pre aso) June 18, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 15 277 SENIORS TAKE PART INN. T. COMMENCEMENT (Continued from Page 14) Frederick Gordon Lundberg, and Lillian Rose Marie Lusk. Richard Harvey Macalister, Robert Lourie, Jr., Olive Virginia Ludlum, Arthur MacNeille, Day Elizabeth Mac- Sherry, George Mangel, Virginia Hart Marsh, Mary Leggett Martin, Robert C. Martin, Marjorie Mason, *Donald Kyle McAllen, Ellen Mary McCauley, Roberta Ramey McDonald, Jack McGinley, John F McKana, Jane Eliza- beth McKinney, Margaret McLoney, Elaine Anna N. Mergenthaler, Nathalie Grace Meers, Elsa Miller, Ruth Miller, and Harriet 'Marcella Mons. Robert Chipley Nicholls, Lois Preston Noble, Althea Janet Northam, Leslie E. Oberg, Roger Odman, Clifford DeWilton Older, *John Morgan Olmsted, Jr., Franklyn C. W. Olson, *Ruth V. Olson, Maurice Osborne, Margaret Alice Ott, and Parry Pope Owens. Marian Louise Page, Jason Paige, Jr., Waddy Paletti, William Richard Pan- coast, Richard "Travers Paynter, William Gilbert Peacock, Jr.,, Arthur Mathias Peters, Edward Charles Pfeffer, Stewart L.. Pomeroy, John Leslie Pope, Noemi Porter, Vernon Franklin Prisk, Dorothy Prouty, and Harlow Benjamin Pyfer. Maryellen Elizabeth Rankin, *John Valleau Rathbone, Jr., Jack W. 'Reasner, *Marjorie Frieda Reiner, Elsie Dorothy Reinhardt, Trurhan Richards, Irma Odette Robinson, John Wendell Robin- son, Jr.,, John Francis Romer, Sidney Rosenberg, Alice Jean Ross, Arthur Joseph Roth, Ruth Eleanor Roth, Emma Rummler, and Edward J. Ryerson. *Adelle Margot Savage, Louise Vir- ginia Sayner, Robert Arthur Schwarm, William Mason Seaborn, Jr. *Henry Benedict Seul, John Scott Sheridan, Stanford MacFarland Sherman, *Rollin Head Simonds, Eleanor Marcella Skelton, Julian Chester Smith, Jr., Daniel Sny- dacker, Marjorie B. Solomon, Jerome Friedman Spiegel, Harold Ellery Spin- ney, Jr., Esther Ruth Sprenger, Martha Klahr Springer, Dorothy Staehelin, Anna Margaret Stansell, Frederick Franklin Stoddard, Marie Bradley Stone, James Frederick Strong, *Margaret Caroline Stultz, and Marie F. Swenson. James Radel Tencher, Adeline Mary Tibbals, Marie-Louise Van Slyke, Ruth VanSteenberg, Maurice Harold Wald, Edward William Wallbaum, William Fowler Walton, Harry Lynn Warner, Arnold James Weil, Ruth Clara Weil, Charlotte Florence Weinberg, Ralph Les- ter Welch, John Cordner West, Stuart Clarence Westerfeld, E. Joyce Whitman, Ruth Eleanor Wilcox, Ruth Marie Wilen, Margaret Hope Wissmann, Herbert Al- bert Wolff, Marion Evelyn Wolf, Helen Norma IL. Wray, Karl Yost, and Jane Young. August Graduates Gertrude Elizabeth Becca, George G. Belter, Barbara Agnese Berry, Eleanor 1. Bird, Leonard William Block, Adrian Julian "Brower, Caroline Louise Burn- ham, *Florence Adele Burnham, Marion Dell Colby, John Gordon Cumberland, William Louis Edmonds, Lisbeth Etta Goss, Mona Evelyn Heller, Katherine Fairfield Kennedy, Lola Mildred Kurz, Launch Workshop to Swell Coffers of Charity Fund People of the north shore and of Highland Park in particular will have opportunity for the first time since the organization of the Industrial Work- shop movement in Chicago, to aid this philanthropic enterprise by mak- ing purchases of the products of the Workshop during the summer months, at the branch shop which is being opened at Highland Park. This shop will be opened Monday, Tune 20, at 19 South St. John's ave- nue, where various articles made in the Industrial Workshop in Chicago will be on sale. These articles include brooms, maids' dresses and aprons, bathroom rugs, textiles, negligees, bed jackets, French night gowns, silk un- derwear, pajamas and a varied line of gifts. These sales are not conducted for profit and are under the management of various women of Highland Park and the north shore who are inter- ested in charity work in Chicago. The shop, regardless of its philan- thropic purpose, it is announced will be conducted on a strictly business basis. "Dream Star" Wins Race at Sheridan Shore Club Earl T. DeMoe's "Dream Star" won first place in the Sheridan Shore Yacht club Star class race held from the Wilmette harbor Saturday, June 11. W. C. Danforth's "Katy Did" came in second, while "North Star," owned by Sam Goss, was third. "An- cona," owned by William Bauer, took the Pup class race. Another race is scheduled for Saturday, June 18, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Richard Ballenger of 1453 As- bury avenue will entertain the final meeting of the season of the Skokie circle, Monday, June 20 at 2:30, at her home. The names of new officers for the coming year will be announced. Robert Hamilton Martin, Margaret Mec- Fadzean, Robert Alex MecNie, Marcus Melzer, Wallace Storts Murray, Walter R. Neubacher, Virginia Louise O'Con- nell, Karl Bowen Palenski, Ruth Louise Randall, Kathryn Webb Ranney, Helen Anna Rohn, *Harold William Schaefgen, Lois G. Smale, Jeannette Olive Smith, Howard Stanwood Thompson, Jr., Cor- nelius Peter Van Schaack, Jr., and Da- vid Victor Wachsman, Jr. Your Furniture Cae will take all worries from your mind. 25 years of experience assures you of a most perfect job. We solicit your patronage. Slip Covers made to order Antique and Periodical Furni- ture given special attention. 4 Winnetka Upholstery & Furniture Co. ¢ T heodore Spacek, Prop. H 10 Carlton Annex ETE TEN TE TO TET OPN in Our Care TTT Yeow POOP Upholstered Furniture Made to order Furniture Repaired Mattresses Renovated ) Ph. Winn. 614 ih cdhstbthiodin 946 Oak St., Winnetka Phone 320 JUNE CLEARANCE All Hats Reduced to less than cost SILKS -- STRAWS -- FELTS f= rcaetional A Ny Church _ SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH 11:00 Morning Worship. Ser- mon, Rev. J. A. Richards. 8:00 Evening Worship. Ser- mon, Rev. T. A. Goodwin, "Commencements." Leland G. Vincent General Contractor Submit His Estimate if you are PLANNING A NEW HOME Making an Addition Remodeling it at all Building a Garage Ph. Winn. 1417 CUT Tr ET TTT 394 Center St., Winnetka HLT RTT LUTTE TTT ed