Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Mar 1927, p. 59

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- WANTED--YOUNG GIRL enced in sewing. Winn. WINNETKA TALK March 26, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS be charged only " Classified advertisements will General N otice to residents of the district from Evansten to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. _15 cents a line in one paper. * 25 cents a Rates 30 cents papers. CHARGE 50 cents. used. a line Average of five words to the line. 109 discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to line three papers. in any two MINIMUM No black face type in all our office at 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions--Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; WINNETKA TALK and Friday Thursday 5 o'clock for the 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 10 DRESSMAKING 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE PLAIN SEWING, MENDING, AND AL- | HELP WANTED--WH. WOMAN. COM- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1686. 10T3-tfe LET MISS CARLSTEN DQ. YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. 'Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T3-tfe DRESSMAKING --BY EXPERIENCED woman by the day. Call Glencoe 530 after 2:00 o'clock. 10T3-1tp WANTED -- DRESSMAKING AND RE- modeling. Wil. 2093. 10LT26-1te -- 19 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE--REX banjo mandolin almost new. PROFESSIONAL Pearl in- bination second maid and nurse for 3 yr. old boy. 271 Linden Ave. Must have references. Winn. 1254. 32T3-1te HELP WANTED--WHITE. GENERAL housework, good cook, must like chil- dren. Good home. Private bath. Winn. 360. 32T3-1te WANTED -- WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER for general housework. Two in family. Winn. 2589. 32L/TN26-1tc WANTED---YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with housework and 2 year old child. Winn. 1347. 32TN3-1te FOR COOKING Call Glencoe 1039. MAID--WHITE, first floor work. AND laid. Less than half price. Winn. 2618. 19LTN26-1tc 32TN3-1tc 21 PAINTING AND DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Glencoe 971. 21TN3-tfe 21B GARDENING WE TRIM AND DIG OUT_ TREES, grading lawn, cleaning, seeding and planting, lawns taken care of for sea- son by hour or contract. Wil. 3428, 21BLT26-1tc 33 HELP WANTED--MALE REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED. Large office with probably the most complete listing under one roof on the North Shore. Salesman not limited to territory and given the heartiest co- operation possible. Should drive a car. Experience desirable but might con- sider man with broad selling experi- 7 ence in other lines. KROLL & SMITH 419 4th St. End of "L" Ph. Wil. 500 : 33TN3-1te COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE. Plans furnished at a slight charge. Esti- WANTED -- MARRIED GARDENER. Cottage on the grounds. Small place. mates free. Call Wil. 732-W. Leo Kari. References required. Call Highland 21BLTN26-Rp Park 634. 33T3-1te EXPERIENCED GARDENER, TAKE |WANTED--MAN FOR JANITOR SER- care of lawns, take down trees. Lewis vice. 909 Linden Ave. Winn. 1055. Pantle, Landscape gardener. Phone 33T3-1te Winn. 1813. 21BT3-1te a 34 HELP WTD.--MA FE) WANTED--GARDEN AND LAWN : LE: MALE work. Wil 812-R. 21B-LTN26-tic| WANTED --COUPLE, CARE OF HOUSE and grounds. Good cook. Ref. Winn. 23 RADIOS 2824. 34LTN26-1tc FOR SALE -- RADIOLA 3A, ALL AC- cessories. Good condition, $15. Apply 554 Lincoln Ave. or Tel. Winn. 2759. 23LT26-1tc 30 - PERSONAL BANKER"S LIFE, IOWA, CERTIFI- cate holders for relief from recent in- 35 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 36 SIT. WANTED--FEMALE 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS COLORED WOMAN WANTS COOKING and downstairs work, or part time, Glencoe 530. 36T3-1te NEAT COLORED, GENERAL HOUSE- work. Experienced; no objection to children. Kenwood 4690. 36T3-1tp SIT. WANTED--HERR HAND LAUN- dress. Outside drying. Will call and deliver. Wil. 734. 