14 WINNETKA TALK December 18, 1926 CHRISTMAS Christmas Is Near! May we suggest that be- fore you make the tire- Porcelain some trip into the crowd- te] ed shops of Chicago, you Crystal come and see the many Faitmce lovely things we have. Sm -- Here you will find gifts Leather as unique and interest- Pewter ing at prices no higher Role and oftener lower than Lamps those downtown. and Shades Many other HEFAINTEDBUTT ERFLY Importations ART STUDIO 1054 GAGE STREET Painted WINNETKA 1207 Scarfs and Shawls HUBBARD WOODS Triangle Club Announces Dance for Early in Year The Triangle club, one of the old- est and best known groups of young people in Winnetka, is sponsoring a dance to be given at Community House, Saturday evening, December 18, in the gymnasium. Edward Benz who had charge of se- curing the music for the occasion an- nounces that Hal Reeder's "lowans," will furnish the "jazz" and hopes that everyone will welcome the opportunity of dancing to the snappy music played by this group of boys. Steve Haines is in charge of posters announcing the dance, and also of the tickets. He is busy advertising the affair to evervone in Winnetka, and is anxious that a large crowd assemble. William Whalen, Victor Voltz and Joseph Lucchesi will comprise the floor committee, and any information re- garding tickets may be had from them. C. Leipold, president of the club is in general charge of the dance, and wishes to announce that this is but the first of several dances the club is going to sponsor. Their next party will take place either January 15 or 22. Mrs. Gerald H. Beard of 796 Center street has come from the East to spend the Christmas holidays in Winnetka. Miss Eleanor Beard is planning to ar- rive in Winnetka from New York, two days before Christmas, and Miss Esther Beard, who is attending Smith college, will also spend the holidays with her mother in Winnetka. Pr, Sn Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hale of 761 Foxdale avenue are expecting their daughter, Miss Ethel, to return for the holidays, Saturday, December 18. Miss Hale is a student at Elmira college, Elmira, N. Y. | Dwight Chapman Is Made Class Orator at Harvard College Dwight W. Chapman, Jr., one of the north shore boys who have disting- unished themselves at Harvard, has been honored by selection as orator for the class of 1927 and will deliver an address at the commencement ex- ercises in June. Chapman is the twen- ty-two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Chapman of 900 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, and a senior at Harvard this year. Stewart Boal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal of 701 Sheridan road, Win- netka, who is a sophomore at Harvard, has been elected to the board of the Harvard Crimson, undergraduate newspaper. Boal prepared for college at the North Shore Country Day school, Winnetka. Chapman was graduated from New Trier High school in 1923, with the highest scholastic average in the his- tory of the school. He entered Har- vard holding the Chicago Harvard club scholarship. In his junior year he was elected president of the debating team, and he still holds that office. Two weeks ago he was elected to member- ship in Phi Beta Kappa, national hon- orary scholastic fraternity, being one of only twenty-two selected from Harvard this year. Banker Purchases Home at North Evanston Site W. G. Stacey and company, real estate brokers, report the sale through their Wilmette office of the C. T. Thompson residence at 1723 Chan- cellor street, Evanston, to W. R. Prince of Chicago. Mr. Prince is manager of the Real Estate Loan department of The Sheridan Trust and Savings bank. WINNETKA BUILDING NEWS uto Repairing: Repairing Washing Storage Painting Supplies Battery Service We serve you completely and well TRY US Give Auto Accessories for Xmas Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 165 Vol. 1 "Winnetka, IIL. 39 Did you do it early this year? Mr. Paul Reschke, local cement con- tractor, has under construction two at- tractive English homes on Cherry St. west of Rosewood. These homes will be of pressed brick and thoroughly insulated. How about a nice coal shovel for the Missus this Christ- mas? We admit that we are enthusias- tic about our coal But we hear so many comments from satis- fied users, and we fill so many repeat or- ders that we can't help being enthused. Radio joke: "Stand by a moment. The professor has drop- ped the filling out of his tooth." All things consid- ered, the work on the new theatre building in Wilmette and the North Shore Country Day School auditorium, being built= by "H. F. Friestdt Co. and Mc- Keown Bros. respec- tively, is progressing rapidly. We are fur- nishing the lumber for both buildings. Up in Siberia 1t sometimes registers 70 degrees below zero. Just think of that while you're shoveling coal. Winnetka 734 If you are think- ing of insulating. We recommend Sheet- Rock, the fire-proof wall board. This board resists heat. cold and sound and will take any decora- tion . . . paper, paints or panels. ANOTHER LAST LINER (A Christmas gift to the one who gives us the best last line to this limerick. An- swers must be in by Dec. 23. There was a young lady named May, Who stops at our store every day. She chuckles with glee When her eyes chance to see Winnetka Coal - Lumber Co. 823 Spruce Street