WINNETKA TALK Fl July 16, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General N otice to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear regular subscribers to either WILM GLENCOE NEWS. Rates- % cents a line in one paper. apers. 30 cents a line in the telephone directory, or who are ETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or 25 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE 138 SIT. WID.--~MALE & FEMALE COLORED GIRL WISHES GENERAL housework, nursemaid or mother's help- er. References. Tel. Wil, 911-J. 36LT42-1tp SIT. WTD. -- DRESSMAKING AND plain sewing at home or by the day. Good references. Greenleaf 1142. 36LTN42-1te LADY OF 40 WISHES HOUSEKEEP- er's position in a bachelor's or wid- ower"s home. No objection to children. EXPERIENCED WHITE COUPLE want work. Man gardener, woman good cook. References. Wil. 3600-Y-4, 38LT42-1te 41 FOR RENT--ROOMS ATTRACTIVE LIVING ROOM AND large sleeping porch in private home. Adults. 910 Elm. Winn. 2336, 41LTN42-1tc LARGE PLEASANT ROOM FOR 1 OR Wil. 1776. 36LTN42-1te| "2 with or without private bath. Jtichen privileges and garage if desired. Glen- SIT. WTD. -- HOUSEKEEPER, YOUNG | bao' ge gatag HILTN42-1tp woman German nationality. Take event- WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- ual position as maid. Call Saturday afternoon. Newcastle 0870. 36LTN42-1tc keeping and sleeping room, % block to all transportation and stores. Phone WHITE WOMAN, THOROUGHLY EX- Glencoe 770. 41TN19-tfc CHARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 109 discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave.,, Winnetka. : g Classified advertisements ill be Deadline for Insertions-- Classified aa el WL ree papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS, Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. perienced, with 6 year old boy. General RRR DERE------., 10 DRESSMAKING 82 HELP WANTED--FEMALE OLINE JENSEN. DRESSMAKING -- coats, suits, gowns, sport frocks. 910 Elm street. Winnetka 2336. 10LTN42-1tc PLAIN SEWING, MENDING AND AL- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1784. 10T19-tfe EXPERT DRESSMAKING, REMODEL- ing. Children's and sport clothes a spe- cialty. Winn. 2740. 10T19-1tc Ee -------------- 13 INSTRUCTION COLLEGE TEACHER WILL TUTOR IN college or high school subjects. Ad- dress Ph. D. Kenilworth Inn, Kenil- worth. 13LTN42-1te -- 194 NURSES REGISTRY EXPERIENCED NURSE, (LIKES CHIL- dren) $35.00 per week. Phone Euclid 4090-W. 19AT19-1tp -------------------------------------- WANTED -- YOUNG LADY TO OPER- ate telephone switchboard and assist in office. Apply Saturday P. M. or Sunday. Vernon Ridge Country Club, Sanders Road, Deerfield, Ill 32LTN42-1te WANTED FOR MONTH OF AUGUST, experienced cook, by day or to stay on place. Good wages. Phone Winn. 2117, 32LTN4{2-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework ; references required; near transportation. Good wages. Glencoe 1398, 32LTN41-3tc WHITE GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS WORK and help with care of baby. Mrs. N. H. Blatchford, Jr. Tel. Winn. 1112. 32TN19-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 2 in family, $20 a week. Good cook. Own quarters. 329 War- wick Rd., Kenilworth. 32LTN42-1te 22 PETS THE FINEST DOG FOR A CHILD'S pet is a Cocker Spaniel. Beautiful black and white, also brown and white pups. Dam, Peggy's Lady Patsic. Sire, Champion Mission Elkhart. 892 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. 22LTN42-tfc FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED BOSTON Terrier puppies. For information and price, Phone Wilmette 3733. 22TN19-1tp WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework and cooking. Must have references and like children. Tel. Wil. 1128. 32LTN42-1te GIRL INTELLIGENT, GENERAL housework. References. Must be good cook ; 3 in family. 1042 Greenwood Ave, Wil. Phone 492. 32L.TN42-1tc STENOGRAPHER, EXPERIENCED, Victor C. Carlson Organization. 