| | : : : Decemter 18, 1926 WINNETKA TALK ed HE ---- COMMUNITY HOUSE | CALENDAR \ J (Week of December 20) A number of the activities usually taking place in the gymnasium will be omitted during the Christmas holidays. Consult the Community House Cal- endar for these changes. Monday, December 20 Morning-- Kindergarten North Shore Sewing guild Afternoon-- None Evening-- Young Men's gym class Business Men's gym class American Legion Triangle club Builders Men's club dinner Tuesday, December 21 Morning-- Kindergarten Brush and Pencil club Afternoon-- Motion Picture matinee Bible Study class Evening-- Motion pictures Friendship Circle New Trier Rifle club Wednesday, December 22 Morning-- Kindergarten Brush and Pencil club Afternoon-- Small Boy's gym class Evening-- Young men's gym class Czecho-Slovakian club Thursday, December 23 Morning-- Stitch-in-time-club Afternoon-- High school boys' gvm class Camp Fire girls Fancy dancing class Evening-- Boy Scouts Business Men's class North Shore British-American so- ciety Friday, December 24 Afternoon-- Motion pictures Rotary club luncheon Pathfinders Blue Birds Evening-- Motion pictures Young men's class Panthers New Trier Rifle club Saturday, December 25 Christmas day house closed William Bosworth, who is a student at Howe school, Howe, Ind., is expect- ed home Friday, December 17, to spend the Christmas holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Maynard of 228 Green Bay road, Glencoe. Find It Difficult to Select Winners at Camp Fire Sale The Camp Fire food sale held in { Community House, Saturday morning, { December 11, at 10:30 o'clock was pro- nounced the best sale ever conducted by the Winnetka Camp Fire girls. Variety, quality and attractiveness marked the articles on display, and the judging committee found it diffi- cult to decide on the winners. The six groups participating ar- ranged their displays, and the judging | took place before the sale was offi- | cially opened. | Judging on the three things, attrac- [tiveness of the articles, 100 percent in contribution, and variety of articles displayed, the committee, composed of Mrs. Dudley K. French, Miss Ruth | Matz and Mrs. Taliaferro Milton, {awarded the following groups places: | for attractiveness of display, and 100 | percent contribution, Miss Virginia i Ogan"s group, Otyokawa, received the award; for 100 percent contribution; | Miss Mildred Olson's group, Akiyuhapi, Mrs. John Marshall's, and Mrs. Gilford | R. Windes' group, Untaluti, Mrs. Phil- | lip Fischer's and Mrs. J. M. Winscott's |group Litahni, received the award; for | variety of display, Miss Olson's group, { Mrs. Fischer's and Mrs. Winscott's |group, and Mrs. George Eisenbrand's group, Wakamtahi, were given first, second and third places, respectively. The $46 cleared as a result of the ond BEAUTY SHOP Phone Winnetka 2176 In This Shop following an "Antiseptic Sham- poo,"' we use the Deep Therapy Lamp for drying the hair. Re- lieves dry and itchy scalp. Electrical Hot Oil Scalp Treatments. MARCELLING MANICURING BEAUTY SHOP Ethel M. Taylor Marcel and Permanent Waving 818-A Elm St., Winnetka 550 Center St. HELPFUL MONEY PAINT Rasmesen's Sa PAINT of all kinds. Tubes and Special colors FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Painting and Decorating Phone SAVING SERVICE |sale will go toward the general Camp| Mrs. Francis Peabody Magoun, ir: Fire fund which takes care of the buy- | (Margaret Boyden), of Cambridge, : : | Mass., is visiting her parents, Mr. and ing of the honor beads, emblems, and | 0 William C. Boyden of 725 Pine awards that generally paid | street. Mrs. Magoun will spend Christ- for by the individuals. By giving sales|mas and the holiday season in Winnet- this expense is taken from the indi- |, a vidual girl and paid for out of the gen- | eral fund. Special meeting expenses | are met by the general fund also. | Ea | MARINELLO | English Classe: Erioy Vacation Over Holidays | B E A U TY SHOP The English classes for foreigners in | 733 Elm Street would be | mm Community House will have a vaca- | tion during the holidays. There will | be no classes Monday and Tuesday | evenings of the week of December 20 | and the week of December 27. These | F A : lessons will be made up at the end of | or Appointment | the term, in the spring. | Phone " : : % Classes will meet again as usual, be- | Winnetka 822 ginning Monday evening, January 3. Slush and Sleet Make Wet Feet . . . . but this can be remedied, bring your shoes to us. Let us rebuild them be- fore the bad weather sets in. The latest device permits us to re- sole women's shoes without nails or stitches. Ask us about this wonder- ful service. "Annes Shoe Rebullder'c Store R. Wagner 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 The Mcllvaine Oil Burner The Result of Experience The McIlvaine Burner is the result of experience, grown out of experi- ment. It is the final answer to the question of the comfort, depend- ability, and economy which cor- rect oil burning can bring to your home. Melivainve On. Burner Sais Phone Winn. 147 788 Elm St. WINNETKA