a --_--_----,E ps 2 --_-- WINNETKA TALK July. 2, 1927 rn 1 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000) YY III IIA AAA AAN vi - Universal Decorating Studios Interior Decorations 1223 ADDISON STREET CHICAGO Phone Buckingham 6011 -- St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer M. A. pasor 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 : SERVICES Third Sunday after Trinity ---- 9:30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes 9:30 A. M. Preparatory service for communicants 9:45 A. M. First service and Holy Com- munion. 11:00 A. M. Second service and sermon: "A Noble Christian Church." MEETINGS Thursday at 2--Ladies"s Aid and Mission Thursday at 7:45 -- Senior Walther league. Friday at 7:45--Junior Walther league The average temperature of Illinois is 52 degrees. UPTOWN CHICAGO mean all it should at their very doors. Undoubtedly Chicago has many pleasant surprises Uptown Chicago to enjoy them. Business Men-- Uptown ARGYLE Chicago welcomes new businesses, and is doing more than any other Chi- cago community to assure the success of every enter- _ prise within the Uptown Chicago area. We urge you to investigate the possibilities here for sub- stantial success. MONTROSE for you--remember that you must go often to When you plan to travel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Office --buy your ticket, reserve your Pullman and check your baggage at the Uptown Station. UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People to you IN THE shops, the restaurants and pleasure places of Uptown Chicago awaits the fulfill- ment of your every need and desire. There are thousands to whom Uptown Chicago should mean much more than it does--thousands who have gone far afield for what has always been Uptown in store One of a series of adver- tisements for Uptown Chicago, sponsored by the Central Uptown Chicago Association and paid for co-operatively by Uptown Chicago's businessmen. North Shore Line Opens Recreation Bureau Services A new and unique service for its patrons and the public in general has been installed by the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad in co- operation with other public utility com- panies serving this territory, with or- ganization of what is known as the Outing and Recreation bureau. The purpose of the Outing and Re- creation bureau is to furnish free of cost detailed information on all com- munities, summer resorts and vacation spots served by the North Shore line, other high-speed electrically-operated railroads and motor coach lines in and within a radus of 100 mile of Chicago. It will also advise anyone the quickest and most convenient manner of reach- ing any point in this area, what out- ing and recreation facilities may be found there and how to make a visit of any length at the lowest possible cost. General headquarters for this new public service organization have been opened on the ground floor of the Edison building, 72 West Adams street, Chicago. Branch offices have been es- tablished at all North Shore line sta- tions, including both rail and motor coach terminals. Through this bureau detailed infor- mation may be secured on Chicago, Milwaukee and all intermediate points served by the North Shore line, and also the lake regions of northern Tlli- nois and southern Wisconsin and other points served by the auxiliary motor coach lines. An intensive sur- vey has been made of every community in the North Shore line territory in order to insure the completest possible data being available. Expert advice is also obtainable on, any point in the Fox River Valley, served by the Chicago, Aurora and Elgin railroad ; the Indiana Dune coun- try and the great industrial centers at the south end of Lake Michigan, ser- ved by the Chicago South Shore and South Bend railroad, and the lake- side resorts of western Michigan, ser- ved by the Shore Line Motor Coach company. Other public utility companies co- operating in establishment of the Out- ing and Recreation bureau, in addition to the railroad and motor coach lines already mentioned, include the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, Commonwealth Edison company, Northern Indiana Public Service com- pany, and The People's Gas, Light and Coke company. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mess of 982 Pine street left yesterday with their daughter, Mary Jane, for Benton Har- bor, Mich., where they will pass July and August. © 5) LOW RATES You can borrow money from us at low rates on well located homes, apartment buildings, and business prop- erty. Prompt attention given ap- plications or call CENTRAL 4565 ELI BRANDT COMPANY, Inc. 30 N. La Salle St. Established 43 Years cid &