TT July 9, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 43 3 Village Theatre Shore heaters! News win ATTN fl SEI bra i BCT Only Vitaphone on | This and That North Shore Opens Movie Menu : / Your Home Theater on Actors and Plays at Varsity July 11 a " i. B. Rodpel, anasiug Directs ! ; Saturday, July one me ' a A crew of expert mechanics and The Circus Ace" ve....Teatro del Lago Evenings 7:30; Mat. Tues, 8:30 By Hub electricians have been engaged during Wd IR Ta e, ide fan ihuie Saturday Mats, 2 and 4 i a Sz. : . the past week installing the motors | "The Frontiersman ............ Varsity Mon., Tues., July 11-12 Byrd's in Paris; Lindy is--or at|and wiring for the new Vitaphone in Sunday, July 10 TWO DAYS ONLY > least was--in Canada; the Social ed is|the Varsity theater. The initial pre- |, McFadden's Flats" ......... Norshore Tm MeCoy fn aking a social call; the Golf editor |sentation will be made next week if | ne Rejuvenation of A tary) Lago "THE { is playing goli; the editorial writer is| present plans are carried out. This| Monday, July 11 : basking in the sun at some northern MVer or has practically revoltior vee FrontiersMan'™ ..... uv. Fillage FRONTIERSMAN" resort; and all of the other members |ized the amusement world. Evanston Oy hs Plater Teatro fo) Tago With Claire Windsor of the force are out shooting up what is the only city in the vicinity of Chi- | "The ShOW" .......ussesnsies. Varsity Also » remains of their kid brother's fire- cago where Vitaphone presentations Tuesday, July 12 2 Bel Nath a Comedy works. As for me I think I shall go will be given for some time to come. | 2¢¥ond the daw a' G >mmuni ity House A to the movies. Before I go though, |p, Chicago, but three places of amuse- | "The Show" myn ty House Wed., Thurs., July 18-14 I want to chat briefly upon divers sub- | ent have Vitaphone installations FCONVOY! 22st: ruses Teatro. del Lago Thelle Bennett In. jects--such as June weddings, and Ti first Vi 4 "McFadden's Flats" Cee, Norshore Belle Bennett In Policemen, giver 2 Movi hone Dogtra, was | Fhe 'Fronfiorimaty \ oils Vikse "MOTHER" * B ) eater in i- y i" = MMOLDEr"" ..... offen copes dss Village Also "Movi d"--Comed Vilma Banky and Rod LaRocque Sago Scascel) more than a year ago, "The Romantic Age" .. Teatro del Lago 5% Pathe Rou Nowamely created a bit of excitement in Beverly anc Suge Anat time it has steadily McFadden ale ~ mF Norshore = 3 Hills,. Cal.,, the other day, according gaine mn favor all over the United "Fast and Fura i Teatro del Lago By Eh Ry | to wil Rogers in a special dispatch to Files Sl at, the LZ sseat, time at | «pMother" Fray Sais jg Village Syd. Chaplin as Old Bill In the Chicago Daily News. Of course, | €ast Ing: neater, In, every (L Tony) July se » \ you all know that Vilma and Rod got |City in the country is giving Vita- fale Hetger ells Bom age THE BETTER OLE : v married, but you probably haven't | Phone presentations. Its success is due | "The Flaming Forest" ...... gillian Als), "Wve Xrraldve. learned that they were married in a largely to the type of artists who DAVE [onesies orvyes Glencoe Union church ER Comedy church. Will says that Sam Goldwyn, jgat, sheir alents 10.115 Bre eniatons. Fast and Force Tatrornd Iago who's one of the big boys in Metro- |>uch gran opera stars as artinelli, Milton Hosking at the Goldwyn-Mayer, called him up and said | Mary Lewis, Hackett, Schumann- K SoMMUNTY Houst » Welte Grande Organ that he thought it would be a good pub- | Heink, Talley and a score of others; ill be Sun ea gh ey licity stunt to hold the wedding in a|noted stars of the vaudeville and re- Wi e Hie Leainre Diture shows at the church. Will asked him what denoms [vues like Al Jolson, George Jessel, d Het I PY : ot. ol gi} ination he preferred and Sam replfgl | Willie and Joe Howard and Roy rs July Ac hi Ho w 4 The that any kind would do as long as the | Smeck, and talented musicians number- ry Fh a oy e fn i 4 steeple was high enough to be sece ng Mischa Elman, Carlos Sendano and Dt oe in Hl i oe in the pi . i at [others equally fam ibu- s, ; A ED WC QO in the picture. Will also stated that thers: squall Oly have contribu- | 1 the evening. ONLY ICE REFRIGERATING PLANT ON THE NORTH SHORE the novelty everybody experienced at|ted to the success of this new form of On Frid Iv'1IS. Bebe Daniels i "Pri Q " being in a church was the big kick of | entertainment, "fog n deidey