N\R March 12, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 25 FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT--BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED house with garage; on lake. One or two year lease. Winnetka Talk B-229. 25T1-1te 26 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE, 1027 SPRUCE St. Write and owner will call back. $8.00 per month. 26T1-1tp GARAGE FOR RENT, INQUIRE 1003 Vine St. or Tel. Winn. 156. 26T1-1te 27 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES A r > FOR RENT--WINNETKA STORES--NEW BUILDING EACH SHOP ABOUT 14 FT. 6 INCHES by 70 feet, splendid live location, im- mediate possession, suitable for deli- catessen, florist, market, grocery, vari- ety store, dry goods or hardware es- tablishment. McGuire & Orr Branch 541 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 27TLTN23-3tc FOR RENT -- OFFICE SPACE, 2ND floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or gen- eral office space. Rental from $20 to $50. Apply Rapp Bros., 522 Center St., Winnetka. 27TLTN24-tfc FOR RENT -- PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE, ideal location. Franklin Bldg. 526 Cen- ter St.,, Winnetka. Phone Winp 382 2TLTN24-tfc 31 FOR SALE--HOUSES 32 FOR SALE--VACANT 46 FOR SALE--USED CARS J 4 Automotive Engineering $3,500 CASH VACAN T SPECIALS Reasonable Rates WILL HANDLE 6 ROOM STUCCO N Ross Skelton home. South East Winnetka. Three WINNETKA Wil. 3555 410 Prairie Ave. bedrooms, sleeping porch; hot water JO8 fet, will divide ...... § $0.09 per i Good LE BE heat, lot 50x175, garage. ELT ays» apn nd ur sgvussss . per ft. mo: ea Eh gate 71x179 BAST SIDE ..... 184,00 per ft. | 1925 Ford Coupe, Bal. tires ....$200.00 E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Phone Winn. 1800 31LTN24-1te FOR SALE -- 2 NEW SPANISH houses, pressed brick on hollow tile, tiled roof, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car attached garage; hot water heat, Frigidaire ; textone walls, steel sash in windows. Lots 50x180. Golf grounds & Skokie school within 2 blocks. Cherry St. & Glendale. Winn, 1194. 31T1-1te FOR SALE -- 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. New never occupied. Hot water heat, garage, shrubbery and lawn. Corner Oak Park and Cornelia, only one block from Addison Bus. Price $8,000. Will accept very small cash payment, balance to suit purchaser. Apply owner, E. J. 65x178 EAST SIDE ........ Make Offer 103x105 EAST SIDE .... 135.00 per ft. 100x150 EAST SIDE .... 200.00 per ft. 60x132 SOUTH WEST .. 130.00 per ft. 70x132 SOUTH WEST ... 130.00 per ft. 1 3-4 acres Indian Hill Club Grounfs'. . 27S uA. $35,000.00 GLENCOE 75x200 EAST SIDE ...... $125.00 per ft. 60x184 EAST SIDE ...... 130.00 per ft. Wisdom, Thompson & Emert, Inc. 546 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Office in North Shore Station 32LTN24-1te FOR SALE -- LOT, 40x130. RAVINIA Highlands. $500. Cash balance, monthly Lundin, 500 Fifth St., Wilmette. Phone payments. Owner Glencoe 368. 2002. 31LTN24-1tp 32TN1-1te FOR SALE OR RENT -- 2 YEAR OLD, | 34 REAL ESTATE 8 room Colonial; sun parlor and sleep- ing porch, 2 rooms on 3rd floor, 2 baths. Also, lav. on first floor. Convenient school and transportation. $250 month. One or 2 year lease. Glencoe 1224. 31TN1-1te FOR SALE -- 8 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, furnace heat. 4 bedrooms & 1 bath on 2nd floor. 