Ba etn ar ve mre ee ------_--__ E C WANTED -- HIGH February 12, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 53 re-- m-- m1 16 SIT. WANTED--FEMALE 22 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS EXPERT LAUNDRESS WISHES FAM-| FOR RENT -- MODERN 5 ROOM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ily washing or bundle work. Will call apartment. 909 Linden Ave., Hubbard for and deliver. Highland Park 2822. Woods. Winn. 1055. 22LTN20-1te 16T48-4tp " " : 24 FOR RENT--HOUSES : Classified advertisements will be charged only Kann » General Notice to residents of the district from Evanston to [fj WANTEEL o- WASMUIG AO, BA | oR RENT -- 4 ROOM FURNISHED Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are Wil 1351 16T47-4tp cottage; bath, gas, electricity, stove . regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or - ' heat. $50 per month. 338 Lincoln Ave. {j-SERCOE, NEWS. SITUATION WD. --COL. MAID. GEN. | _ Glencoe. 24TN49-1to : i housework. Small family Canal 4268. -- 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two N49-1 25 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES Rates- > 30 cents a line in all three papers MINIMUM 16TN49-1tp | 25 CHARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type TATT Ww -- EXP. COL. MAID | TO RENT--FOR ONE YEAR OR MORE, used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to ps Hip kg BR Tee Tel. Oakland 1219. new 8- room furnished residence on the our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Goneral housework. 16T49-1tp | lake in Glencoe; large lot, wide beach, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 car garage, sleep- : : Classified advertisements will be ac- x TED-- x i ing porch. Possession any time. Deadline for Insertions--Classised agversissments will be 80." [ly NTED--MALE MURRAY & TERRY the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. WHITE A 4 " WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. » houseman and gardener can spare 1 or | 40 N. Dearborn St. Chicago Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001, 2 days a week. Refs. Tel. Winn. 2708. 25. TN20-2te 17T49-1tD | 97 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FIRST CLASS CHAUFFEUR AND ME- 6 LOANS l13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE ehamle. A-l references. Ye oy F Qosite Winnetka Trolley. station. This perience. ia DR... oY. Hilal" space now occupied by Post Office v mn ~ I RIIRNACK hich moves to larger quarters on HELP WTD. -- WHITE MAID FOR UP-| SIT. WTD. -- EXP. MAN, FURNACE & wv ; > Money to loan on second Stairs work. TR ln 39 go io gountey housework. Tel. Wilmette S23 tp Mav A aves Boal, 182 Soup Mich. Tr: . ater. rs. ndsay. Winn. 1450. = tid . mortgages. Wilmette Life Ay B-185. 7 PAINTING AND DECORATING 6LTN20-1te Painting and Decorating ESTIMATE FURNISHED ON OLD work, new building and remodeling jobs. Floor refinishing. Old floors made like new. Wilmette 3104. CARL FRANKELL 1506 Wilmette Ave. TL TN20-4tp YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Glencoe 971. TTN49-tfc 8 PETS FOR SALE -- A HIGH QUALITY MALE cream chow puppy, house broken. Sire " champion. Also, Schnauzer. 688 Cen- ter St. Tel. Winn. 698-W. 8LTN20-1tc 10A SCHOOLS & TUTORING REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER ELEMENTARY AND HIGH SCHOOL pupils brought up to grade. Phone Wil. 248. 10ALTN19-4tp HELP WANTED -- EMPLOYED OR school girl to work for room and board. Tel. Winn. 1691. 13LTN20-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework or to assist. Wil. 1472. 13LTN20-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL, GENERAL housework. 4 in family. Kenil. 565. 13LTN20-1tp Ee ---------------------------------- 14 HELP WANTED--MALE BEST BROKERAGE OPPORTUNITY ON NORTH SHORE Within the next month, one of the larg- est Loop and North Shore real estate com- panies will open the only office directly on Sheridan Road between Chicago and Highland Park. It will have the exclusive sale of ap- proximately $1,000,000 of new residential construction in Evanston, Wilmette Winnetka and Kenilworth and will oper- ate as one of the largest brokerage clear- ing offices on the North Shore. Exceptional opportunity for three ex- perienced real estate brokers or for men who have close knowledge of North Shore residential situation. Our salesmen have been advised of this announcement. Address Wilmette Life B-184. 