18 WINNETKA TALK March 12, 1927 Name New Lake Steamer | Rabbi H. E. Wessel Demonstration of for North Shore Leader| Regions as Head of A 10,000-ton steel freighter under . construction at Toledo, Ohio, is on€ N.S. Congregation of two ships that are being added to Harvey E. Wessel, Rabbi of North the Pittsburgh Steamship company's| gp,qre Congregation, Israel, has ten- fleet. It is named for Benjamin Frank- : i lin Affleck, 695 Lincoln avenue, Win- dered his resignation to the congrega- netka, president of the Universa! Port- tion to become effective the first of land Cement company, a United| next September. States Steel C i bsidiary, ; 3 a i by an Art Director from New York Stes Stel, Corporation, subsfiars| The Congregation, at present is Ddtth. = ; : holding its services in the Masonic The vessel is to be used in the iron | Temple at Glencoe, in which village, ore, limestone and coal trade on the |plans are now under way for the erec- Great Lakes. tion of a new synagogue. The membegship of the Congregation Mrs. Joseph B. Coambs, 142 Church | has been gradually increasing in num- road, has returned to Winnetka after | bers and particularly during the past a month at Miami Beach, Fla. Mrs. | two years, under Rabbi Wessel has Coambs spent a week with Mrs. Wil- | this condition been most pronounced. liam P. MacCracken of Washington,| Rabbi Wessel makes no "announce- D. C., formerly of Winnetka. ment of his plans following the date which he has set for his resignation See how easily and simply you can "Put Style Into Decoration" with Paintex, to become Sse Bow has his Ses a cessor been determined upon at this the marvelous new liquid color, and Stubborn ame. with Liquid Embroidery, the sensational Rh . SORORITY HOUSE HOSTESS new means of embroidering withouta eumatism Mrs. Ralph F. Pettibone of Evans- needle. The amazing art that is beguil- may have withstood attacks of pills ton entertained at a luncheon at the and powders, drugs and liniments Chicago College club Saturday, March --but give Mountain 5, in honor of Mrs. W. A. Thrall of Valley Water, from 416 Elder lane, Winnetka. Following Hot Springs, Ark. the luncheon, bridge was played at the a trial. It has Drake hotel. alded in relieving ing thousands of women into new beauty and individuality in apparel and decorative pieces for the home. Dem- > Mrs. Thrall is to asume the position onstrated and taught by an Art Director % thousands, ev ¢ 0 || of hostess at the Alpha Xi Delta soro- from the Paintex Company. Yalledit. howd > rity house at Northwestern university Ve sams 10F 300. in September, when all of the fourteen houses will be completed. Mrs. Petti- . . . Doctors preseribe It. p 4 " Display of fashionable new finished models Come Ag our office bone is national president of Alpha Xi and read their re- Delta. » . ports and o mu r Demonstration all this week and next testimonial letters Guy Philips, brother of Mrs. Morton from hundreds of Maddox, 705 Oak street, was the week SECOND FLOOR former sufferers. end guest ecently of Mr. and Mrs. Surely the prespect of relief is worth a Maddox. trial. Phone for a case, OSENBERGS -- Valley Water Co. Evanston, Ill Davis Street ~ Downtown Evanston : Webtang on tl, wos Rapp Brothers, Winnetka, Illinois. L "The Perfect Apartment Realized! Have you wondered if there is a perfect apartment? / When in Doubt Drink Milk! | When you're on the sick The sort you've pictured in your mind but never realized. . . with an impressively beautiful entrance and lobby. . .cleverly laid out rooms. . . luxurious, distinctive appointments. ..plenty of fresh air and sunshine. . . abundant closet space. . . completely equipped kitchenettes. . . electric refrigeration and all household duties tak- en over by the central management! list, with little or no Indeed there is! The delightful kitchenette apartments at the Georgian meas- , t appetite, and doubtful ure up to these requirements in every particular. Visit us today, or call Mr. Walton, Greenleaf 4100. He will arrange a per- sonally conducted tour of inspection. as to just what to adopt as your daily diet, drink milk. Live at The Georgian "An Address of Distinction" NE GREENLEAF 4100 4 PHONE 137 ; pd