3 blks. from N. W. station. Lot 50x182. large shady trees, 1 car gar- age. $12,500. $2,500 cash. Terms. 340 South Ave., Glen. Tel. Glen. 332-W. 31 FOR SALE--HOUSES 31LTN23-3tp INC FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL FIVE RM. FINE EN GLISH HOUSE corner brick Hungalow Tile roof, i shower, o eat, garag: to mate $5,000 Cash Dallding. All Iprveloents In and DELIGHTFUL COPY NORTH SHORE Home ; full of character and comfort; gives joy to those who dwell therein. f rms. ; 2 baths; stucco; h. w. ht.; gar- age; choice wooded large lot, beauti- fully landscaped; 5 min. to stm. and elec. ; must sell, owner leaving city. 755 Vernon Ave. Phone Glencoe 984 31LTN24-1tc Charming English Brick SOUTH EAST WINNETKA, VIEW OF lake ; attractive high gables, 6 beauti- fully planned rooms, also French win- dow sun room; breakfast nook, sleep- ing porch; rough plaster walls; extra lavatory ; H. W. heat, an architectural gem. Garage attached. Owner moving away. Price only $23,500. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St. Winnetka 2199 WINNETKA 31T1-1te paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 reduced from $25,000. Freters, 2608 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. 31LTN24-tfp FOR SALE -- IN GLEN OAK ACRES, Glen View. Very substantial new brick home on one acre wooded lot; 6 large rooms; 2 porches; gas heat; 2 car gar- age. Price reduced to $24,000. ash $8,000. E. P. Conley, exclusive agent. Wil. 1582. 31LTN24-1te FOR SALE -- BRICK VENEER BUNG- alow in Wilmette. One quarter sawed oak floor; hot water heat. Birch trim. On beautiful lot; trees and garage. All improvements in and paid. Three year old. Price $14,500. Phone Wilmette 2376, 31LTN24-1tp FOR SALE -- SPLENDID WELL BUILT 8 room home and double garage on de- sirable corner, 60x185 bargain; terms $16,000. cash, $15,500. Address Wil- mette Life B-221. 31LTN24-1tp FOR SALE -- 1100 TOWER RD. S. W. «cor. Burr Ave. English cottage type, shingle, 4 years old, cor. lot 65x137 landscaped, 6 rms., H. W. ht., open and sleeping porches. Liv. rm. 17x29, metal weatherstrips throughout, gas water heater, 2 car garage, close to schools and transportation. $18,500, easy terms. Hill & Stone Exclusive Agents 543 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 1544 31T1-1te WINNETKA SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE MODERN 7 RM. FRAME dwelling, 4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths and lavatory; hot water heat; 2 fireplaces and garage. Best of locations, with 931% ft. frontage. Owner leaving town, forced to sacrifice for $27,000. P. W. Brandstreet & Co., Sole Agents Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St. Phone Winn. 162 31T1-1te Kenilworth Brick Colonial EAST SIDE, BRAND NEW, 6 BEAUTI- ful rooms, also large sun room and breakfast room, fireplace, 2 tiled baths, H. W. heat, master bedroom, spacious wooded lot, owner transferred, sacri- fice at $25,000. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St. Winnetka 2199 WINNETKA 31T1-1te 6 ROOM HOUSE BEST N. E. SECTION IN WILMETTE. 50 ft. lot, beautifully landscaped. Trees 75 feet high. Lot worth $10,000. Two Bedrooms and Library. Library with 10 French Windows. Artificial Re- frigerating Plant, Mangle, A-B Stove and Washing Machine optional. Gar- age. Price $14,000. $4,000 Cash. Owner, 933 Elmwood Avenue. 31LTN24-1tp FOR SALE -- SOUTH EAST WINNET- ka, 6 room stucco house, sun room and breakfast nook. Bargain. Phone Winn. 882. 