14LTN20-3tc 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- GIRL'S NAVY BLUE, BUTTON sweater, size 12. © Blue letter "G" on left front. Small letter "s" on arm. Name inside collar. Taken from warm- ing house at Indian Hill club on Carni- val day in January. Reward, and no questions asked if returned to Susanna Peirce, 656 Ardsley road, Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 2045. 12LTN20-1te LOST -- GREAT DANE DOG, BRINDLE color, white spot on chest. Harness with brass nail heads. Phone Winn. 485. 12LTN20-1te a 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WE NEED 100 EXPERT SALESWOMEN for all departments, Dollar Day, Wed- nesday, Feb. 16. Selling experience pre- ferred. Apply Superintendent's Office, 3rd floor. ROSENBERG'S Davis St. Evanston TIL 13LTN20-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, COM- petent white girl for general house- work. A-1 references required. Phone Kenil. 1212. 12ILTN20-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework ; good cook; no washing. Go home nights. Call Glencoe 261. 13TN49-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Six room bungalow; sleep out. Phone Glencoe 1169. 13TN49-1tp WANNTED -- G I R I, GENERAL housework, 12 to 8 daily, except Sun- day. Call Winnetka 2666. 13T49-1te SCHOOL STU- dent as mother's helper; stay nights; good home. Phone Winnetka 1439. # 13T49-1tp HELP WTD.--RESPONSIBLE WOM- an, neat, white, general housework. J. W. Jackson, 933 Tower Rd. Win- netka 1394. 13T49-1tc HELP WANTED -- EXP. GARDENER for summer. Tel. Winnetka 747. 14TN49-1tp 16 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- WHITE GIRL wants upstairs work and care of chil- dren, or gen'l hswk. without cooking. P. O. Box 44, Hubbard Woods. 16TN49-1tp WANTED -- GENERAL HOUSEWORK, middle aged lady, white, can furnish three years references. Phone Winn. 946. 16LT20-1te SIT. WTD. -- NEAT COLORED GIRL wants general housework; good refer- ences. Call Greenleaf 1142. 16LT20-1te ARE YOU GOING AWAY? CAPABLE housekeeper. available Feb. 27th to April 1st. Phone Wilmette 388. 16LTN20-1te EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES cooking, serving, filling in, or care of children by day or hour. Call Univer- sity 9504, Room 7. 16T49-1tp CHILDRENS' FINE HAND-MADE frocks to order. Phone Sunday or eve- nings. Winn. 2291, 16T49-1tp NEAT COLORED GIRL WISHES TO serve dinners; good cook. Excellent references. Univ. 4385-M. 16LT20-1tp WANTED -- WASHING TO DO AT home. Will call and deliver. Wil. 3687. 16L.T20-1tc SIT. WTD. -- WOMAN WANTS WORK by day for 3 or 4 days a week. 934 Elm St., 2nd floor, Winn. 16LTN20-1tp SIT. WTD. -- EXP. LAUNDRESS wants work by day. Refs. Tel. Winn. 388. 16LTN20-1tc WANTED -- PLAIN SEWING, CHIL- dren's clothes especially. Call Wil 2093. 16LTN20-1tc CARE OF CHILDREN OR COOKING and serving meals. Best of references. Tel. Wil. 3285. 16LT20-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR general housework. Glencoe 1107. 4 in family. Call 13TN49-1te LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 16T49-tfc 18 NSIT. WID--MALE & FEMALE COUPLE CAPABLE AS COOK AND butler, or chauffeur and maid. Best city references. Phone Douglas 4700. 18L.TN20-1tp SIT. WTD. -- MAN & WIFE, COLORED, cook, butler, exp. Can drive. Ref. Atlantic 2717. 18L.N20-1tp 21 ~~ FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED, PRIVATE room, within 1 block of transp. In- quire of Mr. Gauss at Glencoe State Bank. Tel. Glencoe 126. 21TN49-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 21LT20-tfc PLEASANT SOUTH WEST ROOM, OR two with bath. One block from Indian Hill Station, East. Tel. Winn. 769. 21LTN20-1tc FOR RENT -- LARGE, BRIGHT, pleasant, fur. room, in small family, 3 blocks to station. Phone Winn. 415. . 