~ March 26, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES 2 60 WTD. TO RENT--HOUSES 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS ror ru MUST SELL $24,500, VERY FINE 9 RM., 6 BEDRM.,, 2 bath residence 4 yrs. old with 70 ft. of woeded ground; oil burner, h. w. heat, big porches. Artistic living rm., huge fireplace. Located perfectly for schools and transp. No better value anywhere for a good-sized family. Must sell quickly and any reasonable offer will be given serious considera- tion. Will gladly work with agents on full commision basis. Call Green- leaf 1617 or Rogers Park 5210 for further information. ". 52T3-1te Home Sacrificed » $24,500 OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE. DO not hesitate to look this bargain over and make your offer NOW. It will be sold. Nine room modern home; 6 bedrooms and 2 baths; side porch and sleeping porch; hot water heat with oil burner. Extra wide wooded lot. Located close to conveniences, such as schools, depot and stores. Easy terms can be arranged. $5,000, cash down, or even less. Hill & Stone 543 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 1544 52T3-1te A T r HOME ON RAVINE FOR SALE--HOME BUILT BY OWN- er; of solid brick English architecture. All exceptionally lIge. rooms; 4 bed- rooms; 3 baths; ample closet space; recreation room with fireplace in base- ment. Vapor oil heat; large sunny laundry; 2-car attached garage. Lot east of Sheridan Rd. 756x235. Beau- tifully landscaped, $42,000. SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 52TN3-1te 3 ns '] MUST SELL MY HOME, COMBINES CHARM AND convenience. Situated in exclusive east neighborhood and. priced below market. Seven rooms; 4 bedrooms and glazed sun porch; hot water heat; weather stripped ; Minneapolis Heat Regulator ; Premier hot water heater. House set well back on attractively landscaped lot, 756x165, on private street, no traf- fic. $18,500. Phone Winn. 147. 52TN3-1tc E. WINNETKA SPECIAL BEST BUY ON N. S. ATTRACTIVE, MODERN 7 ROOM, new, brick house. 4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, lav., heated sun-porch, sun parlor, attached garage, breakfast nook ; reasonable price; easy terms. Ready for occupancy. Cowen, 797 Cherry St., Winn. Winn. 2633 52TN3-1te FOR SALE--2 NEW SPANISH HOUS- es, pressed brick on hollow tile, tiled roof, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car attached garage; hot water heat, : Frigidaire ; textone walls, steel sash in windows. Lots 50x180. Golf grounds and Skokie school within 2 blocks. Cherry St. & Glendale. Winn. 1194. ; 52T3-1te FOR SALE--6 ROOM, MOD. STUCCO home, sun-room, breakfast nook, and garage. H. W. Heat. 4 years old. Well landscaped. 3 blks. N. of In- dian Hill depot. East side. Price $14,500. 565 Elder Lane, Winn. 52LTN26-tfc $6900.00 TAKES BQUITY. 6 ROOMS, 2 porches ; attractive, well built nr. trans- portation; hardwood floors and trim.; fireplace ; garage; fine trees; with in- come. Carrying first mortgage. Act quick. Address owner, Wilmette Life B-245. 52LTN26-1tp » 5 : GLENCOE HOME IN NORTH EAST GLENCOE, WE ARE offering what we consider one of the best buys we have had. The lot is 100x 227 ft. beautifully landscaped. The house, 3 years old, is of stucco, contain- ing huge living room, 17 ft. 4 inches x 36, with large French windows run- ning to the floor, large dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, lavatory and toilet. On second floor, the master bedroom is 17° 4"x21, with private tile bath, 3 other large bedrooms, tile bath and sewing room. First time offered, $42,500, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Phone Glencoe 702 52LTN26-1te Wanted to Rent--Furnished and unfurnished homes for summer or longer. MURRAY & TERRY 40 N. Dearborn St. Chicago Or call Glencoe 267, or Wil. 218. 60L/TN26-1tc WANTED TO RENT--5 OR 6 ROOM unfurnished house, preferably with gar- age, possession April or May. Phone Winn. 1617. 60 TN26-tfc WTD. TO RENT -- FURNISHED OR unfurnished house in good location. Wil. 2152. 60TN3-1te FOR SALE--320 ABBOTTS- FORD RD., KENILWORTH A 9 ROOM STUCCO RESIDENCE, ON lot 100x175 feet, fine trees; all improve- ments paid; 4 family bedrooms, 2 fam- ily baths, 2 maids' rooms and bath. Must sell. Owner has put it in our hands at a price of $30,000. Reasonable terms. Possession at once. Murray & Terry AGENTS 40 N. DEARBORN, OR CALL WIL. 218 EVENINGS. 52L.T25-2te American Brick Colonial EAST WINNETKA HOME BEAUTI- ful---near; center, handy to lake; built few years; splendid condition; 7 rooms; living room 26x16; fireplace; breakfast nook ; sun room; 4 airy chambers; 2 tile baths; oak floors; hot water heat with oil burner; nice lot with shrubs; gar- age; bargain at $24,000. Terms. Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. 746 Elm St. Winnetka 2199 52LT26-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--2 YEAR OLD, 8 room Colonial; sun parlor and sleep- ing porch; 2 rooms on 3rd floor; 2 baths; also, lav. on first floor. Conv. schools and Trans. $250.00 month. One or 2 year lease. Glencoe 1224. 52LTN26-tfe FOR SALE OR TRADE 7 RM. MOD. hse. 8S. E. sec. nr. trans. Highland Pk. for smaller hse. or vac. Wilmette Life B-243. 52L.TN26-1tp 53 FOR SALE--VACANT SAY Here is an opportunity that cannot be overlooked by any person interested in North Shore real estate. I am offering a wonderful buy in my lot 62x197 situated in Woodland Park sub- division Deerfield, Illinois one of the North Shore's Choicest locations. Both storm and sanitary sewers are In and paid for, water in to the curb line, steel re-enforced concrete streets will be finished by spring, ground is high and dry, not a low marshy spot near this oroperty. If you are interested in this proposition, $2,000 will take it, one half down and bal- ance on easy terms. Owner employed in Wilmette and must make his home in that village. Address Wilmette Life B-186 53LTN26-tfp FOR SALE--10 ACRES, ADJOINING splendid sub-division; over 100 trees, near Skokie Valley Line. real buy. Address Francis S. Moore, 315 Cumnor Roard, Kenilworth, Ill 3 54L TN 26-1tp 56 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- GLENCOE RESIDENCE; east side. Seven rooms, 2 baths, extra lavatory ; Kleen Heet; garage; canvas walls; lot 100x200. Near school, excel- lent transportation. Moderately priced. Terms. Call Glencoe 746. 52LTN26-2tc FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL FIVE RM. corner brick bungalow. Tile roof, bath, shower, oil heat, garage to match building. All improvements in and paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 reduced from $25,000. Freters, 260% I.awrence Ave., Chicago. 52LTN26-tfp FOR SALE -- 1719 ELMWOOD AVE, Wilmette, 8 room frame ; hot water ht.; terms. Owner Phone Wil. 2399. 52LTN26-tfc FOR SALE -- NEW 5 ROOM HOUSE ON Kiest Avenue, Northbrook; modern. Ready for occupancy. Tel. Northbrook 113. 7 52LTN26-1tp FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Co. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 56T3-1te 57 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--COUPLE DESIRES 2 OR 3 housekeeping rooms; also garage space. Quiet surroundings. May 1st occupancy. Wilmette Life B-244. 57TLT26-1te 60 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES 61 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES WTD. TO RENT -- BY ELDERLY couple, for two or three month from May 1st, small furnished house. Con- venient to Congregational Church. Ad- dress Care Winnetka Talk B-248. 61T3-1te WTD. TO RENT -- FURNISHED HSE. for 6 months, from June 1st, with op- tion for 6 months longer term. Four bedrooms; 2 baths; 2 to 5 blocks from public school. Bedrooms on second fl. Will use own linen and silver. Garage. Price around $200 per month. Write particulars Winnetka Talk B-252. 61TN3-1te 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS 1926 FORD Tudor -... i. 20s. io ve $325 1926 "FORD Touring i... vu: conv svie $210 1924 POBD Coupe : .:vonvnvrasnsnsnes $125 1924 CHEVROLET Sedan ......... $175 1924 CHEVROLET 4 pass. sedan ...$235 Dabe-Nevitt Motor Sale 911 Linden Ave. Highwood, TIl. Hubbard Woods, Ill. Tel. Highland Tel. Winn. 296 Park 56 All cars sold on service guarantee, terms. 68LTN26-1tc DAD! JUST THE CAR FOR YOUR BOY FOR SALE -- SAXON, SPORT ROAD- ster; wire wheels; 5 good tires, spot light and many accessories. Very cheap to operate. Price $300. John Dewar, Jr. Phone Winn. 1791. 68LTN26-1tc FOR SALE -- DODGE SEDAN IN EX- cellent running condition. Bargain at $175. 387 Linden St. Telephone Winn. 616. 68LTN26-1tc DODGE DELUXE SEDAN 1926. Less than 5,000 miles, $800. Easy terms. Tel. Winn. 165. 68LTN26-tfc 69 WTD. TO BUY--USED CARS WTD. -- OLD AUTOMOBILES, ELEC- trics. Write Notarius, 3440 Potomac Ave., Chicago. Giving make of car. Al- bany 10073. 69TN1-3tp 70 ANTIQUES THE WHAT-NOT A NEW NAME FOR MRS. DICKE'S studio, but still continuing under her personal management. Among our newest arrivals are: chests, chairs, love seats, sofas, tables, stools, day- beds, hooked rugs, quilts, tapestries, a grandfather clock, secretary, cherry slant-top desk, old pine Dutch cup- board, fiddle back mah. chairs and bed. Steigle, Sandwich and Wistar- burg glass. Brilliantly colored prints & maps made by the early masters from 1580 to 1800. Etchings by 'Whistler, Rembrandt, Durerus, Doo- little and Paul Revere. Original draw- ing by Kate Greenway. Color plate books in sets and odd volumes. Large collection of early-American docu- ments. You may find a letter written by one of your ancestors, or even a portrait. The What-Not is open every day and Sunday from 8 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. 