31LTN24-tfe FOR SALE -- 1719 ELMWOOD AVE. Wilmette, 8 room frame ; hot water ht. ; terms. Owner Phone Wil. 2399. 31LTN24-tfe I ---- 32 FOR SALE--VACANT Homes and Homesites 2 story frame, 6 rms. h. w. ht. 50x190, $17,000. 2 story stucco, 6 rms. h. w. ht. 75x140, $20,000. Vacant 104x200 West front, $135 per foot. 97x198--1 block from lake, $200. 160x198--1 block from lake $180 per ft. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Avenue. Ph. Glen. 702 34TN1-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--7 ROOM HSE. ; 3 baths and lavatory. Double garage. Sale price $30,000. Rent §250. 8 room house; 5 bedrooms, 2 baths and lavatory. Italian Architecture. Sale price $27,500. Rent $225. Jackson Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Highland Park 2411. 34LTN21-4tp WANTED -- 1ST AND 2ND MORT- gage loans, on improved North Shore real estate. Reas. rates. Call Winn. 458. 34LTN24-2tp 38 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES Wanted to Rent Houses in Winnetka and Glencoe List your house for rent with us Quick results P. Maynard & Co. Hubbard Woods 38TN1-1tc WANTED FOR RENT WE CAN RENT YOUR HOUSE, WE are long on customers and short on houses for rent. Phone us. Wilmette 192 or 193. Wilmette Realty Co. 38LTN24-1tc WTD. TO RENT -- 6 TO 8 ROOM HSE. on North Shore, between Evanston and Glencoe for May 1st. Give location and price. Wilmette Life B-220. 38LLTN24-1tc WANTED TO RENT--5 OR 6 ROOM unfurnished house, preferably with gar- i April or May. Phone E. 1048 Gage St. SAY Here is an opportunity that cannot be overlooked by any person interested in North Shore real estate. I am offering a wonderful buy in my lot 62x197 situated in Woodland Park sub- division Deerfield, Illinois one of the North Shore's Choicest locations. Both storm and sanitary sewers are In and paid for, water in to the curb line, steel re-enforced concrete streets will be finished by spring, ground is high and dry, not a low marshy spot near this nroperty. If you are interested in this proposition, $2,000 will take it, one half down and bal- ance on easy terms. Owner employed -in Wilmette and must make his home in that village. Address Wilmette Life B-186. 32LTN24-tfp $1.465.00 BUYS MY EQUITY IN LOT 100x187 IN beautiful GLENCOE GARDENS, over- looking Skokie, Forest Preserve and Golf links. 4 years to pay balance of $3535. Quick action will be necessary to take advantage of this opportunity to make a handsome profit. Wilmette Life B- 226. 32LT24-1te age, pC Winn. 1617. 38LTN24-1tc WTD. TO RENT -- 6 OR 7 ROOOM house with garage. Conv. to schools. Possession April 1. Tel. Winn. 2193. 38T1-tfc WTD. TO RENT -- HOUSE FOR MAY 1st occupancy; 4 bedrooms, near North Shore. Winn. 1380. 38T1-4tp 39 WTD. TO REXT--FURN. HOUSES WTD. TO RENT -- FURNISHED HSE, $100. April 1st. Six months or longer. Best references. Address Wilmette Life B-215. 39LTN24-1tp ---------------------- 14 WTD. TO BUY--HOUSES RESPONSIBLE CHICAGO BUSINESS man wants 6 room home with garage. Close to transportation, under $20,000. Nominal down payment. Balance monthly payments. Must be quiet lo- cation. April 15th possession. Owner only. 58 E. Washington St. Room 1406. 441.T23-2tc WANTED -- BUNGALOW OR SMALL house from owner. Must be reasonable. Wilmette Life B-217. 441. T24-1tp i ------_-- 45 WANTED TO BUY--VACANT WILL PAY CASH FOR SMALL LOT IN North East Evanston. Must be close to elevated. Wilmette Life B-222, 45LTN24-1tc WANTED -- FROM OWNER, DESIR- able vacant on east side for home. Wil- mette Life B-216. 