50 WINNETKA TALK April 9, 1927 WINNETKANS BROADCAST Mrs. William Gold Hibbard spoke over WGN on S¥ on "How Names Get on the Ballot," over the same station. Mrs. Maurice April 5, on "The | Lieber will broadcast over KYW from League's Service to Citizenship." Mrs. 4:15 to 4:25 April 13, on "The State John N. VanderVries spoke April 7,| School Fund and Its Distribution." FARMERS MARKETING CO. BOX 823, CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA FRESH EGGS Direct to You by Parcel Post Order Now--2--4--12 Dozen Containers Predict Record Year in Hupmobile Motor Sales C. Hanson, local Hupmobile dealer returning to Winnetka from Detroit, where he visited the plants of the Hupp Motor: Car corporation, reports the greatest demand ior Hupmobiles throughout the country ever known. Capacity operations of the company's greatly enlarged plant facilities have been maintained practically without in- teruption since January 1. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Denoyer of 643 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth have re- turned from their Caribbean cruise. They left home February 20 to motor to St. Louis and Memphis to spend a week with friends before driving on to New Orleans, their port of embark- | ation. NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC LEAGUE Why Organized and What It Means TO YOU TS great purpose is to see that you get an electric service that is always as good as it is humanly possible to give. Elec- tricity has become a vital necessity. To give any but the best service is to deprive you of the full enjoyment of its benefits. The North Shore Electric League makes the electrical industry responsible to a central body. Its members are committed to a high standard of ethics in all their dealings with the public. The League will encourage and build a more complete understanding with the public. The League is your servant. Any of its members --Ilisted below-- will gladly and without any obligation on your part advise you and help you solve all your electric problems. If it is wiring your home--a most important matter --you will be shown how todo this to serve your every electrical convenience, economically, while enabling you to light your home properly and with charming decorative effects. Whatever your electric plan or problem any member of this League will give you the benefit of his experience and knowledge. Members of the North Shore Electric League: C. H. Adams & Company, Evanston, IIL O. G. Almcrantz, Evanston, 11L Bond Lehman Company, Evanston, Ill H. W. Craven, Evanston, lll. Glenview Electric Shop, view, Ill. Niles Center Electric Shop, Niles Center, Ill. Lake Shore Electric Company, Wilmette, Ill. Novak & Parker, Park Ridge, Ill. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, Evanston, IIL H. D. Summers, Evanston, Ill. Sam C. Woods, Evanston, Ill. North Shore Electric League 30 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. Affiliated with The Electric A Loum iation, an organizatil d in the b and improvement of the services rendered the public by the electrical industry in the Chicago area. TOUPEES and WIGS Natural as the Halr that was once your own. Ph. Central 0604 = FUNK & CO. os 36 So. State St. J Room 412 100% Co-Op. Apts. 3740 Sheridan Rd. Two 16 story bldgs. of 6 and 7 rooms, 3 bath apts., 2 apts. on each floor; 100 car garage with sodded roof garden. This is an unusual opportunity to purchase a co-operative apt. at a price based on the valuation of 1923. Equities as low as $7,300 for 6 rms. and 3 baths and $11,450 for 7 rooms and 3 baths. With these apts. you get a proportionate share of the garage property. This bldg. is the highest type of modern construction. The size of the rooms will exceed your expec- tations, and the floor plan is simi- lar to that of a spacious house. These apts. are open today for in- spection. Our agents will be on the premises. H.H. DECKER & CO. Specialists in Co-operative Apts. 714 Wrigley Bldg. Superior 5178 Phone Sunday Buckingham 8438 | Richard C. Steele Whitford Glencoe Man Has Role in Play at Goodman Theatre Richard C. Steele of Greenwood ave- nue, Glencoe, will be seen in the role of "Ferrand" the Franco-Belgian vaga- bond in John Gals- worthy's "Pigeon" opening at t he Goodman theater, Chicago con April 11 It is a moving and thougl.tful play about the uses and abuses of charity, generally considered to be | one of Galsworthy's best plays. Its re- vival brings with it Kane ; who is directing and playing the leading role which he played in the original London pro- duction and in New York, that of "Wellwyn" 'the kindly artist whose generous intentions make him the prey of every vagabond. For this part he was chosen by Galsworthy himself, who later wrote Mr. Kane: "You know how tremendously good I think your playing is, and how it has quite spoiled me for the idea of anyone else in the part." When at New Trier High school Steele was active in the Dramatic club and while at Cornell university played in Ned Wayburn's production of the Cornell Masque show, "Lady Luck." He has been studying in the Studio department of the Goodman theater since last September and this marks his first appearance with the Repertory company. Miss Mary S. Hill, the daughter of Mrs. Frank Ferry of 391 Sheridan road, returns Saturday from Carleton college, Northfield, Minn., for a ten day Easter vacation. En ® and An Illinois manufacturer recently made a shipment of 200 tons of candy, establishing a record for size of such shipments. ATTENTION BUSINESS MEN Bookkeeping systems installed -- modernized -- closed -- financial statements prepared--all at mod- erate cost. Are you in need of such service? Phone WILLIAM D. MILLARD Wilmette 2730 ad hair. THE For Distinctive Permanent Waving Large, Deep, Natural Waves, Negrescou's Pure Steam Process The elegance and beauty of a Permanent Wave is dependent on the artistic efficiency of the waver and not on any of the chemical processes or machines. Highly advertised machines, low prices and misleading promises are no assurance for a successful wave, neither are they any protection against burning, brittling and discoloring the hair. Diseriminating people choose our house and are assured by the 30 years' experience of Mr. John Negrescou, of receiving a wave that expresses ele- gance, youth and beauty without the slightest injury to yourself or to your Hair Goods--Transformations Bob Wigs with natural parts as low as $35.00. NEGRESCOU'S DRAPE WAVES, Ete. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting WIGGERY Suite 1314 Stevens Bldg., 17 N. State Street, Chicago Tel. Randolph 1035 " AHL a