36LTN26-4tp SIT. WTD. -- LAUNDRY WORK TAKEN home. Curtains a specialty. Winn. 502-J. 36LTN26-2tc 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE FOR RENT -- apt. H. W. heat, Modern conven- iences. Near trans. Reasonable. One room downstairs for couple or single person. Glencoe 301-M. 942 Glencoe Road. 42TN2-3tc INDIAN HILL ROOM APARTMENTS, IMMEDIATE possession. $566 per month. Winn. 1800. 42 TN26-1te [2 FOR RENT--5 ROOM COZY FLAT, fireplace, hot water heated. Best Res'd. district. Winn. 573-R after 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. 42T3-tfe WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, POSI- tion as houseman and gardening. Best references. Address F. A.,, 1661 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Phone Hum- boldt 1775. 3TTN3-1tp SIT. WTD. -- DAY WORK, HOUSE- cleaning, painting. cleaning walls, gar- FOR RENT--5 ROOM FLAT, HEATED 2nd floor. $60. 491 Madison St. "Tel Glencoe 343-R. 42. TN26-1tp SUN PARLOR; H. W. 1706 Elmwood Ave. 42L.TN26-1te 4 RMS. AND ht. Adults only. dening. Would like regular places all| FOR RENT--LARGE 4 ROOM APART- summer. Best ref. Taylor. Winn. 958. ment. $70 a month. 840 Center St. 3TLTN26-1tp Phone Winnetka 265. 42LTN26-1tc SIT. WANTED -- NEAT, RELIABLE,| FOR RENT--3 ROOM FLAT. REAR and handy man. Swedish. Best of entrance. Call Winn. 248 after 6 p. m. references. Winnetka Talk B-250. 42LTN26-1tc 37TTN3-1te CHAUFFEUR, WHITE, MARRIED MAN. Prefers suburban or country. Best references. Vincennes 5568. 3TLN26-1tp WANTED -- GARDENER, SITUATION 44 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- AFTER MAY 1. SIX RM. stucco house. Breakfast nook, sun rm. fireplace, bath, two-car garage. Wooded lot. 10 minutes drive to Skokie Valley Line to Northfield station. Tel. North- handy man around the place. Winn. brook 215-R1. $60 per mo. 44LTN26-1tp 2089. 37T3-2te FOR RENT -- WINNETKA 6 RM. HSE. SIT. WATNED--NEAT, RELIABLE, Htd. sun porch, glazed sleeping porch, col. man as chauffeur. Ref. Kenil 2 baths, garage, near trans. May 1. 383 before 6 P. M. 37T3-1tp Glencoe 114. 44L.TN26-1tp SIT. WANTED--FORMER EX-GOLF | FOR RENT--S8 ROOM HOUSE, CON- pro. wishes connection as chauffeur. venient to station and schools, lot Ref. Winnetka Talk B-251. 37T3-1tp 50x150. Call Winn. 573-R. after 6:00 FOR GARDEN AND HOUSEWORK call Winnetka 2844. KE. Mortensen. 37T3-1tp SIT. WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR, WHITE, married ; best references; prefer subur- ban place. Vincennes 5568. 37TLTNZ26-1tp p. m. on Saturdays. 44T3-tfc FOR RENT -- GOOD MODERN SEVEN room house and small garage, well located. - $110. Phone Winn. 2318. 44LTN26-tfc FOR RENT -- WINN. SPLENDID 6 RM. brick house, 2 baths. Phone Winn. 507. SIT. WANTED -- MECHANIC AND 44L'TN20-1tc chauffeur. 7 yrs. exp. Careful driver. Best ref. Winn. 2418. 37LTN-1tp | FOR RENT -- BUNGALOW, 3 ROOMS, -- bath, sleeping porch, full basement. $65. 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS 1040 Pine St. Winn. 752. 44LTN26-1tc LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH TWIN |FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE WITH 3 beds; also, 2 beautiful connecting porches. Winn, 932. 44T3-1te rooms with kitchenette and private bath. Garage, if desired. In best lo- cality; close to transportation. 545 Provident Ave. Winn. 2795. 41T3-1te CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT26-tfc FOR RENT -- ROOM, PRIVILEGE OF entire house, with lady and little girl. References exchanged. 815 Gregory Ave. 41LTN26-1tc SALESMEN FOR PURO WATER FILTER EXCLUSIVE TERRITORIES IN WIL- mette, Winnetka, and Glencoe now open. Backed up by advertising. Full 'time FOR RENT--2 ROOMS AND BATH, kitchenette apartment for light house- keeping. Near all transportation. Phone Glencoe 744. 41TN3-1te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 1% block crease. Address Luckenbach, 2527 man preferred. Call H. and R. Ans- to all transportation and stores. Phone Blaine Place, Chicago. 30TN3-1tp | pach, Highland Park 1788, 35LTN26-1tc| Glencoe 770. 41TN-tfe 31 LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT--LARGE, AIRY ROOM LOST--POLICE DOG PUP, 5 MOS. old. Black with tan markings, clipped spot on back near tail. Dog under doctor's care, has skin disease in- jurious to children. Call Glencoe 676. 