Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 Feb 1927, p. 45

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(Ratt Shad ee el le 4 WINNETKA TALK February 19, 1927 81 FOR SALE--HOUSES 32 FOR SALE--VACANT 46 FOR SALE--USED CARS 51 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS RQ FOR SALE -- NEW SPECIAL DODGE | 1+ . FOR SALE SAY Sedan. Never been used. Call Winn. Fresh €ggs direct to you mn 7 ROOM & SUN PARLOR, 2 FLAT 533-M. 46LTN21-1te Bldg., lot 50x125, 2-car garage, $13,000.80 6 Room Brick Veneer English Type Resi- dence, Hot Water Heat, Lot 50x160. Breakfast Nook, 2-car Brick Garage. New. $20,000.00 8 Room Brick Residence, Hot Water Heat, Lot 50x200, $15,500.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364 Wilmette, Illinois 31LTN21-te $3,500 CASH 6 ROOM FRAME COLONIAL, 3 BED- rooms, one bath; sun porch; water heat; attached garage; balance terms to suit purchaser. Price $16,500. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Phone Winn. 1800 31LTN21-1te FOF SALE -- ENGLISH TYPE STUCCO, 6 rooms, H. W. heat, tile bath, extra lav. large porch, 65 foot lot in N. E. location. Price $18,300. Easy terms. SMITH AND BROWN 736 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 142 31T50-1te FOR SALE -- 8 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, furnace heat. 4 bedrooms & 1 bath on 2nd floor. 3 blks. from N. W. station. Lot 50x182, large shady trees, 1 car gar- age. $12,500. Terms. 340 South Ave, Glen. Tel. Glen. 332-W. 31LTN21-1tp 6 ROOM ENGLISH HOUSE -- TWO baths, large wooded lot, beautiful shrubbery and flower garden. Garage, macadam drive. Only five minutes from depot ; convenient location and delight- ful home. Owner leaving city forced to sell. Tel. Glencoe 984. 31LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- GLENCOE RESIDENCE; east side. Seven rooms, 2 baths, extra lavatory; Kleen Heet; garage; canvas walls; lot 100x200. Near school, excel- lent transportation. Moderately priced. Terms. Call Glencoe 746. 31LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL FIVE RM. corner brick bungalow. Tile roof, bath, shower, oil heat, garage to match building. All improvements in and paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 reduced from $25,000. Freters, 2608 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. 31LTN21-tfp FOR SALE -- TO CLOSE ESTATE, 7 room house, and 4 room cottage on lot 50x187 ft. 879 Cherry St., Winn. Call after 5 p. m. at cottage or phone 596-J. L. E. Anderson. 31LTN20-2tp 1810 ELMWOOD AVE. WILMETTE, new 6 room, Cedar siding, hot water heat; sun parlor and open porch; gar- age, side drive. $14,800. Terms. Wil 827-W. 31LTN21-1tp FOR SALE -- BARGAIN, 139 BERT- ling Lane, Seven room Col. house; liv. rm. 14x24, four bedrooms, encl. slp. porch ; tiled bath, large attic. Lot 64% x150, near transportation and .schools. Terms. Make offer. Winn. 1805. 317T50-tfe SURNY AND SPACIOUS COLONIAL six room home. Large living room, rustic fireplace, breakfast and sun room, tile bath, open terrace; lot 75x180. Gar- age. $4,000. Cash, 15 year 1st mortgage. Apply owner 1240 Ash St. 31T50-1tp FOR SALE -- INDIAN HILL. EAST side. Modern house. 3% years old. H. W. heat. $15,000. Must see to appre- ciate. Tel. Winn. 882. 31LTN21-tfc FOR SALE -- 1719 ELMWOOD AVE, 'Wilmette, 8 room frame ; hot water ht.; terms. Owner Phone Wil. 2399. 31LTN21-tfe 32 FOR SALE--VACANT FINE HOME SITE 200 FEET OF VERY CHOICE RESI- dence property, located in a restricted southwest territory and among splen- did homes. Brass water pipes and sew- er to lot line, installed by expert engin- eer, included in price. A rare opportun- ity for a real buyer. Price $110 per ft. Hill & Stone 543 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1544 32T50-1te Here is an opportunity that cannot be overlooked by any person interested in North Shore real estate. I am offering a wonderful buy in my lot 62x197 situated in Woodland Park sub- division Deerfield, Illinois one of the North Shore's Choicest locations. Both storm and sanitary sewers are in and paid for, water in to the curb line, steel re-enforced concrete streets will be finished by spring, ground is high and dry; not a low marshy spot near this oroperty. If you are interested in this proposition, $2,000 will take it, one half down and bal- ance on easy terms. Owner employed in Wilmette and must make his home in that village. Address Wilmette Life B-186. 