SH esi March 26, 1927 mn CY eg WINNETKA TALK College Head Stresses Nature Study for Child The moral-social value of nature study and its possihilities in the field of character ed- :tion and the de- velopment of p Unality were discus- sed by Presic .;: Edna Dean Baker of National i.indergarten and Ele- mentary college, in a radio talk given from station WMAQ Wednesday af- ternoon, March 16. "The interest of even the tiny child in nature and its phenomena is un- bounded," said Miss Baker. "To the small child all natural objects are apt to be endued with life and feeling to the same extent as himself, and every- thing in nature, because unknown and novel, is apt to inspire wonder. This brings from the child over 3 an ava- lanche of questions, and as his curi- osity is satisfied in the right ways his appetite for more information is whet- |. ted and his interest in nature becomes keener. In enumerating the values that lie in this interest in nature, Miss Baker said : "One of the greatest is simply the joy which contact with nature gives the child. The value of this joy, as of any happiness, is that it stimulates the whole physical organism to growtn and expression. "One of the finest traits of charac- ter is personal responsibility, and I know of no better means for its cul- tivation than the care of pets and plants. Part of the child's training should involve respect and considera- tion for wild life, which would lead vo the preservation of the forests and prevent extermination of plants and animals. As the child experiences re- sponsibility and care for his plants and animals, he unconsciously be- comes more kindly. Many children also learn self-control through their nature contacts. "Because of the influence of fear upon the physical and mental well- being of the child, and because of the number of fears connected with na- tural objects and phenoma, one of the great contributions of nature study is the elimination of these fears and the development of confidence and happi- ness in the presence of nature." Northbrook President Candidate for Trustee R. Lauer, who retires this spring from the office of president of the Vil- lage board of Northbrook, is not a candidate for re-election, but has been placed on the ticket of the Citizens' party as one of its candidates for trustee. The ticket is headed with the name of John McLachlan, for president. Joe Kortman and Alfred S. Krisor are the other two candidates for trustee, with Mr. Lauer. The election will be on April 19. It is said there is to be an opposition ticket in the field by that time. Leonard Company Sells Two New Winnetka Homes The E. T. Leonard company, build- ers, of 556 Center street, Winnetka, have sold the two new houses which they are building, one at No. 66 and the other at No. 70 Warwick road, Winnetka. The former, which has just been completed, is a an English, brick residence and was purchased by George Hoffman, of Rogers Park, who will occupy the house next week. The other residence, a Spanish stucco build- ing, has been sold to Frank G. Fulton, of Wilmette. It is practically com- pleted, and will be occupied by the Evanston Shop Open Tuesda~, Thursday and Saturday Evenings TEE @ AUB Henry C.Lytton & Sons | State and Jackson--Chicago + Orrington and Church -- Evanstor In Our Evanston Shop INTRODUCING THE OM? ' ct i . AND BETTER RANGE OF SUITS FOR BUSY BUSINESS MEN AND YOUNG MEN *35 and 40) With One and Two Trousers OR the past few seasons we have been carrying on experiments,so that we might decidedly improve the char- acter of clothing at these prices. Now, with the results of that exhaustive survey, plus our increased volume and lower overhead due to the new owner about the middle of April. I eg tremendous response to the Lytton Budget Buying Plan, we are ready to present "The Chicagoan." It is everything that you might expect from us --and more. Good woolens, good tailoring, good style, good service. It without question leads the field in moderately priced clothing. Society Brand Bristol Stripes, $50; Exclusive "Ultra" Hand-Tailored Suits, $55 to $100 -- No Toll Charge to Phone our Evanston Shop -- Call Winnetka 188