31TN3-1te 36 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SIT. WTD. -- EXP. MAID, HOUSE- keeper, good cook, best wages, or laun- dry work and cleaning done by day. Address Wilmette Life B-249. - 36LTN26-1tp LOST--AT SUNSET AND WILSON St., March 9, cream colored wire wheel, size 30x3%. Winn. 895. 31T3-1tc ------------ 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WOMAN CAPABLE OF CARING FOR year. old baby. home, small salary; private room. Phone Wil. 2867. 32LTN26-1tc WANTED -- NEAT EXPERIENCED white maid, general housework and cooking ; 2 adults and child ; near trans- portation. Phone Wil. 84. 32LT26-1tc WANTED--GIRLS TO LEARN PRESS- ing of fancy dresses. Call Zenglers at 899 Lincoln Ave., Hubbard Woods. 32LTN26-1tc EXPERIENCED WHITE NURSE, CARE of 2 children and upstairs work. - Wages $18.00. References. Call Glen- coe 445. 32LTN26-1tc EXPERI- Apply Polly Prim 32LTN26-1tc Shop. 1635. SIT. WTD. -- WHITE WOMAN WANTS work by the day. Also, cooking and serving. Phone Wil. 826-R. 36LT26-1tc SIT. WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN wants work by day. Also, cooking and serving. Phone Wil. 825-R. 36LT26-1tc WANTED -- WASHING TO TAKE home by experienced laundress. Will call for and deliver. Phone Wil. 2130. 36LTN26-1tc with double bed. 419 Chestnut St. Very reasonable. Winn. 650-R. 41T3-1tp LARGE LIGHT WELL FURNISHED room. Private bath. Near transporta- tion. Winn. 1543. 41LTN26-1te FOR RENT--ROOM. VERY REASON- able. Newly decorated. Good home. Winn. 2844, 41T3-1te FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM NEAR transportation. Phone Winn. 415. 41T3-1tc 15 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT--6 ROOM FURNISHED house. Two-car garage. May 1st to Oct. 1st. Call after 5 o'clock. Winn. 1662. 45T2-2tp FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM house, furnished, sun porch, , sleep. pch.,, gar. Winn. 1781. - '45T3-tfc 1 ---- ce -- 47 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--ONE SPACE IN TWO car garage. Inquire at 988 Ash St. 47T3-1tp FOR RENT--GARAGE SPACE AT 502 Provident Ave., Winn. Price $8.00. 47T3-1te A A 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- OFFICE SPACE, 2ND floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or gen- eral office space. Rental from $20 to $50. Apply Rapp Bros. 522 Center St. 'Winnetka. 48 TN26-tfc 50 FOR SALE--APT. BUILDINGS FOR SALE -- NORTH EVANSTON, 2 flat brick building; 2 car garage. One and a half years old. Good transporta- tion. Must sell, at a bargain, $19,000. Will take vacant as part payment. Winn, 2752. 50LTN26-1tc 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR RENT -- FURNISHED R®OM. Convenient to all transportation. Phone Winn. 2382. 41T3-1tp FOR RENT -- LOVELY BEDROOM with large sleeping porch. Suitable for 2 or 3. Winn. 2336. 41T3-1tc HOUSEWORK, COOK, FIRST CLASS. White. Widow with 9 year old daughter. Neat and competent. Ref- erences. Kenil. 3095. 36T3-1tp SIT. WANTED--EXP. GIRL WANTS work by day or hour, will also cook and serve. Winn. 2672. 36T3-1tc WINNETKA For Sale or to Rent 228 Sheridan Road CHARMING NEW BRICK, 8 RM. house ; 4 br. 2 baths, ex. lav.; attached garage. Apt. service. Good lot; near LOVELY LARGE ROOM. GENTLEMAN schools and trans. See owner. preferred. Winn. 1877. 41LTN26-1tc 52LTN26-1tc EXTRA LARGE ROOM, TWIN BEDS. Winn. 1920. 41L/TN26-1tc $2,500 CASH FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, 893 Elm St. Winn, 1719. 41T3-1tc SIT. WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK. Call Greenleaf 1552. 36LTN26-1tp SIT. WTID.--COLORED. WORK BY DAY or week. Glen. 758. 36TN2-2tp 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT-- 5 ROOM FLAT, 1ST FL. Near transportation. $65. Wil. 1130. 42I.TN26-1tc WILL HANDLE 6 ROOM COLONIAL; 3 bedrooms, sun porch; hot water heat; full attic with space for additional rms. ; attached garage. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. Price $16,500. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 52LTN26-1tc 3 ROOMS UPSTAIRS hmmm --. mh

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