x July 2, 1927 an +" FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES WINNETKA TALK ee -- 56 REAL ESTATE 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FROM SEPT. 15TH, WELL ESTAB- lished 6 room home ; sleeping porch, hot water heat and automatic gas water heater; a large fenced in garden; fine trees. Near school and transportation. Phone Winn. 972. 45T17-1tc 7 ROOM HOUSE FROM JULY 15 TO September 15. Screened and sleeping porches. Near transpor. Winn. 1222. 45T17-1te 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location, at 726 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142, 48L'TN40-tfc 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES OFFERED FOR SALE -- ONE OF WIN- netka's finest homes in a strategical east side location for enhancing value. Magnificent trees, shrubs, garden. Frontage 150 ft. House modern in all details and arrangement, hollow tile walls, steel girders, tile roof, 6 bedrms., 4 baths, library, servant's dining rm. Reasonably priced, $65,000. For appoint- ment write P. O. Box No. 11. Winnetka. 52LTN40-1tc FEW REPAIRS AND THIS HOUSE IN EXCLUSIVE East side Winnetka at $16,000, will be worth as much as its $20,000, $25,000, and $30,000 neighbors, Nine room stuc- co on beautifully wooded lot 55x188. One block from Sheridan Road. This is a comfortable home and a fine investment. Tel. Winn. 500-J or call at 503 Willow Rd. 52TN17-1te New English Colonial BEAUTIFUL DESIGN, 7 LARGE RMS., 3 tile baths, breakfast nook, fireplace, sunny porch, spacious wooded lot, double garage. Price $23,500. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winn. 2199 52T17-1tc FOR SALE -- WINNETKA. MODERN 7 room house, wooded corner lot, in fine location. Four large bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 enclosed porches, 2 car garage. Price $19,500. Will take good vacant as part payment. Smith & Brown 736 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 142 52LTN40-1tc THE MOST COMPLETE IDEAL LO- cated home in Hubbard Wds. at $17,500, 5 yr. $7,000 mortg. Modern Clap. Col- onial, h. w. heat, gar. & cement drive. 3 bedrms., extra boudoir rm., 5 closets, lav. bath. Stone fireplace, 2 pantries, base. toilet. Newly decorat., no repairs, Call Winnetka 545 or 1729 after Mon- day. 52LTN40-1te BY OWNER -- 8 RM. STRICTLY MOD- ern excep. well built Italian style house. Large glazed and heated sleep. porch, break. rm., 4 nice bedrms. Grounds beautifully landscaped. Conven. to schools and trans. Only 400 ft. from Lake. Owner must sell, excep. oppor. Make offer. Talk B-352. 52LTN17-1te FOR SALE -- COUNTRY HOME, ONE acre. Winnetka Ave. east of Kotz Rd. 6 rooms; hot water heat; bath, gas, electricity. $12,500 cash, $14,000. terms. Open for inspection Sunday 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. Wil. 1582, 52LTN40-1fc FOR SALE -- 8 ROOM FRAME, 4 BED- rooms, hot water heat. Bargain for cash. inspection Saturday and Sunday P. M. 1719 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. Phone 2399. 52LTN40-1tc 53 FOR SALE--VACANT MAPLE HILL ROAD LOCATION Well wooded lot, 59x210 ft., surrounded by beautiful homes. Can be had with 118 ft. frontage, if desired. CROSSBY AND McKENDRY 566 CENTER, WINN. 2032 53LTN40-1tc SUMMER RESORTS WOODED LAKE LOTS IN BEAUTIFUL Vilas County, Wis.; 1-4 mile to stores, R. R. Station; sandy beach; muskies, bass, pike, deer; near Indian reserva- tion and fish hatchery ; sanitary restric- tions; gentiles. Edna M. Feltges, 4170 Drexel, Chicago. Road map on re- quest, 55ALTN40-1t, ee 56 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Co. BA Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 §6T17-1te Best Real Estate Values This Week Kotz Road, 410x600, $2250 per acre. Washington Ave., Wilmette, 75x125, $35 per ft. Business Lot, Waukegan Road, $65 per ft. Adjacent Indian Hill Club, 71x210, $90 per ft. 16 acres west of Winnetka, $1100 per acre, Complete list of North Shore Properties. Bills Realty, Inc. 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 3740 56LTN40-1tc 57A WTD. TO RENT--SPACE WANTED -- BY 2 ADULTS PLACE IN back yard to put tent for summer, use of bathroom. Or on store roof. Address Life B-354. 5TALTN40-1tp -- FOR SALE -- SLIGHTLY USED CAMP outfit. Girl's middies and bloomers, size 10 and 12. Very reasonable. Tel. Winn. 243. T3LTN40-1tc EE -------------------------- 74 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes, Tel. Wilmette 3334. T4T17-tfc WANTED -- ROW BOAT. ALSO, OUT- board Motor. Call Winn. 2973. T4LTN40-1te WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c¢ per 1b. 1222 Central Avenue, Wilmette, T4LTN40-tfp 7% EXCHANGE DETROIT SUBURBAN HOME -- $2,000 equity, to exchange for North Shore Equity. Address Life B-350. TSLTN4D-1te 66 WTD. TO BUY--HOUSES NEW 6 OR 7 ROOM BUNGALOW, ALL latest improves., $18,000 to $20,000, for Edgewater vacant. Edward E. Klug and Co., 1507 Balmoral, Chicago. 