636 Church St. Second floor. Evanston, Ill. 32LTN42-1tc 24 REPAIRING & REFINISHING Plastering Repair Work ALL KINDS OF PLASTERING AND stucco work. James Keenor Phone 2291 Wilmette 24L.TN42-tfc 25 SERVICE BUREAU ELITE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE for reliable household help. Special dept. for nurses and governesses. Ill. W. A. Club Bldg. Suite 619 111 E. Pearson St. Superior 7482. 25L TN 42-4tp GIRL FOR AFTERNOONS AND DIN- ners. Small family. No Sundays. Winn, 1172. 32LTN42-1te GENERAL HOUSEWORK GIRL. White. Experienced. $18. Winn. 580. 32LTN42-1te EXPERIENCED WHITE * MAID FOR general housework. No laundry. Good wages. Call Winn. 2226. 32LTN42-1tc WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. 1311 Ashland Ave. Ph. Wil. 1512. 32LTN42-1tc NICE HOME FOR ELDERLY WOMAN to help with housework; with small compensation. Phone Wil. 776-M. 32LTN42-1tp 27 GENERAL REPAIRS HEATING PLANTS CLEANED AND Yepaired bY experts. Reasonable rates. Winn. 27T19-1tp I ------------------------------ 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- ABOUT ONE MONTH AGO, wire haired Fox terrier. When lost had Winnetka license No. 69. Little boy's dog. Reward if returned. Phone Winn. 1227. 31LTN42-1tc LOST -- BUNCH OF KEYS ON RING with name tag, 'Russell Laughlin, Morris, Illinois." Return to office of Winn. Talk and receive reward. 31LTN42-1tp WILL LADY WHO PICKED UP RUS- sian wolf-hound on Winnetka Ave. Sunday, please return it to Gru or call Winn. 839. 31LTN42-1tp LIBERAL REWARD -- CLARINET lost at Skokie school. Phone Winn. 918, 31LTN42-1tp FOUND -- YOUNG STRAY DOG WITH- out collar. Address Talk B-264. 31TN19-1te SHELL-RIMMED GLASSES LOST about July 4. Reward. Phone Winn. 547-R. 31T19-1tp WANTED -- GIRL, WHITE, FOR GEN- eral housework. Must be clean. Good home. Glencoe 1466. 32TN19-1te GIRL FROM 4:00 TO 8:00 P. M. TO prepare evening meal, etc. Call Winn. 2775. 32T19-1te MAID FOR GENER. HOUSEWORK. 3 in family. Exper. Refs. Winn. 1389. 32TN19-1tp MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 3 in family. Call Winn. 2512. 32T19-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR TEMPORARY general housework. July 20th. Refer- ences. Tel. Winn. 2122. 32TN19-1te -------- 28 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE housework. Englewood 5938. 36LTN42-1tp NURSE GIRL WISHES POSITION TO take care of 2 children and upstairs work. Exper. White. Call Kenil. 1635. 36TN19-1te WASHING AND IRONING DONE AT my home, 928 Elm street. Winn. 1240. 36T19-1tp LAUNDRY OR CLEANING FOR WED., Thurs.,, or Fri. Glencoe 218. 36TN19-1tc NEAT COLORED WOMAN -- LIGHT cleaning, ironing, or serving luncheons. Glencoe 329-W. 36TN19-1tp SIT. WANTED BY COLORED COOK. refs. Winnetka 1363. 36T19-1tp EXPER. COOK. COLORED. CALL KEN- wood 5034 and reverse charges. 36T19-1tp NORWEGIAN LADY WILL DO LIGHT housework and cooking for small fam- ily. Wilmette Life B-362. 36LTN42-1tp FOR RENT -- 3 FURNISHED ROOMS with private bath, kitchenette, for 2 people, in nicely located home. Also, garage. Phone Winn. 729. 41T19-1tc FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, everything furnished. Ph. Wil. 3429, or call at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 41LT42-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT42-tfc TWO LARGE COOL ROOMS FOR PEO- ple employed. Winn. 1525. 41LTN42-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM : also, garage space if desired. Phone Wil. 776-M. 41LTN42-1tp LARGE LIGHT WELL FURNISHED room, near lake, transportation. Winn. 1543. 41LTN42-1tc FOR RENT -- LARGE FRONT ROOM, cool and pleasant. Near station. Phone Winn. 118, 41LTN42-1tc WHITE LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK for Monday and Tuesday. Tel. Winn. 2019. 36LTN42-1tc GO OUT WASHING. ALSO TAKE washing home. Good references. Wil. 3600-Y-4. 36LT42-1tc DAY WORK, CLEANING OR LAUN- dry. References. Univ. 8101. Call after 6:00 p. m. 36LTN42-1tp WANTED -- DAYS WORK, LAUNDRY or cleaning. Call Univ. 7458. 