wre 26 WINNETKA TALK April 2, 1927 10095 Co-Op. Apts. 3740 Sheridan Rd. Two 16 story bldgs. of 6 and 7 rooms, 3 bath apts., 2 apts. on each floor; 100 car garage with sodded roof garden. This is an unusual opportunity to purchase a co-operative apt. at a price based on the valuation of 1923. Equities as low as $7,300 for 6 rms. and 3 baths and $11,450 for 7 rooms and 3 baths. With these apts. you get a proportionate share of the garage property. This bldg. is the highest type of modern construction. The size of the rooms will exceed your expec- tations, and the floor plan is simi- lar to that of a spacious house. These apts. are open today for in- spection. Our agents will be on the premises. H. H. DECKER & CO. Specialists in Co-operative Apts. 714 Wrigley Bldg. Superior 5178 Phone Sunday Buckingham 8438 Wilmette Student Has Part in "Big 3" Debate D. W. Chapman of Wilmette, a senior in Harvard college, was picked for the Harvard debating team, which met Princeton in a triangular debate with Yale and Princeton last Saturday night. The argument was on the ad- ministration's policy in the Nicaraguan affair, Harvard taking the negative side. Chapman has been prominent in undergraduate affairs, having been a member of the debating team for the past three years, as well as being Phi Beta Kappa. He prepared for Har- vard at New Trier Township High school. Mrs. Sydney T. Pratt of Manitowoc, Wis., has been the guest for the past week of Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, Kenilworth. Rose Marion Knight INTERIOR DECORATING New spring lines of imported and domestic Fabrics have arrived. Esti- mates without obligation. 606 Michigan Ave. Greenleaf 1319 ROSENBERGS Davis Street ~ Downtown Evanston Rosenberg's ApjusTIK Shoes That Combine Beauty and Comfort . A beautiful effect in Patent Leather or dull Calfskin. $10 A handsome Oxford in Patent Leather. $10 Simplicity is the keynote of the Adjustik shoe. For healthy, normal feet these shoes with their special features are ideal in that they insure the proper action of the foot muscles and keep them strong and healthy. For the woman who is suffering from shoe-marred feet due to improper shoes, Adjustik shoes assist nature in bringing them back to health and strength. We invite you to come in to- day and inspect our new line of Adjustik shoes and try them on. Shoes--First Floor Install North Shore Girls in N. U. Offices Hortense Pendleton, 629 Haven street, Virginia R. 1104 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, and Ruth S. Chatfield, 1615 Ridge avenue, Evanston, are three north shore girls who have just been honored by the student body of Northwestern univer- sity. Miss Pendleton was elected head of the Woman's Athletic association; Miss Bixby was chosen to lead the Woman's Self-Government association, and Miss Chatfield won the high place on the official corps of the student Y.W.CA The new W. A.A. officers were in- stalled at a sport spread on Thursday, March 31. This followed the final apparatus meet and the championship basketball game for campus girls, which took place at Patten gymna- sium. A special feature of the after- noon and evening was an exhibition by the dancing team which has been under careful instruction for some time. Among the girl students at Northwestern the new selections for these high positions in campus organi- zation are being praised. It takes a girl of unusual ability, it is stated, to fill any one of these posts. Evanston; Bixby, Kenilworth Garden club, a member of the Garden club of America, last week completed a Garden model which she sent to the New York Flower show. She made the model at the invitation of Mrs. John Lynch, who is chairman of the New York Flower show. nO Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Hawxhurst, Essex road, and Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor, 149 Kenilworth avenue, re- turned to Kenilworth March 23, after spending about eight weeks in Europe. Roy H. Jarrett, 534 Essex road, Kenilworth is expected home the last of this week from California. MANY IN N. U. MEET Purple Track and Swimming Contests for High School Boys Big Success. Wilmington high school of Wilming- ton, Del, traveled to Evanston last weekend to capture the Northwestern university Interscholastic swimming championship for the second year in succession. Northeastern high school of Detroit and LaGrange high school of LaGrange, Ill, tied for first place in the track events of the interscholas- tic. Preliminary events in both meets were held Friday afternoon while the finals were held Saturday afternoon. Four records were broken during the course of the games, three of them in track and one in swimming. Tom Warne of Kokomo, Ind., leaped 12 feet 7 inches for a new record in the pole vault while Boyle of Rockford, Ili, broke the high jump mark with a leap of 6 feet 2 inches. Over 500 athletes representing over 60 schools participated in the meet which was the largest number of com- petitors in the history of the annual contests. Following the meet Satur- day afternoon a banquet was held in the gymnasium which was attended by all the participants. K. L. Wilson, ath- letic director of the university, Frank Hill, track coach and Dick Hanley, football coach talked to the boys dur- ing the distribution of awards. SCOUT MEETING IN MAY The Spring Council meeting of the North Shore Area, Boy Scouts of America, is to be held in the New Trier High school dining hall and auditorium Friday evening, May 6. Dinner is to be served at 6:30 o'clock and a public Court of Honor will fol- low at 8 o'clock. More than 80,000 people in Illinois own telephone securities, says the Wall Street Journal. Faster Sunda APRIL 17 Easter time is dress-up time -- Easter--but rather because it is the real beginning of Spring. Your Spring Suit or Topcoat Tailored to Order $35 $40 $45 *50 Order now --ready for Easter! CITY SALES--FOURTH FLOOR 319 West Van Buren Street Tailors for thirty-three years to the best aressed men of America Ne not altogether because it is