .St.. Tel. Winn. 650-R. ~ 21T40-1tc DELIGHTFUL BASHELOR ROOMS, central location. Phone Wilmette 2399. 21LTN11-tfe 22 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- LARGE FOUR ROO flat, near transportation. 840 Center St. Winnetka. Phone 265. 34LTN11-tfe FOR RENT -- 3 ROOM FLAT, LARGE porch and garage $25.00. 928 Elm St., Mrs. Woolseafer. 22L.T11-1te FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM FLAT, FUR- nace heat. 931 12th St. Wil. 3388. 22LT11-1te EXPERIENCED MAN TO TAKE CARE of furnaces, do housework, paint screens and repair them. Tel. Win- netka 1813. 17T40-1te SITUATION WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR, 10 vears experience. Address Winnetka Talk B-138. 17TLTN10-2te SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. MAN, FUR- nace, housework. Tel. Wilmette 3233. 17LT11-1tp COLORED YOUNG MAN WANTS position as chauffeur. Ref. Call eve- nings. Greenleaf 1142. 17TLTNI11-1te YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS chauffeur. Well experienced. Wilmette Life B-146. 17LTN11-1tp 18 SITUATION WANTED-- MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WTD. RELIABLE couple wishes housework. Man good houseman, butler, and can drive any make of car. Woman good cook, also housework. Call Highland Park 813-W, and leave message, or write Edward Williams, 136 N. 1st St., Highland Park. 18LTN11-1te SITUATION WTD. -- MAN & WIFE, colored. Both good cooks. Houseman and chauffeur. Refs. Jenkins. Green- leaf 2194. 18LTN11-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- COUPLE WISHES to go away with family. Man good houseman, butler and. can drive any make of car. Woman good cook, also housework. Call Highland Park 813-W, and leave message, or write Edward Williams, 136 N. 1st St., Highland Park. 18LTN11-1te 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- NICE, LARGE, FRONT, airy room in private family. Call eve- nings between 6 and 7. Gentlemen only. 420 Linden Ave., Winn. Tel. Winn. 775. 21LTI11-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM with private bath and entrance. Suit- able for 1 or 2. Garage if desired. Conv. to all trans. Tel. Winn. 1878. 21LTN11-1tc LOST--WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8, IRISH Terrier. Answering to name of Jerry. Reward. Tel. Winnetka 151. 12T40-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. LAUN- dress, Thurs. & Fri. Best Refs. $5 and carfare. F. Abernathor. Tel. Douglas 3538. 16LT11-1tp CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 21LT11-tfé LOST -- MONDAY, ONE SQUARE CUT steel buckle, between Post Office and SITUATION WTD. -- GIRL, COLORED, exp., cooking & 1st floor. J. Gray, Ev- FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room. Lady or married couple, kitchen day morning, between 812 Ash St. and Linden Ave. Winn. 584. 12T40-1tc -------- -- -- 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WHITE GIRL GENERAL housework, immediately after Christ- mas; family 2 adults, 2 children and nurse. Good wages. Winn. 2072. 13LTNI11-1te WANTED -- WHITE, GTRL FOR GEN- eral housework, all or part time, to go home nights. Tel. Kenil. 3788. - 13LTN11-1te WANTED WHITE WOMAN OR girl, general housework, experience not 'necessary. Call Wil. 2704 before 11 a. m. . 13LTN11-1te nurse and help with housework. Mas- seuse. Best Refs. Tel. Wilmette 1080. 16LTN11-1tp Winnetka State Bank. Reward. Win- anston. Tel. University 10257. privileges if desired. Protestant. Glen- netka 962. 12T40-1te 16TN40-1tc| coe 976. 21LTN11-1te T,0ST-- PAIR OF GLASSES, WEDNES- |SITUATION WTD. -- PRACTICAL [FOR RENT -- FURN. ROOM AND 470 Provident 21T40-1tp board. Girl preferred. Ave. Tel. Winn. 952. WILL DO FAMILY WASHING AT MY own home. Mrs. Susie Thomas, 425 Madison Ave., Glencoe 438. 16TN40-2te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping rooms, 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 21TN40-tfe COLORED WOMAN WANTS WORK half day, or by the hour. Phone Uni- versity 3479JX. 16T40-1tp WHITE WOMAN WISHES WASHING, ironing, cleaning by the day. Call eve- ning, Wil. 3315 16LT11-1tp FOR RENT -- NICE FRONT ROOM, private entrance $5.00. 1419 Central Ave. Wil. 3428. 3 21LT11-1te FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT ROOM COTTAGE, FURNACE HEAT, Immediate Possession. 24 on $65.00 5 Room Bungalow, Hot Water Heat, West of the Ridge. $75.00 5 Room Bungalow, Hot Water Heat, All Modern Conveniences, Garage, $75.00 6 Room House with 9 Acres, Garage, Barn, 1 mile West of Ridge. $35.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Ill Wilmette 364 24L.TN11-1tc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE MODERN 6 room stucco house, 2 screen porches, 2-car garage, located on large corner lot 2 blocks from transportation. Furn- ished or vacant. Tel. Winn. 205. 24T40-1tc 25 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES JANUARY 1ST TO MAY 1ST, 8 R home ; 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 extra lav- atories, sleeping porch, breakfast rm., oil heat; 2-car garage. $185.00 per month. Call Winn. 1800. 25LTN11-1te 26 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE, DEC. 15. CE- ment driveway. 860 Spruce St. Phone Winn. 1894. 26T40-1te FOR RENT -- GARAGE ON CHAT- field road. Call Winn. 1909. 26T40-1tc GARAGE. FOR RENT -- 610 CHERRY St., Winn. 1432. 26T40-1tc 27 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- LOOP OFFICE. NEWLY furnished office with use of reception room and stenographic service. Rea- sonable. 809--6 N. Michigan Ave. Chi- cago. - 2TLTNS-4tp FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 27LTN11-tfe 31 FOR SALE--HOUSES WINNETKA HOME $16,000 FINANCIAL REVERSES CAUSE OWN- er to sacrifice beautiful Colonial home. 5 blks. to Main Elec. and Steam depots, village and schools. 4 bedrms., 2 baths, large living rm., screened living porch, screened and glazed sleeping porch. Amer. Rad. Co. H. W. H. Garage and drive. Lot 50x175, small payment down, balance like rent. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Haviland Realty Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 747 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 577 Open Sunday Afternoons. ; S1ILTN11-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM. GENTLEMAN preferred. Tel. Winn. 2669. 21LTN11-1te WANTED -- WASHING ° TO TAKE home. Will call and deliver. Tel. Wil- mette 1351. 16T40-4tp FOR RENT -- ROOM NEAR TRANS- portation. Tel. Winn. 1921. 21T40-1te REMOVAL TO CALIFORNIA MAKES it possible for someone to get real bar- gain, rent or buy. 7-room stucco home, hot water heat, garage, beautiful wooded lot. Close "L"" and train. Pos- session January 1. Phone owner, Wil- mette T69-W, 31ILTN11-1te

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