36LT42-1tp 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE WANTED -- POSITION IN PRIVATE family as chauffeur. Will do some side work. Good references. Call Boulevard 5175. Tailor Shop, ask for Vaughan. 3TLTN42-1te CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSEMAN, GER- man, 34 years. Single. C. Fetzer, 2048 Mohawk st., Chicago, or call Diversey 7760 after 8 p. m. 3TTN19-1tp EXPERIENCED COLORED CHAUF- feur, houseman; or butler. North Shore refs. 8 years exper. Greenleaf 4756. 3TTN19-1tp EXPERIENCED MAN TAKES DOWN trees, cleans boilers and 'chimneys, washes windows, cuts lawns and does cement work. Winn. 1813. 37TN19-1tc EXPER. CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSE- man. Good ref.--3 yrs. last place. Col. Call or write 4631 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, Kenwood 4409. 3TLTN42-1tp LAWN CUTTING, GARDENING. AND odd jobs. Tel. Highland Park 2251-W. 37TTN19-1tp CAN RECOMMEND RELIABLE COL- ored man for general cleaning or paint- ing. Phone Winn. 1516. 37T19-1te CHAUFFEUR WITH 12 YRS. EXPER. North Shore ref. Univ. 7086 3TLTN42-1tp EXPER. GARDENER WISHES DAY work or full-time job. Call in evening, Winn. 2022. 3TLTN42-1tp MAN WANTS STEADY WORK, EX- peri d d Also, housework. EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN wants laundry work or cleaning, Tues- day and Thursday. References. Call evenings. Univ. 4444. Emma. 36T19-1tp gar A 1 References. Wil. 3600-Y-4. 37LT42-1tc SIT. WTD.--WORK BY DAY OR HOUR. House and lawn. Tel. Weber Wil, 1170. v 3TLT42-2tp 'UNDERGRADUATE WITH 2 YRS. training as nurse for baby, children, or companion to elderly person. Call Miss Sondee, Winn. 2494. 36LTN12-1tc SIT. WTD. -- BY LAUNDRESS FOR washings and family bundles to take home. North Shore references. Univ. 3204-M. 36LTN42-1tp SIT. WTD. -- EXPERIENCED WHITE man, garden and housework. Tel. Wil. 3233. 37TLT42-1tp HEDGING AND GARDENING BY EX- perienced gardener. Phone Winn. 2026. ATLTN42-1tp 38 SIT. WI'D.--MALE & FEMALE 1 SINGLE AND 1 DOUBLE ROOM. 14% block east of station. 722 Elm, 3rd floor. 41T19-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, business district. Winn. 2822. 574 Lin- coln Ave. 41T19-1tp ROOM FOR 1 OR 2. SOME MEALS IF desired. Winn. 1258. 41T19-1te ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, 858 ELM St... Winn. 2864. 41T19-1tc 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. > 42LTN42-tfc FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- unfurnished, all sizes, a ished an 421 TN42-t fe Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. FLAT FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM FLAT and bath; furnace heat. 1730 Walnut Ave.,, Wilmette. Newly decorated. Tel Edgewater 4279. 42LTN42-1tp NEW MODERN FLAT WITH HEAT and garage. Willow St. near Happ Rd. Phone Winn. 2871. 42TN19-1te MODERN 4 ROOM APARTMENT. TEL. Glencoe 341-W. 42LTN42-1tp 43 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING--BED- room, dining room and exclusive use of kitchen. Call Winn. 1688. 43TN1¢-1te a --_. -- 4 FOR RENT--HOUSES 8 ROOM HOUSE. cleaned and improved. In 1st class loca. Call Winn. 573-R after 6. 44T19-tfe EE -------------------------------------- 47 FOR RENT--GARAGES 2 CAR GARAGE FOR RENT. CALL Winn. 1358. 47T18-2tp NEW GARAGE. GOOR LOCATION. 2 blocks from business. 842 Cherry. Winn. 1439. 47T19-1te GARAGE FOR RENT AT 852 OAK. Winn. 2237. 47T19-1tc ee ------ 8 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent round floor location, at 736 Elm St. hone Winn. 142. 48LTN42-tfc FOR RENT -- LARGE OFFICE ON Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1147 Monday. LOST -- 2:30 SAT. P. M., IN THE VIL- lage, straw purse. Reward. Phone Winn. 983. 31T19-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISHES work by day. References. Wil. 3369. 36LTN42-1tc WHITE COUPLE. MAN AS CHAUF- feur-houseman ; wife to cook and maid work. Refers. Talk B-263. 38T19-1tp 48TN19-1tc 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE -- MODERN 6 ROOM frame; sun parlor, garage. Owner 1810 Elmwood Ave. Wil. 534. 52LTN42-1te THOROUGHLY |