iY , Be 2 aniels in ride of the North Shore the wedding. Clyde Elliott, owner of the Varsity, $014 Will be presented. Lh ri iii 5 z announces that the Vitaphone organi- FRIDAY ® SATUR n the past lew years a number of [zation has agreed to complete the in- [ PK DAY professions have been given interna- | stallation by working nights in order EL BAN ¢ KATZ tional recognition by being placed on |that the first presentation may be giv- . the "Honor Roll of Big Pictures." |en Monday, July 11. This agreement, Col T Probably one of the first of these was of course, is subject to weather con- . im C y tte newspaper reporter whose Hevotion ditions and to the accoustical proper- '0 his proiession was exampled in a|ties of the Varsity theater. In some i film whose name I am unable to re-|cases it has been necessary to test. HOWARD AVE ney CLARK 2 =n : call but which was presented several | after installation, for several days be- ; ' years ago. The most recent production | fore the experts can locate the seat of --Now Playing-- 'THE of this type, of course, is "The Fire (he trouble in conveying the sound to A Thrill for Every Hour 7) rigade. 22 every part of the house, and Mr. Elli- A couple of us were giving the ott has instructed the engineer in RAYMOND GRIFFITH season's highlights the once-over the charge to spare neither time nor ex- In " other evening in a "round robin" pense in bringing the Varsity installa- Time to Love An 7 scheduled for the purpose of settling |y;on to a state of perfection befors a world affairs" and the enjoying of an giving the initial presentation. Epic of gs SYening pipe. th Passing, it occurred --On the Stage-- he W J, 0 us to wonder why the policeman ' the est. has Revel been given a place on this 'McFadden's Flats" to ROKIN snd SALE! AM 1 "Honor Roll." To my mind, no pro- Ope in comedy and novelty surprises arvelous fession offers greater possibilities for n at Norshore Sunday 903 Hi ical S splendid drama than this one. Let's| One of the comedy sensations of the ; istorical Story x' 100k it over. year, "McFadden's Flats," comes to the KHARAUN forY d Old ' an Norshore theater, starting Sunday. I " ian Pianist" oF oung an ? Yall babil 5 ' ia "1. shore theater, starting Sunday. In The Persian Pianist dea JUIty LieTe is NO €ivie OF 1 11" Ciester Conklin and Choi 3 ganization more beset with difficult ray are, for the first ti apie thir problems or a group more interferred fives tennied to nak dio n h en with by political influence. Recently, in ith Iatght M aie an fences ow : one of our mid-western cities, the i et "a kd ay 30 Trish oy --Starting Sunday-- Drive XY. C Chief of Police complained that poli- ae Gr his ech | so The Last Sensation of 1927 Tye tour ay ticians working to oust him had hired of his savings'to pat uo th tment URRAY FREE PARKI NG ~ a = of gangsters to make frequent building of De title up te apartmen CHARLEY M raids upon one place in order to make : s ; : Th his department appear inefficient. His BoE ado of Bu Irish Contractor CHESTER CONKLIN Next to eater Sharges were doubtless true--but he happens to be Srl "McF dden 's Flats" couldn't prove them. ; to prove as entertaining to those who ra Monday forarized ctie can be: just as ef-] will see it at the Norshore theater, as --- S S Ice organization; science | it did to those who have seen it in the Oo age-- aids the gangster just as much as it| Loop. "McFadden's Flats" is Ne 1927 --On the St ERS JOHN GILBERT does the minion of the law; even na-| comedy hit. Tt is the outstanding laugh LIBBY DANC " I H E S H O WwW" ture seems to side with the felon by film of the year. a company of eleven imposing a blanket of darkness about| T, keeping with the usual high class in his operations. And an impatient and | stage novelties that have been pre- "Sports a la Mode" farmed public, just as easily excited by| sented at the Norshore there will be -- YVIT A PH oO N E Ja se Re by rie Ones, 1s, ever | several stage divertissements that FABER and GREEN inability t cr the ith aor an apparent| promise to prove new and entertain- ro . World's Greatest Stars at 1 y to cope wi the situation. ing. A superb program has been ar- "Two Dark Knights" That seems to contain all of the re- ranged to make this show one that : THE VARSITY SOON quisites for a good film doesn't ft? will match in beauty and splendor all And this is that until next week. past endeavors.