66T17-1tp WANTED --HOUSE, LARGE, MODERN, 6 bedrooms or more. Plenty of ground. Not more than four blocks from grade school or Country Day School. Address Talk B-351. 66T17-1tp 88 FOR SALE--USED CARS USED CARS SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1926 Chrysler Sedan, like new, $350 down. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 165 68LTN40-1tc $1,100. FOR SALE -- BUICK, 1927 MODEL, 7 pass. Sedan. Driven only 4000 miles, $1,500 cash. Owner leaving town. Ph. Kenil. 1499 or 229 Essex Rd., Kenil- 68LTN40-1tc FOR SALE -- FORD TOURING 1924. Price $60. Phone Wil. 1080. 6SLT40-1tc ---------- 70 ANTIQUES worth. NEW ARRIVALS CURLEY MAPLE CHESTS, SET OF 6 chairs, stand, dresser-desk; pair of maple beds; cherry drop leaf dining room table; arrow back bench and 4 chairs; several other pieces. 808 Oak St. Phone Winn. 145. TOLTN40-1tc 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR TWO week's old, 4 ice trays, 9 cubic feet, porcelain and duco, suitable for a mod- ern home. Will sell at $200 less than cost or will sell machine and refrigera- tor separately. Call or write Room 717, 4750 Sheridan Road, Chicago. 71TN17-1tp MAHOGANY TWIN BEDS; SMALL RE- frigerator; rugs; library table; tele- phone table and chair; Conover dish washer ; printing press; steel cots; sew- ing machine; Simplex ironer; and other household articles. Phone Winn. 1303. T1ITN17-1te PRACTICALLY NEW WALNUT VAN- ity dresser and bench, $30; also, solid walnut antique chest of drawers, good condition. Bruns. 8643, or address Life B-356. TILTN40-1tp DAVENPORT, DESK AND CHAIR. ODD tables, Victrola, lamps, over-stuffed chair, paintings, bric-a-brac, other furniture. Glencoe 637. TILTN40-1tp FOR SALE -- WALNUT DINING ROOM set, mahogany living room table. Also, other pieces on account of moving. Please call Winn. 2386. T1TN17-1te FOR SALE -- DISHES, EXHAUST FAN, awning, Walker dishwasher, ice cream cabinet, desk chair. Hearthstone Tea Shop, Winn. 1895. T1TN17-1te ---- i ------------ 72 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN40-tfe WANTED -- LARGE ORIENTAL RUG for room, size 13x23. Must be thick and in perfect condition. Give full de- scription and price, Address Life B-355. . T2LTN40-1te FOR SALE -- BABY BASINETTE AND stroller, like new. Kenil. 2656. T3LT40-1te GIVES LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Editor's note: Following is an excerpt from a lecture on Christian Science de- livered at the Winnetka Masonic temple Sunday afternoon, June 26, under aus- pices of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Winnetka. SALEM ANDREW HART, C. S. (Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.) When the seventy disciples, whom Jesus had sent forth on a mission of healing, returned with rejoicing, the Bible tells us that he said to them: "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Luke 10:19). This promise or as- surance, of spiritual power to heal is beautifully set forth in the following correlative passage on page 55 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy, the Dis- coverer and Founder of Christian Sci- ence: "The promises will be fulfilled. The time for the reappearing of the divine healing is throughout all time: and whosoever layeth his earthly all on the altar of divine Science, drinketh of Christ's cup now, and is endued with the spirit and power of Christian healing." Webster defines the word "promise" as that which causes, or gives ground for, hope, expectation, or assurance. Now, I feel sure that we will all agree that the promises made in the Bible are true, and were made for all time; so have we not the right to expect the fulfillment of these promises? Christian Science an- swers this question in the affirmative, and is fulfilling the promise of health and long life to the afflicted; of deliver- ance and forgiveness to the sinning: of comfort and protection to the sorrowful; of peace and plenty to those in want and woe; of wisdom and strength to the humble and obedient. It fulfills God's promise found in Isaiah: "And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them" (Isaiah 42:16). So, if there be any here tonight seeking a solution for the problem of grief and separation; if there be any who are sick or in want; if there be any who are struggling with misfortune or sin; if, perchance, there be any who for the first time have crossed the threshold of Christian Science, we have for you a joyous