March 12, 1927 60 WINNETKA TALK FOR SALE--MEMBERSHIP TO PRI- 3 3 3 fF WANT ADS Vate Golf Club located on Dundee Road First Scandinavian | Local Men Offer near Wheeling. ues sixty dollars . rContineclt per year. Details will be furnished Evangelical Summer Camp for -ontmue rom page without obligation. Vilmette Jfe 886 Elm Street, Winnetka . B-218. S1LTN24-1tp Pastor, A. E. Rohrbach Boys mn Montana a " ~ MUR T ~ ™N 943 Spruce street, Telephone 2791 H a' 19 FOR SALE--HSEHD. GOODS FOR SALE =F VE UE UNDE "oF ad A unique summer camp or hoys: i he EARL Ly $20.00. Demon- Sunday Services: Anniversary to be operated On--a4--prograni ol Jngis FOR SALE -- SOLID MAHOGANY| tration before purchase if desired. | Sunday School 9:30 a. m. vidual attention, has been opened at library table and blue reed baby carri- Winn. 2051. 51TN1-1tc | Bible Class 9:30 a. m. i Holland Lake, located at the foot of age. Phone Winn. 1977. 49T1-1te Swedish Service, Prof. A. Wedell 11 a. m. Sv ridge of the Mission range in ~Y a Children's program 4 p. m. owan ge Mss g FOR SALE MOTORCYCLE WITH Montana. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL STEINWAY piano, hand carved Ebony, upright. Call Glencoe 1282. 49TN1-1tc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, draperies, hsehd. goods, sewing ma- chine. Phone Winn. 2291. 49T1-1te FOR SALE -- LARGE WHITE DROP side steel crib, with hair mattress. Rea- sonable. Phone Winn. 2858. 49T1-1tp FOR SALE -- OAK set, $40.00. DINING Winn. 1686. ROOM 49T1-tfe FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY DRESSER. Phone Glencoe 1097. 49TN1-1te 50 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 50LTN24-tfc WANTED TO BUY--SINGLE BED, BOX spring and mattress, must be in good condition. Reasonable. Phone Wil. 407. 50LTN24-1tp 51 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- 2 LARGE STRONGLY built modern Wardrobe trunks, $20.00 and $10.00. Woman's black cloth coat lavishly trimmed with genuine Kit Fox, excellent condition. $40.00. Phone Winn. 433. 51LTN24-1tc Winn. 1723. 51LTN24-1tc side car. Good condition. AND SEVERAL Call Kenil. 598. 51LTN24-1tp FOR SALE--COAT dresses, size 44 1-2. FOR SALE -- LARGE SIZE NEW applique quilt, rose and green, $35. Winn. 2286. 51T1-1i{p FOR SALE -- TWO STANDARD MEDI- cal instructors. Apply Winnetka Talk B-228. 51T1-1tp FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL BRASS baby crib and mattress, like new, cost $35.00, sell for $15.00. Phone Wil. 2376. 51LTN24-1tc 52 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines. Old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 52T1-tfc WANTED -- A WARDROBE, MEDIUM size, any wood. Call Winn. 632-M. 52T1-1tp WTD. TO BUY -- OLD BABY BUGGY. Must be cheap. Call Winn. 2689. 52T1-1tc WTD. TO BUY--- SET OF MONTESSORI material, complete or incomplete. Phone Winn. 850 or 1245. 52TNI1-1tc WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c¢ per 1b. 1222 Central Avenue., Wilmette. 52LTN24-tfp FOR SALE--BRAND NEW CONLON ironing machine. All electric, never been uncrated; family of 5. Cost $160. Will sell for $85. Winn. 2208. 51LTN24-1te FOR SALE -- DRESSES, EXCELLENT condition, small sizes. Tel. Winn. 2008. 51LTN24-1tc 53 MISCELLANEOUS YOUNG MOTHER, HOLDING TRAVEL- ing position, wishes board in private home where her two small children will receive loving care and intelligent training while she is away. Phone Univ. 3332-M Saturday evening or Sun- day morning. 35LT24-1tp TION COSTS. This charming, substantial homespun pressed brick residence has 5 large bedrooms and 3 baths--two with tiled walls and showers. There is a spacious sunroom 1ox18 ft.; hot water heat; Flaxlinum and double | Cabot's insulation; valleys, gutters, decks, etc., all copper; butler's pantry; sleeping-porch; all ceilings metal lathed; all walls and ceilings painted; steel construction; 2-car brick garage. If bought this month, it will go for $34,000, which is $3,000 LESS THAN REPRODUC- 720 Elm St., Winnetka HEINSEN REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents Ph. Winnetka 254 English Service 7:45 p. m. Rev. Ralph Morphett will speak on "George Miller as I knew him." Mrs. Arhlen will render piano solo. Prof. P. Person will give closing address. Wednesday: Swedish Service Lenten Service 8:00 p. m. 7] Saturday Confirmation Class 10:00 a. m. "Yes, this is Faith's portion--to seize upon the music of the whirlwind, in a sinking waterlogged boat, with a sleeping Christ ; and to hear the one voice of certi- tude as to safety! Faith has to learn the logic of the Holy Ghost, which says: "He sleeps," therefore all is well. To sum it all up. this is the lesson they have been set to learn--All ill is well; all bad is good; and the very worst is the very best !" (From last Sunday's sermon, "With Jesus in the Storm.") Frances Schramm, Injured When Struck by Auto Frances Jane Schramm, four-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Schramm, 955 Elm street, Winnetka, was seriously injured Saturday morn- ing when struck