32LTN21-tfp 34 REAL FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES ESTATE vas P. W. Bradstreet & Co. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 34T50-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--7 ROOM HSE.; 3 baths and lavatory. Double garage. Sale price $30,000. Rent $250. 8 room house; bedrooms, 2 baths and lavatory. Italian Architecture. Sale price $27,500. Rent $225. Jackson Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Highland Park 2411. 34LTN21-4tp EQUITY OF $2,090.00 PAID IN ON TWO Niles Center lots each 30x125, have plat and contract, cost $1,900.00 apiece in 1925, balance $40.00 a month; 3 blocks from Main St. Station, sidewalks in trade. Trade equity for a good sedan type auto. See Frank Fitzsimmon's, 1537 Washington Ave., Wilmette. 34LTN21-1te 19 FOR SALE--HSEHD. GOODS Bargain for Young Couple 4 ROOM SUITES OF FURNITURE, each worth $3,000, will take $550 com- plete or will separate; 3-piece silk mo- hair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4-piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd. Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will ar- range for delivery. 49LTN20-4tp FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT, BED, 2 cots. Vacuum cleaner. Tuxedo suit. Mattress. Dresser and small table. Tel. Glencoe 1288. 49TN50-1tp | FOR SALE -- PAINTED SUNROOM furniture. W. J. Hagenah. Tel Glen- coe 656. 49LTN21-1tc FOR SALE -- BLACK & WHITE GAS stove, glass oven door. Also china cabinet. Winn. 2757. 49T50-1tp 18 ANTIQUES FOR SALE -- SMALL CHERRY SLANT- top desk. 1 and 2 drawer stands in maple and Cherry, refinished. Very fine living room table, carved legs, clover leaves. Old pine side table, long drawer, 1 leaf. Pine Secretary. Old pine blanket chests, natural color. Cherry chests of drawers. Cherry cradle. Pair Hitchcock chairs, rush seats. Pair 2-slat maple chairs. Large mahogany mirror. Several old gold leaf mirrors. Collection of beautiful old quilts and coverlets. Sandwich glass knobs. Lamps. Glass hand dishes. Lustre jugs. Maple post and spool beds. Tel. Winn. 462. 48LTN21-1tp SPECIAL FEBRUARY SALE ON ALL antique furniture, lamps and lamp- shades. All greatly reduced. 312 South Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 732. 48LTN21-1te COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE FURNI- ture at reduced prices. 808 Oak St, Winn. 145. 48LTN21-1tc 34A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE -- NORTHBROOK SWEET Shop, good business at a reasonable price. Call at store after 3 p. m. 34ATN50-1te ns WTD. TO RENT--HOUSES Wanted to Rent FOR MARCH 1ST OR APRIL 1ST OC- cupancy, 6 or 7 room apartment or house, modern and convenient in Win- netka. Small family. Best recommend- ations. Phone Mr. Plimpton during business hours, Dearborn 9608 or Winn, 1007. 38T50-1tc WANTED FOR RENT: HOUSES Have numerous applications for houses to rent. Also houses for summer rental. J. B. BRADWELL 908 Linden Ave. Tel. Winn. 1438 Hubbard Woods, Ill 38TN50-1tc WTD. TO RENT -- DO YOU WANT TO rent your 8 or 9 room house in good location to responsible people, on 1 or 2 year lease? Will pay fair rental. Give full details in reply. Address Winnetka Talk B-188. 38LT21-1tp WTD. TO RENT -- MAY 1ST OR SOON- er, unfurnished home in Winn. or vicin- ity, 7 rms. or 6 rms. and sleeping pch., with garage. Lease for 1 or 2 years. State price. Tel. Winn. 458. : 38T50-1te WANTED TO RENT -- UNFURNISHED house in good location. Wil. 2152. 38LTN21-1tc WANTED -- ABOUT MAY 1ST. 7 KM. unfurnished house in Winnetka. Call Winn. 1322. 38T50-tfc -------- es 15% WTD. TO BUY--VACANT WANTED -- THROUGH OWNER, REAL value in restricted residence property north of Wilmette. Wil. 1615. 45LTN21-1te EE ---------------- 16 FOR SALE--USED CARS 1924 STUDEBAKER SPEC. TOURING, excellent cond. Easy terms. $375.00. Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave. Winn. : 46LTN21-tfc SALE -- N. E. CORNER RIDGE and Hill Rd. overlooking beauti- Indian Hill. 110x132 ft. Wm. Top- 'el. Winnetka 280. 32T50-1tp FOR SALE -- MILBURN ELECTRIC IN good condition. Tires like new. Also charging equipment. Bargain, $200. Call Glencoe 1363. 46TN50-1tp 49 FOR SALE--HSEHD. GOODS FOR SALE -- SIMMONS BOW END bed, box spring and mattress; dresser; chiffonier; overstuffed chair; library table ; porch swing. Phone Wil. 917-W. 49LTN21-1tp FOR SALE -- CLARK-JEWEL GAS range good condition, $5.00. Fumed Oak Mission style, Davenport, genuine leather cushions, good condition. Wil. 397. 