message of Love, of deliver- ance, of comfort, and happiness. Sense Testimony One of the basic causes of so much discord and sickness today is the general acceptance by mankind of personal sense testimony as reliable and true. We are not trusting God when we accept and rely upon the testimony of the senses as real or true, for we are then believing that matter has life, intelligence, and sensation. The five physical senses can- not be depended upon for guidance and 51 aes 1) truthful information, and I feel sure many of us have experienced striking examples of the falsity of sense evidence. Let us consider for a moment two paral- lel lines, such as the tracks of a rail- road. Sense testimony would have us believe that these two lines converge into one at a distant point. Can we accept such a statement as true? Certainly not. And why? Because we know the truth about this proposition, and no amount of argument can change it. We also know that the sun does not rise in the morning nor set in the evening. We also know that the earth is not station- ary, but revolves on its axis once every twenty-four hours. We also know that any object in the distance is not as small as mortal vision would have us believe. And so I could go on and cite many instances of the unreliability of sense testimony. There is a marked difference between understanding and belief. Sense testimony subjects us to many conflicting beliefs, while Truth only is knowable, for there is only one Truth. Mrs. Eddy states on page 203 of the Christian Science textbook, "If God were understood instead of being merely believed, this understanding would establish health." Christian Science bids us awake from this material dream of sensation in matter, from this snare and delusion which has victimized mankind, to the full realization and understanding that God is All-in-all, the only power, and that everything unlike Him is unreal and untrue. Mary Baker Eddy Mrs. Eddy states on page 107 of the Christian Science textbook, "In the year 1866, I discovered the Christ Science or divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love, and named my discovery Christian Sevi- ence. God had been graciously prepar- ing me during many years for the re- ception of this final revelation of the absolute divine Principle of scientific mental healing." This revelation came to Mrs. Eddy at a time when all seemed dark and hopeless. Lying upon a couch of pain as the result of an injury, she was placed in the hands of a physician, who despaired of her recovery and prom- ised no hope. Left alone, she opened the Bible and turned to the ninth chap- ter of Matthew, second verse, and as she read about the man sick of the palsy who was healed by Jesus, the light of spiritual Truth or the Christ-spirit dawned in her consciousness, and she arose from her couch instantly and per- fectly healed. Thoroughly convinced that her healing was the direct result of the operation of spiritual law, Mrs. Eddy continued to search the Scriptures until the Science of Christianity was fully revealed to her and she became conscious of the fact that the same law which enabled Jesus to heal the man sick of the palsy had healed her, again fulfilling the promise of the Master, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do, shall he do also" (John 14:12). Thoroughly satisfied that her discovery was in accordance with God's law, Mrs. Eddy, undismayed, set out to prove her discovery. This pure and spiritually minded woman bore the heat and burden of the day patiently and lovingly, over- came obstacles, and gave to the world the result of her search and discovery, the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Stovepipe Comedian Hard on Silken Haberdashery When Raymond Griffith entered the Paramount studio one day there were seven men waiting in the front office to see him. No, they were not bill collectors. Just silk hat salsemen. So much has been said about how many toppers the silk-hat comedian wears out in each picture that sales- men harass him like flies around a sugar bowl. An unusual mobilization on the Paramount lot was taken to indicate that Griffith is about to start a pic- ture. WILLIAM HAINES "Slide, Kelly, Slide" plays William Haines in his first big hit since "Brown of Harvard" and "Tell It to the Marines." Haines was born in Staun- ton, Virginia, and graduated from the Staunton Military Academy. He start- ed life in New York as a bond clerk, then drifted into pictures. Among his notable roles are those in "A Little Journey," "Memory Lane" and others. Since "Brown of Harvard" he has been hailed as one of the biggest box office attractions of the screen.