December 18, 1926 19 Women Voters Meet The Winnetka Women Voters citizenship school held its last meeting of the legislative study class group on Tuesday morning at 10:45 o'clock in the Camp Fire room of Community House. The interested group met at this time to discuss our "National Banking Sys- tem" presented by Mrs. Wilton Stern and "Federal Taxation" explained by Miss Martha Gemmell. Mrs. W. F. Brown spoke on the "Turkish-Ameri- can Treaty," while Mrs. Arnold Baar told about the new bill passed raising the "Salaries of Federal Judges." Mrs. R. S. Childs presided over the meeting in the absence of Mrs. John Vander- Vries, president, and- later talked on the issue of "Impending Federal Legis- lation on Muscle Shoals." There is considerable agitation con- cerning the McFadden-Pepper bill, to be presented before this congress. The McFadden-Pepper bill has to do with the re-chartering of the federal reserve banks. The Hull amendment is to be included which says that cities having banks with branches in that city should also have a federal bank with branches of that bank. Quite a bit of time was spent in this interesting mat- ter; as an emergency reserve, it seems necessary to the country that the peo- ple of the United States consider this issue in favor of re-chartering. The matter of the Turkish-Ameri- can treaty, too, is before us now. This treaty that the United States is, if passed in congress, to make with Tur- key will re-establish diplomatic re- lations with that country. There are a good many arguments for and against, for instance: we will lose the power of trial before the American consul in Turkey in case of individual trials. Tur- [League of key will fight Armenian interference by the United States--however, the United States would be on definite footing in the Turkish government and would insist on the demilitarization of the Straits of Dardenelles and the Sea of Bosphorus. Miss Gemmell in treating the prob- lem of federal taxation presented Mr. Mellon's views. The matter of taxation will soon have to and should be estab- lished on the economical rather than political basis. We should have a per- manent tax system which fixes rates for the maximum amount without overtaxing the people. Should we ac- cept the Mellon system? The hostesses, Mrs. Edward Coyle, Mrs. C. J. Kostbade, Mrs. W. B. Pav- en, Mrs. Carlton Pronty, and Mrs. A. J. Boyton, served a luncheon in the International room, while Mrs. Childs in concluding the program, set before them the arguments for and against ac- cepting Mr. Ford's offer for Muscle Shoals. Village Attorney Joins in Home Rule Conference The Home Rule conference which was held at the Hotel Sherman, Chi- cago, Thursday and Friday of this week, was attended by a number of Winnetka village officials, including Village Attorney Frederick Dickinson, who presided at the banquet held Thurdsay evening at 6:30. The conference was held for the pur- pose of urging about a public refer- endum at the spring election on the matter of limiting the control of the state public utilities commission. About seventy other communities in the state are co-operating with Chicago in the movement. Mrs. Julius Peterson, 222 Cumber- land avenue, Kenilworth is entertain- ing her bridge club today. WINNETKA TALK Parents Give Clock Gift to Country Day | As their Christmas gifts to the | school, the parents of the sixth, sev- enth, eighth and nine grades of the North Shore Country Day school are contributing towards a fund for a clock for the tower of the new Assembly | hall. The parents of the other grades are presenting their Christmas gifts to the school library committee or to | the decoration committee. Miss Elizabeth Richards, daughter of Dr. and, Mrs. James Austin Richards of 739 Fri- day, December 17, to spend the Christ- Miss Richards is a member of the sopho- more class at Smith college, Northamp ton, Mass. | Lincoln avenue, returned mas holidays with her parents. mm BEAUTY. {mmm Have you made your Christ- mas appointment for your WAVE----SHAMPOO FACIAL -- MANICURE and HAIR TRIM? For an appointment Phone Winn. 933 The Comfort Shop SHOPPE I A fome Bank [or Winetka Feoole" Qficers ond lirectors HENRY R. HALE Fresident | LBAUPPENHEIMER Vice-/ Fesident SANBORN HALE Cashier p CLEORGE W. MEANNEY Asst Cashier VICTOR FELTING ~~ NOBLE HALE 200 New Members for our 1927 XMAS SAVINGS CLUB on or before December 31st ENLIST TODAY! Here is a class for every member of the family. TEN CLASSES from 25 cents to $50 a week. T he Oldest Organized Bank in Winnetka Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits WANTED! Interest paid at the rate of 3%. Established 1909 Quer $115,000.00 -- WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. | prensa = Saturday. 1 - BANKING HOURS 8AM. lo 3PM. BAM.Lo 12:30pm. ord Zo Bem. f