49LTN21-1tp FOR SALE -- DUNCAN PHYFE MA- hogany table and chairs, Colonial Buf- fet 78 inches. 1018 Ash St. Tel. Winn. 2091. 49LTN21-1tp RADIO -- HAYNES-GRIFFIN CIRCUIT, 9 tubes, super hetrodyne in Walnut con- sole cabinet. Bargain. 320 Cumberland Ave. Kenil. 2781. 49LTNZ21-1tc FOR SALE -- FULL SIZE FRENCH Walnut bed and spring, hardly used, with new mattress. Too large for rm. Phone Wil. 3780. 49L.T21-1te FOR SALE -- 6 FT. BUILT-IN GUM- wood buffet; plate glass shelves and leaded door. Best offer takes. Wil. 417. 49LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- ALMOST NEW 48 IN. Quaker Maid ironer. Cash or terms, 1-3 off. Wil. 3596. 49LTN21-1tp FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH Ebony upright piano. $25. Wil. 2393. 49LTNZ21-1tp EE ------------------ 50 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 50LTN21-tfe WANTED -- TWIN BEDS AND JACOB- ean dining set. Call Wil. 2393. 50LTN21-1tp SE 51 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- 1 BLACK SILK COAT with white fur collar, $10. 1 pink moire silk evening dress, $12. 1 black crepe silk dress, $5. 1 Jap mink fur neck-piece, $4. 1 pair rhinestone shoe buckles, $2. Several pairs cretonne curtains, §1 a pair. Several pairs scrim curtains 50c a pair. Tel. Winn. 1296. 51LTN21-1tp FOR SALE -- ONE BLACK VASE NEW lamp, with silk shad¢. Phone Winn. 966. 51TN50-1tp either 6 or 12 dozen cases. Charles Richards, Berrien Springs, Mich. R. R. No. 1. For turther information call Winn. 878. 51T50-1te MUST SELL -- WILL TAKE BEST OF- fer. Machine Lathe with mounted mo- tor A. C. Size 9 in. swing. 4 ft. bed. In perfect condition. Tools. Can be seen at 917 Cherry St. Phone Winn. 1505. 51T50-1tp YOUR SPRING JARMENTS RE- modeled. Okean's Fur Shop has a ladies' tailoring dept. and is ready to serve vour every need., 567 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. Phone Winn. 2752. 51LTN21-1te FOR SALE--L-C SMITH TYPEWRITER No 8 model. Used only 6 months, like new. $50.00. Call Glen. 1436. 51L.TN21-1tc FOR SALE -- PROFESSIONAL LUD- wig drum outfit, new. 5256 South Sheri- dan Rd. Highland Park 767-W. 51LTN21-1tp SIX GRAVE LOT Park Cemetery. Section M. Wilmette Life B-190. 51LTN21-1tp --_"§~**+*~ 52 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS IN MEMORIAL WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1222 Central Avenue. Wilmette. 52LTN21-tfp 53 MISCELLANEOUS 1 HOUR SERVICE ON WASHING AND Cleaning cars any make or model, $2. Cars called for and delivered. Phone Winn. 1487. 53LTN21-1tp FOR SALE -- SMALL SIZE BABY BED and mattress, and one blue reed stroll- er, brand new. Phone Winnetka 1979. 51LT21-1te TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST -- A LADY'S BRIGHT BLUE felt hat. Finder please return to 960 Sheridan Rd., Hubbard Woods. 12T50-1te Winnetka Youth Achieves High Honors in Athletics Edmond Fulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Fulton of 884 Hill road, has been distinguishing himself in athletics during the late winter and early spring season at the Westminster school in the East. As a football player he did remarkably well, and received a splen- did ovation in the school paper for his playing. As a member of the var- sity basketball team he has been carry- ing on his fine record, and as a mem- ber of the varsity swimming team, he has won every diving contest the school has entered into their inter- scholastic meets. Petition Tabled Pending Completion of Center St. . A petition to widen several streets, mostly in the business district of Win- netka, was laid on the table by the village board of local improvements at its meeting Tuesday evening, pending the Center street improvement from Elm street to Tower road. The streets mentioned in the petition are, Chest- nut, from Spruce to Oak; Oak from Chestnut to Linden; Elm from Chest- nut to Birch and Spruce from Chest- nut to Birch. PLAN JOINT CLASS MEETING There is to be a joint meeting of the Men's class of the Congregational church and the Young Men's club of the same church Sunday morning, March 6. The Rev. Thomas A. Good- win is to conduct the discussion. On March 13, Myron T. Adams is to con- duct the Men's class discussion.

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