December 18, 1926 WINNETKA TALK EX] RRRRRRRRRRRRRRLRRRRRRRRRRRRVRVRRRRRRRRR Your Gift List at Chandler's Someone On Your List Wants-- Book Ends, all subjects, ver eee $2 to $15.00 Tilt Top Tables, $5.50 Hanging Book Shelves, Toa $3 to $4.50 End Tables, .... $5.50 Golf Bags, imported Scotch materials, . . . . tenses sie $6.50 up. Golf Balls, all standard makes, $6.00 doz. up. clubs, score markers, other golf equip- ment, .... $1.25 up. Sweaters in Collegiate color gamuts, $6.75 up Sweaters, heavy and lightweight for sports, RO 2 $3.50 up. Delivery twice Telephone your weekly, north. daily; twice order, University 123. LL LS ASS LRA Three Floors of Rare Articles Whiteman by Emory Halloway, limited, autographed $15.00 Intimate Papers of Col. House autographed edited by Chas. Seymont .... vias $7.00 Unpublished Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, limited. .$17.50 Lee--dramatic poem by Edgar Masters, autographed.$7.00 Dark of the Moon by Sara Teasdale, limited, auto- graplied ,.. Conger cn $7.00 Lincoln by Carl Sandburg, auto- graphed, 2 vol. 1st edition, latest price 5 VL A, $75.00 Book Shop, Furst Floor SPECIALS Typewriters, Corona ..$60.00 Hockey Skates, $5.75 to 12.00 Flashlights, ....$1.25 special Freshman Radio .$93 to $160 Camera .... $2.50 to $3.50 Kodak, ....$5.00 to $60.00 HERE ARE BOOKS THE KIDDIES LOVE-- Pinocchio, original Italian Edi- tion Pictures cc ..v. $5.00 The Talisman-- Scott .$3.00 Kenilworth ...< 00s $3.00 Cruise of the Cachalot, Frank Bullefl. svi vgs sev $3.50 RITTENHOUSE CLASSICS Best titles under Dickens-- Oliver Twist ,..... $2.25 BEST TITLES UNDER DUMAS-- The Three Musketeers The Count of Monte CHStO wi wn monvrnmnin $2.25 Basketballs $6 up--Indoor Baseballs 75¢ up--Bats 25¢ up --Sweaters $8.50 up--Pen- nants of the big Universities $1.25--heavy duty Sheepskin Coats, $11.50 to $15. ..$2.25 Radio, Sports Goods, Bicyles--Second Floor Shoes, Jerseys, Knee Pads, Stockings,..... SC TR $1.50 up. Sweat Shirts with new loctite lacing, ....... FLEES FURY "Sa $3.50 up. Auto Racers, models of real cars, $12.50 up. Velocipedes, Kiddie-Cars, Roller Coasters, Scoot- ers, Pump Cars, all reasonably priced, cer ease $10 up. Bicycles for Girls and Boys, $32.50 to $47.50 Bubbles Effan Bee Dells': .. ..". $3 up. Dolly Tea Tables and Chairs, set (4 chairs), $2.75. TWO STORES Santa's Here! 3:30 to 5.50 Daily Chandler's is the place to buy your toys. You'll find only the toys that the little people want. Any toy here is sure to delight: Here are some good toys-- Dredge with tackle that lifes; i F288 $4.75 Lionel trains, track, switches, $1.00 up. Tinker Toys, ..50c up. Meccano, Erector Sets, $1.00 up. Police Uniforms, .$2 up. Merry-Go-Rounds, $2.00 Pop-Guns, $1.25 up. Archery set, Steam Engines, all sizes, $2 up. Sail'Boats, ...... $1 up. Mechanical Boats, 65¢ up. Set of Carpenter Tools, $1 up. Auto Race Games, 50¢ up. Picture Puzzles, .35c¢ up. Treasure $1.00. Island game, Toys--T hird Floor Chandlers FOUNTAIN SQUARE--EVANSTON High School Store--1901 Church Street Main Store--3 Floors--Elevator Red and Gold Hook-in- Ladder, 2 foot Jong. os $3.50 Cowboy and Indian Suits ..... $1.75 up. Mechanical Yacht Roam- LA SS $2.50 Structo Tanks with run- ning mechanism and gun turret, ...$3.50 Buddy Dump Truck,. 4 ATE $6.75 Buddy Steam Shovel... ARE TEAL $5.25 Big Jerry Howitzer, Shoots 50 ft. ..$6.25 Chemcraft -- the Chem- ical outfit ...75¢c up. Sleds, flexible fliers, skiis, toboggan sleds, snow- shoes, gaiters, mittens, $2.50 up.