21TN49-1tp FOR RENT -- BEAUTIFUL LARGE well-furnished east front bedroom. Close to transp. Gentlemen preferred. Tel. Winn. 775. 21T49-tfe WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 21TN49-tfc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS & board. Call 1036 Oak st.,, or phone Winn. 2435. 21T48-3tp ROOM WITH RUNNING WATER. TEL. Winnetka 2399. 21T49-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM, GENTLEMAN preferred. 564 Provident Ave. Phone Winn. 1219. 21T48-2te FOR RENT -- ROOM; 2 BLOCKS from all transportation. Tel. Win- netka 2258. 21T49-2te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM with lavatory. Near trans. Tel. Win- netka 2791. 21T49-tfe FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH GARAGE. 599 Orchard Lane. Phone Winn. 509-M. 21T49-1tp FOR RENT -- 2 BEDROOMS. GENTLE- men preferred. Call after 5 o'clock. 893 Cherry St., Winn. 21T49-1te ROOM FOR RENT-- NEAR TRANS. 725 Prairie Ave. Ph. Wilmette 442. 21LT20-tfe FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BY the week or month. Phone Wil. 2399. 21LTN20-tfe FOR RENT -- 3 OR 4 LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms. Tel. Wil. 969-W. - 21LT20-tfe ROOM FOR RENT -- LADY PRE- Tel. Wil. ferred. 1632 Central Ave. 2934. 21LTN20-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM. 882 PINE ST, Phone Winn. 1549. 21T49-2te FOR RENT -- LARGE ROOM FOR two. Winnetka 1920. 21T49-1te 22 FOR RENT--APAR/ NTS OFFICE TO RENT -- WINNETKA. will sublease private office, 8x12 ft. Second floor, convenient. Central lo- cation, $25.00. P. O. Box 11. Winnetka. 27TN49-1te FOR RENT -- OFFICE SPACE, 2ND floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or gen- eral office space. Rental from $20 to $50. Apply Rapp Bros. 522 Center St., Winnetka. 27TLTN20-tfc FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 27TL.TN20-tfc 31 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE 6 ROOM BRICK VENEER, ENGLISH Type House, New, Lot 50x160, Hot Water Heat, All latest improvements, 2 car garage. $20,000.00 6 Room Stucco Bungalow, Furnace Heat, Lot 37%x140, Garage. Terms. $14,500.00 5 Room Brick Bungalow, Lot 50x140, 2 car Garage, Hot Water Heat. $16,000.00 8 Room Brick Semi-Bungalow, Lot 110x 200, Corner, Hot Water Heat, 2 car Gar- age. All modern improvements, $25,000.00 8 Room 2 Story Residence, Hot Water Heat, West of Ridge Ave., Garage, Lot 100 x 206. $11,500.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, III. Wilmette 364 31LTN20-1te Unusual Opportunity ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS IN FAMILY, Winnetka owner is forced to sell at once his fine 9 rm., shingle residence on wooded corner lot 80x160. Artistic rough-plaster interior with large stone fireplace. 'Extra large private screened porch, 4 big bedrms., and bath on sec- ond floor with sleeping porch. 2 bed- rms. and bath on nicely finished third fl. H. W. heat with oil burner. Located three blocks from all trans. and two blocks from grammar school. Price $24,500. Cash $6,000. Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. 513 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1617 31T49-1tc FOR SALE -- STUCCO, 9 ROOM dwelling with large den, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths and lavatory, hot water heat and garage. This place situated in south- west section of Winnetka in most de- sirable of neighborhoods. Large lot with beautiful grounds and outlook. For particulars call P. W. BRADSTREET & CO. Sole Agents Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St Phone Winn. 162 ATTRACTIVE HOME 7 ROOM STUCCO, 4 BEDROOMS, water heat--oil. Newly decorated, lot 85x150. Garage. Near to schools and transportation. Price $18,000. - E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Tel. Winn. 1800 31LTN20-1te FOR RENT -- CHARMING, SMALL, new, apartment, tiled private bath. Near transportation and apted for 2 per- sons. Rent $45. The Franklin Build- ing, Winnetka. 22LTN20-1te FOR SALE -- COZY HOME IN EX- cellent location and condition. 4 rooms and sunparlor. Garage. $9,500. Terms. Lot 50x219. Phone Glencoe 1390. 31TN49-1te