808 WASHINGTON STREET EVANSTON 1 Bl. So. Main St. 1 Bl. E. Ridge Ave. T0LTN26-1tc Antique Furniture SPOOL AND POST BEDS; DAY BEDS; large and small drop leaf tables; chairs; bureaus; dressing tables, pine secre- tary ; blanket chests; Boston rockers; cupboards, etc. Tel. Winn. 462. TOLTN26-1te ------------------------------------------------------------ 71 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- ONE JEWEL COAL range and one Jewel gas range. For quick sale $10 each. Call Winn. 789. 71T3-1te WTD. TO RENT -- HOUSE FOR MAY 1st occupancy; 4 bedrooms, near North Shore. Winn. 1380. 60T2-4tp ROUND FUMED OAK DINING ROOM table, 54 inches. Tel. Winn. 439. 71T3-1te Bargain for Young Couple 4 ROOM SUITES OF FURNITURE, each worth $3,000, will take $550 com- plete or will separate; 3-piece silk mo- hair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4-piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave. near Sheridan Rd. Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will ar- range for delivery. TILTNZ24-4tp Antique Furniture HARP BUTTERFLY TABLE, HAND carved straight back Rosewood chalr, 2 Highboys, open bookcase, 2 piece bed- room set, $15; 3 piece bedroom set, $50 ; Wash stands, Victrola, fireplace set, 2 sewing tables, dress form, rocking chairs, Isko ice machine, box of paints, garden tools, No. 9 Oliver typewriter, kitchen cabinet, and other articles. 815 Oakwood Ave. Tel. Wil. 1882. FOR SALE--BRAND NEW EUREKA Electric sweeper, with attachments, $20.00. French Mahogany Mantel Clock, $8.00. Silver 5 candle dining light fix- ture, $5. Large oval wall mirror, $3.00. Draperies, Sun fast silk Kapoe, 4 long pair, 6 half length pairs with valances, $8. Gentleman's Spring overcoats, size 38-40, $10 and $8. Ladies' Spring coat and black satin gress size 308. . Wil. 492, 104 reenwo ve. a T1LT26-1tc HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE. Leaving city, 9-piece French Walnut dining rm. set; mirrors; desks; lamps; 9x12 and 13x15 rugs; ice box; Hamil- ton-Beach vacuum ; bedroom furniture; porch furniture; radio cabinet; 3-piece overstuffed living room set; Kitchen table ; Minneapolis heat regulator, etc. All high grade furniture. 1100 Pine St, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1403. 71T3-1tc Marabia Wilton Rug MARSHALL FIELD'S BEST 11.3x20 FT. Perfect condition. Bargain. Can be seen Warble Storage Co., 521 Main Street, Wilmette. TILTN26-1tp MODERN UPRIGHT FOR SALE -- dull mahogany case, beautiful piano, tone, $150. Large enamel gas range, practically new, $25.00. Refrigerator, $5.00. Call Winn. 2520. TILTN26-1tec FOR SALE -- 1 FULL SIZE BRASS bed, box springs, hair mattress; bird's eye maple dresser, chair and rocker, $35; and 1 iron bed, springs and mat- tress, $12.50. Call Winn. 404. 71T3-1tc PAINTED BEDROOM SET, TWIN BEDS and other pieces to match. Mahogany dining room set. Table and 6 chairs. Ice Box. Iredale Warehouse, 560 Cen=- ter St., Winnetka. T1TN3-1te FOR SALE -- GAS STOVE, RIGHT hand oven, white with nickle trim. Price $25.00. Phone Winn. 1892 after 5 Pp. m. T1ILTN26-1te TIVING ROOM AND DINING ROOM A RU furnitare. Bed, box springs and mat- tress. Other household goods. Wil. 3071. T1LTN26-1te TOR SALE -- MUSIC CABINET, $4.00; 2 brass beds, $5.00 each; 3 dining chairs, $1.00 each; adjustable dress form, $3.00. Winn. 1003. T71LTN26-1tp FOR SALE -- PAINTINGS, ETCHINGS, Mezzotints and other pictures. Will be at home Sunday all day. 1092 Oak St., Winnetka. TITN3-1tp FOR SALE -- ICE BOX, WATER HEAT- er, Victrola and records, day-bed, pic- tures, kitchen chairs, cots. Cheap. Winn. 2694. T1TN3-1te FOR SALE -- TEAKWOOD TABLE with marble top. Mahogany tea cart. Tel. Winn. 2824. TILT26-1te FOR SALE -- LARGE, OVERSTUFFED, velour davenport. Tel. Winn. 1752. TILTN26-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO, EX- cellent condition. 1125 Gage St. Winn, 1967. T1TN3-1te FOR SALE -- DOUBLE BED. WINN. 2563. TITN3-1tp FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM SET with buffet. Also, Victrola. Call Winn. 1727. T1T3-1te I ---------------------------------------------------- 2 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. = T2LTN3-1te WANTED TO BUY -- USED GRAND Piano, 5 ft. size. Must be first class standard make, in good condition. Tel. Univ. 6485. T2LTN25-3te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 60