10 WINNETKA TALK January 1, 1627 Be It Resolved HA T during the coming year--and the years to follow -- I will give the family laundry to Bill the Washington Laundry Man and enjoy a NEW DAY a week. Mts. Average Housewife. CALL IN BILL, THE WASHINGTON LAUNDRY MAN--HE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBOR - HOOD TODAY OIL TO BURN A Grade for Every Burner HUGHES & COMPANY General Offices, 844 Rush St. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Telephones: Niles Center 217 Rogers Park 0982 Superior 6481-2-3-4 Greenleaf 3456 Hub Announces Annual Clearance Offerings George Lytton, vice-president of The Hub--Henry C. Lytton & Sons, was immensely pleased with the north shore business. He adds, "Following closely on the heels of our most satis- fying Christmas season our Evanston | 'NORTH SHORE HOCKEY LEAGUE OPENS SEASON | Indian Hill Squad to Compete With Highland Park Entry Sunday, January 2 Shop this week inaugurates a series of | After-Christmas and January Clear- ance sales that will be of far reaching | interest. At clearance time, as at other times, the values of our Evanston Shop will always be outstanding. And as our entire stock is hand-picked-- representing only the cream of our main store's selections, it is obvious that these clearance items are just as desirable now as they would be in the heart of the season. We do not believe you will find this situation true in any other store--anywhere. It will pay vou to take liberal advantage of such decisive reductions." Want Chicago Artist to Direct North Shore Class An evening art class to be con- ducted under the direction of the North Shore Art league for its artist- | members is to begin sessions at Win- netka Community House Wednesday, January 12. It is the hope of the | league that it may secure the services of George Oberteuffer, instructor in painting at the Art Institute, as direc- tor of the class. A group of pastels and architectural drawings by Charles I. Morgan will be exhibited at the January meeting of the Art league to be held at the Wil- mette Woman's club Friday, January 21. Works of Mrs. Jean Coburn, the sculptress will also be shown. Mrs. Howard H. Hoyt, Jr., of Sound Beach, Conn., formerly of Winnetka, is visiting her father, J. Edwin Brad- street of 334 Ridge avenue. Mrs. J. Eddicott Bradstreet of 334 Ridge ave- nue, who has been visiting Mrs. Hoyt in the East, returned to Winnetka with her, in time for Christmas. --Q-- Miss Harrison has returned from Pine Manor school, in Wellesley, Mass., to spend the holidays with her parents, and the Misses Aitken, stu- dents at Monticello, seminary have also returned for the Christmas vaca- tion. Price Reductions to clear for Inventory UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Prop. 1126 Central Avenue Phone Wil. 2403 The North Shore Hockey league opens its 1927 schedule January 2, { when the Indian Hill team plays High- land Park on the latter's grounds, and Evanston meets Lake Forest at Lake Forest. The complete schedule was drawn up at a meeting for the representatives of the various teams at the Harvard- Yale-Princeton club last week. At that session officers for the coming year were also elected. They are William Sibley of the Indian Hill club, presi- |dent; and Ogden West, secretary. These two, together with Edward Knox of Highland Park and Harold Kerr of Evanston, will make up the executive committee of the league. Employ Vet Line-up The Indian Hill squad will have al- | most the same lineup this year that | won the title last winter, and conse- [quently is a slight favorite for the championship. However, various changes and additions in the other teams have given them more strength and they expect to put up a hot fight for premier honors. The schedule of the teams is as fol- lows : January 2--Indian Hill vs Highland Park at Highland Park; Evanston vs Lake Forest at Lake Forest. January 9--Indian Hill vs. Evanston at Indian Hill; Highland Park vs. Lake Forest at Highland Park. January 16--Indian Hill vs. Lake Forest at I.ake Forest; Highland Park vs. Evanston at Evanston. January 23--Indian Hill vs. Highland Park at Indian Hill; Evanston vs. Lake Forest at Evanston. January 30--Indian Hill vs. Evanston at Evanston; Highland Park vs. Lake Forest at Lake Forest. February 6--Indian Hill vs. Lake Forest at Indian Hill; Highland Park vs. Evanston at Highland Park. Friends and alumnae of Rockford | college are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Lucy D. Herrick at the age of 98, who was associated with Anna P. Sill in the founding of Rockford col- lege 76 years ago. ----( Miss Lois Nordburg, 489 Sunset road, Winnetka, gave a bridge party Friday afternoon of last week, in honor of Miss Flora Goldenbogen and Miss Lila Richter, guests from Chicago. ---- George Kershaw of Akron, Ohio, who has been spending the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Bert H. Kershaw of 325 Woodland avenue, has returned to Akron. tested cows. Sanitary sealed caps. Ask Our Drivers Greenleaf 820. Comes from Tubercular- Or Phone Wilmette 3029-- The cream taken from this milk will whip E22 hood 15¢ per quart A)