by an automobile which William Weissenberg was back- ing out of the E. C. Weissenberg gar- age, at 965 Elm street. The little girl sustained a fracture of the left shou'- der. It was feared she was injured internally, but reports from the Evans- ton hospital, Thursday, dispelled this fear and were further to the effect that she was getting along nicely. NEW SHOP OPENED The Pauline. shop, under the man- agement of Mrs. Jennie Korsgren will be opened at 913 Linden avenue, Hub- bard Woods, March 15. The Pauline will display a new, up-to-date line of women's ready-to-wear, including gowns, lingerie and coats, and scarfs, boutonnieres, etc. A line of very ex- clusive hats will also be shown. KENILWORTH NEWS Miss Marion Montgomery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Montgomery of Hubbard Woods, who recently re- turned from a semester's work at Col- umbia university, is now teaching lit- erature and dramatics at the North Shore Country Day school. Miss Mont- gomery is a Wellesley graduate. --O-- Mrs. Arthur W. Ruf, 236 Cumnor road, left Kenilworth March 3 for Texas to visit her son Bassett for two or three weeks. w--Ope Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White, 310 Richmond road, Kenilworth, and Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter, 422 Wood- stock avenue, returned from the south March 1. They went to New Orleans, Cuba, Palm Beach and Miami. SO Mrs. Craig Ketcham, 611 Abbotts- ford road, Kenilworth, entertained her luncheon bridge club on Friday of last week. ' -- Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray, 433 Cumnor road, returned to Kenilworth February 28th from a six week's trip to California. : ---- Mr. and Mrs. James Cherry returned from their wedding trip on March 1st and will be at home at 2003 Jarvis ave- nue, Chicago. ---- The Kenilworth club will have its last dinner bridge of the winter season this evening. The hour is set for 6:30 o'clock. The camp is locally under the direction of Lawrence H. Yingling and Wayne L. Claxton of the Skokie school, Winnetka, and Robert W. Yingling of Geneva, Illinois. The Mon- tana representative is Walter L. Con- way, author of the Montana nature study course and one of the best in- formed men today on the country in the northwest part of Montana. The program of the camp is also under the advisorship of S. R. Logan, assistant superintendent of Winnetka schools, who knows both the boys in this vi- cinity and the camp in Montana. Spe- cial attention is to be paid in the formulation of the camp program to develop personality, especially with re- spect to initiative and se'f-reliance. Camp Glacier, as it is known, is lo- cated on the same ridge as the two national parks, Glacier and Yellow- stone, and is between them. The lo- cality is in its native form, virgin tim- ber stretching in a complete circle around the lake which extends up the canyon to the very foot of Swan ridge, rising some 6000 feet above the water's surface. Glacial water, reaching to the lake by a sheer fall of two hun- dred feet, feeds into the lake at its head. A shallow and smooth beach is provided by nature for swimming and the best of fishing is obtainable, it is said. Excellent opportunities are of- fered for hiking and horseback riding and from Gordon Pass, a short hike away, eleven glaciers can be seen, some of which are as large as nine miles in width. The camp will be held for eight weeks and will include a week's stay in Glacier National Park, one of America's most famous beauty spots. The camp's location was chosen, ac- cording to its directors, because of its untouched and uncommercialized ap- pearance. Only space large enough for the camp buildings and tents has been cut away. The personnel is ex- perienced in the administration of camps and schools and are prepared to offer invigorating and inspirational companionship. Cornelia Otis Skinner to Read at Skokie March 22 Cornelia Otis Skinner, one of thg most prominent of present-day readers and the daughter of the great actor, Otis" Skinner, will present a number of her own character sketches at a benefit performance given under the auspices of the Bryn Mawr Regional scholarships committee, at the Skokie school Tuesday evening, March 22. Miss Skinner is an outstanding writer as well as a reader, having produced the play "Captain Fury" and articles for a number of leading magazines. In her little dramas, produced without the aid of either costuming or stage sets, Miss Skinner makes her charac- ters live. One moment she is in Paris after the War; again in snow-bound Towa or sunny, warm-wind swept Bar- bados. Depending entirely upon the imagination of her audience for aid, she is said to produce her characters in such a way that she never fails to completely win her audience. MRS. AMANDA FREEDER DIES Mrs. Amanda Freeder, 516 Provi- dent avenue, passed away at her home, Friday, March 4. Services were con- ducted from the Scott funeral chapel at Evanston and burial was at Me- morial Park. a