45LT24-1tp 1918 Jordan Coupe ....sesseivsvsss 150.00 1920 Dodge Sedan (like new) .. 200.00 Buick Tour. D49, new tires .... 150.00 1918 Paige Tour., Good rubber .. 125.00 List your cars with me. 46L.24-1tc FOR SALE--OAKLAND SEDAN, 1923 model, very cheap. Excellent condi- tion, newly painted, driven 21,000 miles. Must sell. Call 700 Laurel Ave, or Phone Wil. 1475. 46LTN24-1tc 1924 STUDEBAKER SPEC. TOURING, excellent cond. Easy terms. $375.00. Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 46LTN24-tfc 17 WANTED TO BUY--USED CARS WANTED -- OLD AUTOMOBILES, electrics. Write Notarius, 3440 Poto- Giving make of mac Ave. Chicago. 47TTN1-3tp car. Albany 10073. 48 ANTIQUES LITTLE HOUSE OF INTEREST filled with antiques, old rope-leg maple table, hickory fireside seat, pole screen, Windsor, Hitchcock and barrel chairs. Many other good pieces of furniture. Tinfoil pictures, old prints and steel engravings dated. Staffordshire and Chelsea china, gold banded china tea set, Lafayette clews platter, silver and glass. Imported novelties. Tel. Glen- coe 732. 312 South Avenue, Glencoe. 48L.TN24-1te FOR SALE -- OLD SPOOL BED, $30. Two early American Maple straight chairs, matching rocker, reproductions) $30; hand pieced quilt $20; 50 year old kitchen clock, $10. Nine piece ivory breakfast set, $40. Mahogany lounging chair, $10. Old mahogany rocker $5. 4 piece wicker porch set, $25.00. Grass desk, 2 matching chairs, $15.00. Tel. Winn. 2572. 48T-1te FOR SALE -- 5 PIECES OF ANTIQUE furniture, nearly a hundred years old. Newly refinished and upholstered in needle point. Consists of 3 small chairs, 1 rocker and large couch. Call Tri- angle 9826. 48LL.TN23-1tp REDUCTION AND CLOSING OUT SALE of antique furniture and interesting old glass, at Glen Gables, 376 Park Ave. "Glencoe. 48TN1-1tc 49 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Bargain for Young Couple 4 ROOM SUITES OF FURNITURE, each worth $3,000, will take $550 com- plete or will separate; 3-piece silk mo- hair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4-piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave. near Sheridan Rd. Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will ar- range for delivery. 49LTN24-4tp FOR SALE--2 BEDROOM SUITES AT sacrifice, large leather chairs, cost $150 apiece. Sell for $15 each. Table, china cabinet and chairs. Call Winn. 2185. 49LTN24-1te FOR SALE--FURNITURE, COXWELL chair, 72 inch davenport table, dining room set, pair twin lamps, floor lamp, wrought iron table lamp, Octagonal ta- ble. Tel. Winn. 2463. 49LTN24-1te FOR SALE--OAK DRESSER; GREEN enameled dresser; oak dining table and buffet; leather bed davenport; kit- chen cabinet. Glencoe 465. 49LTN24-1te FOR SALE -- 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM set ; 5 piece reed set; one mahogany and one walnut bedroom set. Large and single bed. Wil. 3579. 49LTN24-1tc FOR SALE -- RELIABLE GAS RANGE, low oven. In perfect condition. Small oven for top, included, $10.00. Winn. 2420. 49LTN24-1tp FOR SALE -- ELECTRIC WASHING Machine in good condition. $15.00. Tel. Wil. 828-W. 1635 Lake Ave., Wilmette. 49LTN24-1tp FOR SALE -- ONE HAIR MATTRESS for double bed, good condition. Several -chairs, one gate leg table with leaves. Call Winn. 1963. 49T1-1te FOR SALE -- ONE JEWEL COAL range and one Jewel gas range. For auick sale, $10 each. Address Winnetka Talk B-225. 49T1-1te (Continued on page 60)