atte {A | 4 June 25, 1927 WINNETKA TALK HOME FROM WELLESLEY | Mrs. Charles Aspenwall of 1195 Miss Elizabeth Richards, daughter | Tower road entertained a number of of the Rev. and Mrs. James Austin| the wives of the men in the Chicago Richards of 739 Lincoln avenue, is|office of the McCormick Harvester home from Wellesley college for the|company at luncheon Tuesday. summer. She has just completed her ---- . sophomore year. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pavey of 845 left Sunday for Silver Lake, Wis. Bill returned last week from a visit of sev- eral weeks at Frankfort, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Simpson of 865 Auburn road left with their family last week for their cabin near Minocqua, Wis. They will return in September. -- : ¥ a Mrs. Frederick Deilly, mother of Miss Eleanor Eckhart of Kenilworth | Mrs. Earl Weinstock of 1323 Asbury has had Miss Elizabeth Crews of New | avenue, left Monday, June 20, for a York as her guest. Last week she en- | visit with friends and relatives in Los tertained eight of her friends at In- dian Hill Golf club for Miss Crews. will be away several months. Mrs. Frank Anderson of 910 Spruce | Miss Eileen Thiehoff, daughter of street entertained at luncheon and |Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thiehoff of 1172 bridge yesterday in honor of Mrs. | Hamptondale road, left Saturday, Maurice Lieber. Her guests were the|June 18, for a visit with Mrs. Merri- members of Mrs. Lieber's class at'man in Reading, Pa. She will be gone Community House this spring. a fortnight. | Lincoln avenue, with their son, Bill, | | | Angeles and San Bernadino, Cal. She || LAWNS Nature with the help of Krenn can provide you with the finest of green carpets. . .. See me for SEEDING or GRADING. . .. BLACK DIRT for Sale. Phone Winnetka 2435 FRANZ KRENN Grading of Lawns-- Tarvia I a Drives Made ndscape Gardener Shrubs and Trees for oF adloh 1036 Oak St. Sale. "I Sell Vigoro, the Lawn and Plant Fertilizer Food" DOO POO Stone and emnunnnnnnnnuu ue R UHURU Let Leland G. Vincent General Contractor STILL Submit His Estimate ! if you are PLANNING A NEW HOME Making an Addition Remodeling it at all Building a Garage nnn ns GT nm 304 Center St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 1417 nn nn HHL HGH UHH We're Proud of Our Leadership Tus AOE EEE EERE MUU =: We've established a reputation of which == we're proud. Our splendid volume of business makes us a strong factor... .to secure lower prices for you on better meats. Therefore our leadership and your con- tinued patronage builds for even greater values. For Sunday Dinner Shoulder of Spring Lamb Leg of Spring Lamb Peters' Market Meats of Quality Phones 9220-21-22 734 Elm St. ELECTRIC FANS S cooling as a re- freshing sea breeze with the added advan- Waestern Electric tage of : having it blow all the time or as long as Fans you feel need for it! Not carried both in a humid moment will Black there be in your home and all summer with an Electric Fan --handy to keep the tem- perature down and you "pepped up!" Ivory Finish Eckart Hardware Co. 735 Elm Street Phones 843-844 WINNETKA