WINNETKA TALK January 1, 1927 a TTT a mm mm O royal could ask for baths finer than those of The potentate Elmgate . . . immaculare symphonies in green and white glazed tile and bril- liant nickel. Side lights properly il- luminate the large Vene- tian mirror. Window and shower curtains are of waterproofed silk figured in green and rose. Built-in fixtures, plate glass shelves, porcelain enamel medicine cabinet, dual electric appliance outlets and the famous church seat complete -- what all who have seen acclaim as - Evanston's most beautiful bathrooms. GREENLEAF 2100 Sa SR a i I I So oo Sn a Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Windes, 873 Spruce street, are giving an informal tea this afternoon from 2 until 6 o'clock in honor of and | | | | their son { daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guild- | ford R. Windes. L (1) A N & WITHOUT COMMISSION On Desirable Homes and Buildings John Hancock Mutual Life Insur- ance Company LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent 112 W. Adams St., Chicago Apartment A. D. "| banding Suburban League Gets Too large Action taken recently toward dis- the Suburban High School league came as a result of a generally accepted opinion among the members | that the league had outgrown itself and had become so large as to make it almost impossible to handle its activi- ties, according to Frederick E. Clerk, superintendent of New Trier High school. The decision will not affect in any way this year's activities, as it will not become effective until next season, nor does it in any way represent an outgrowth of ill-feeling on the part of any of the members, he stated further. At the meeting, which was called by President Dey of the league, no other action was taken. It was, however, decided to hold another meeting some- time in the near future at which time definite plans will be presented toward the forming of two leagues; a north division to take in Evanston, Deerfield, Waukeegan and New Trier; the other, a western league to take in Oak Park and others as yet undecided. Isabel Molter to Sing Isabel Richardson Molter of Wil- mette will be soloist with the People's Symphony orchestra in Boston, Sun- day afternoon, January 9. Her Jordan hall recital is on January 13. She will appear in joint recital with Gilbert Ross at Cheshire, Conn., Jan- uary 14. On February 10 Mrs. Molter will give a benefit recital for the Mac- Dowell Endowment fund under the auspices of Delta Omicron sorority of Northwestern university. ton. In March she will make a recital tour of the south. Mrs. Molter is always accompanied at the piano by Harold Molter, the soprano's gifted and sympathetic hus- band. The unity which these artists have and project into their work makes it always an inspiration to the listener, the critics declare. 54% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban res- idence property at 5% % interest. E. G. Pauling & Co. Main 0250 E. SAWYER SMITH & BROWN INC. North Shore Realtors E. Sawyer Smith Carl N. Forberg Christy Brown Offices Wilmette 334 Linden Avenue Phone 93 CHRISTY Associates E. E. Thatcher R. E. Thatcher Winnetka 736 Elm Street Phones 142-147 he ELMCATE | Main StreeT AT ELMWOOD AVENUE See us on renewals. . PHONE WILMETTE 364 || 831RIDGE AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. 5 N. LaSalle St. Announcing Change of Firm Name From HILL & WHEELER, Inc. To 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston A profitable, depend- able investment for January funds -- lst Mortgages Bonds se- cured by North Shore Realty. ; > T 8: SMAGOLEE So it Goes Bust in Boston Sunday, Jan. 9 | This will be | given in the Woman's club of Evans- | "|glar, had put over. | CLABAUGH'S PAROLE BOARD SHOWS "TEETH" re Case of Hyman Bernstein, In- veterate Burglar Is Set Forth As Evidence Up from the underworld which for- ever chatters of its dark successes came the boast a few days ago that Hyman Bernstein, profession has long been night-time burglary, had [his lastest case securely "fixed." As | the boast re-echoed it finally reached the ears of Hinton G. Clabaugh, of whose Winnetka, state supervisor of prison paroles. Mr. Clabaugh determined to watch {and he did. By watching he found an- [other "hole in the fence." He discov- ered a method by which the parole system can be used to defeat law. In short, Mr. Bernstein, burglar, faced this : | 1. If he went to trial and was con- | victed, as seemed likely inasfiuch as he [was caught "eold" and the goods re- | covered, he would get a sentence of | from five to twenty years. 2. If he could be returned to Pon- tiac, as a parole violator, he would get {nine months. Then, as usual, other | charges probably would be forgotten. | Mr. Clabaugh watched and found that on October 30 the boast out of [the wndeworld was made good. The | burglary case against Mr. Bernstein, | burglar, was stricken off in Judge | Philip I.. Sullivan's court. No one was |there to prosecute except the arrest- |ing policeman. And policenién "some- | times have small standing in the as compared with burglars. | Nor did it take long to discover [seven other burglary cases in Mr. | Bernstein's record that had been stricken off in a period of less than | six years. So far Mr. Bernstein, burglar, had everything working as per plan. Final- !ly, the other day, he arrived in Pontiac to do the nine months that were to save him from a minimum of five and [a maximum of twenty years. But to his | consternation Mr. Clabaugh, who had | been informed of the scheme, told him {that he wasn't wanted and must stand | trial for the burglary. Furthermore he [notified Robert E. Crowe, State's at- torney of Cook county, telling him of the "fast one" that Mr. Bernstein, bur- Mr. Crowe agreed |at once to reinstate the case and pros- |ecute and a new warrant was prompt- ly issued. And this is the story of | that didn't stay fixed. | courts, one case ND B6% Commission Mortgages © / Interest MADE SAME DAY JOHN M. NAGHTE AND COMPANY MORTGAGE BANKERS 10 North Clark Street PHONE DEARBORN 4406 LOANED TO HOME B® Louis G. Berman, si. 8%5.%3% Second Mortgage Money v/s OWNERS INTEREST ON EASY PAYMENTS Suite 1408 -- 77 West Washington Street CHICAGO 4