WINNETKA TALK March 26, 1927 Classified Advertisements (Continued from Page 59) 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- GIRLS 8-10 YR. GOGD spring coat, $5.00; fur coat set (cheap) ; ballet and toe slippers; hiking shoes & and white pumps, like new, 4B; bicycle, $5.00. Boy's suits, coat 10-14 yrs. Per- fect set "My Book House" $20. Child's dec. Oak desk and chair, $5.00; ironing board, safety gate, go-cart covers. Sil- ver slippers 5A A, like new, $3.00. Winn. 54. 73T3-1tp FOR SALE--WHIRLPOOL DISH WASH- er, family size; almost new, less than half price. Phone Winn, 1117. ' T3LTN26-1te FOR SALE -- OLIVER NO. 11 TYPE- writer in perfect condition, $16. Phone Winn. 628-M. 73LT26-1te FOR SALE -- COAT AND DRESSER Large siz. Phone Kenil. 598. 73LTN26-1te --- - ed 74 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines. Old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. T4T3-tfc WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1222 Central Avenue., Wilmette. T4LTN26-tfp LADIES AID TO MEET The Ladies' Aid society of the North Shore Methodist Episcopal church will meet on Tuesday, April 5, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Sperry B. Pope, 675 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe. Mrs. Arthur Hart, corresponding secretary for the Northern district, will speak. Mrs. Cope, mother of Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, 239 Essex road, left Kenil- worth Tuesday to attend the state conference of the D. A. R. at Rock Island. Threshold Players to Give " . LT J Nowhere But in America The Threshold Players of Glencoe | will meet on Tuesday evening, April |5. They will give a one-act play, "Nowhere but in America," acted by Mrs. Katherine F. Postle, Miss Sally Nohelty and Fred Bray. Miss Ethel Repass is directing it. The Ravinia group of players will be present, and will give a one-act play, "The Lost Silk Hat." Mrs. Laird Bell, of the North Shore Thea- tre guild, will give a short talk. This is a regular meeting of the Threshold Players, to which active and associate members are entitled to come. Alexander Dean, director of the North Shore Theatre guild will give a talk. TRINITY LUTHERAN SERVICE Services in German will be conduct- ed at Trinity Lutheran church, Glen- coe, Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, by the pastor, Rev. L. Nauss, from the text, John 19: 16-17. English services will be held at 11 o'clock, at which time the sermon theme will be, "The Cross a Victory in Seeming Defeat." Services will be held Wednesday eve- ning of next week at 8 o'clock, when the theme will be, "How the Scrip- tures were Fulfilled in Christ's Treat- ment at the Hands of the Soldiers that Crucified Him." The Chicago Surface Lines during 1926 carried approximately as many revenue passengers as all of the steam railroads in the United States com- bined. Although almost identical with Iowa and Wisconsin in area, Illinois has as many miles of electric railways as those two states combined. Helen Shirley Heide, the 3 year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred W. Heide, 1446 Thome Avenue, has been fed "Selected" Milk since birth. Results speak for themselves Observe the good health of the children who thrive on this im- proved drinking milk. They enjoy its sweet, natural taste. BORDENS . FARM PRODUCTS CO. of Illinois Wilmette 1545 17¢ a quart Service that is 99%% Accurate Accounts Agents for sale to the highest to reject in full or in part any C. D. Stephens, 1433 Ashbury Ave. Geo. Peterson, 901 8S. Greenbay Rd. The above listed accounts to be CORRECT AND UN vertised for sale until sold. A signed. 118 N. La Salle St. Merchants and professional men The following accounts are offered by the undersigned as Tom Andrews, Winnetka Ave., Winnetka, Ill. Coal ............ $ 8.90 J. W. Walsh, 870 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka, Ill. Fuel Oil ........ 175.61 A. W. Mitchell, 254 Scott Ave., Winnetka, Ill. Fuel Oil ........ 102.65 E. A. Mercadal, 446 Sunset Rd., Winnetka, Ill. Fuel Oil ....... 11.53 T. E. Andrews, 1206 Winnetka, Winnetka, Ill. Satin Slippers .... 6.50 Geo. Reisner, 758 Rosewood, Winnetka, Ill. Service & Mdse. .... 20.89 J. H. Luensman, 804 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. Service & Mdse. ... 16.95 Wm. Cunningham, Ravinia, Ill. Shoes & Repair ................ 16.35 A. L. Lundahl, 2411 Simpson, Evanston, Ill. Fuel Oil .......... 43.88 Chas. Abel, 2123 Ridge Ave., Evanston, Ill. Account ............ 47.00 John Rowan, Waukegan Rd, Glenview, Ill. Account .......... R. S. Gonsalves, Libertyville, Ill. Service & Mdse. .............. above accounts will be received at the office of the under- Powers Credit Service or notes will be given full information on request. For Sale bidder. The right is reserved offer. , Winnetka, Ill. Account .... 8.20 Highland Park. Serv. & Mdse. 39.55 are guaranteed by the owners DISPUTED and will be ad- 11 bids for the purchase of the Chicago, Il. desiring to dispose of their accounts -- pe Lo The 8 Best Buys at These 8 Prices Attractive 6 rm. bung.; hot water heat; beautifully wooded lot, 92x192; 2 car garage. Reduced to $16,500 Homey 6 room English Colonial; extra toilet-lavatory first; hot water heat; fine lot $18,500 Delightful English home; 3 bedrooms; sleeping porch; 2 baths; hot water oil heat; attached garage; carpets go with house. Offers invited 8 rooms: hot water heat; 2 baths; 2 car garage; lot 6ox180 worth $200 per foot; in Indian Hill section Attractive 8-room Spanish brick; 2 baths; hot water heat; vaulted ceiling in living room; 2 car brick garage $26,000 Charming modern brick Colonial; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; heated sun and sleeping porches; toilet-lavatory first; Minneapolis heat regu- lator; attached garage; beautifully wooded lot. Change necessi- tates quick sale 8 room Colonial; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; toilet-lavatory 2nd floor; immense sun room 14x28; 2 car garage; fine lot 75x190 in choic- est neighborhood. Owner bought other larger home and deter- mined to sell Almost new American brick Colonial; 5 bedrooms; 3 baths; sun room: hot water heat: toilet and lavatory 1st; 2 car brick garage $34,000 ------------ Se -------- HEINSEN REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents 720 Elm St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 254 i