a Le lee Ey » a as September 24, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 15 Stage Holdup in Kenilworth Without the Use of a Gun A hold-up without the use of a gun was staged in Kenilworth Tuesday evening when a stranger walked into the Schroeder restaurant and ice cream parlor, 511 Kenilworth avenue, picked up a trade machine, which was well filled with coins, put it in a car waiting at the curb and drove away. On entering the store the man said he had been sent by the company own- ing the machine, with instructions to pick it up and bring it in. His proclaimed authority was not questioned for the moment, but soon after his departure the company was advised of the incident. "Great Scott No!" was the answer to the inquiry if a man had been sent for the machine. The amount of money obtained is not known. The last time the official collector called, he took from the ma- chine till something like $35 and it is presumed the amount therein at the time it was stolen was near that amount, Miss Corinne Fitzpatrick has re- turned to her home at 769 Locust street, after a month's absence. She camped in the woods of northern Minnesota, and then visited relatives in Duluth, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Miss Fitzpatrick is head of the Com- munity Nursery school. -- Mr. and Mrs. Arlan W. Converse and their daughter, Marcia, 396 Haw- thorn lane, recently have returned from the East. Mr. and Mrs. Con- verse visited friends at Hyannisport, Marblehead, and Boston, Mass. Miss Marcia visited in Connecticut before joining her parents in Marblehead. mm = ET ET TTT TL TE (Y ColOGY SEZ: (URI nm Tn "WHEN A REAL MAN'S U® AGAINST |THE KEEPS S21 5 WOOD -- WHILE THE OTHI™% FELLOWS TAKE TO THE TZ .. nm The real Radio Fan keeps on improving his set or buys a new one. He knows that our radio supplies fill his every need of clarity and distance. "Here's where your dollar gets distance." THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex Winnetka, IIL Ph. Winn. 1840 Zeta Tau Alpha Holds . . Many Rushing Parties Alpha Phi of Zeta Tau Alpha is sponsoring a series of interesting par- ties during the sorority rushing sea- son at Northwestérn university. A studio supper Saturday evening at the Library Plaza hotel, at which hos- tesses dressed like artists, began the series. A "foreign tour," really a pro gressive dinner, took hostesses and "rushees" Monday evening to the homes of Mrs. Ruth Lang in the Evanston Manor apartments, where China was simulated in decorations and refresh- ments; the home of Mrs. O. Lindgren, 2511 Hurd avenue, where guests found "Hawaii," and tc "France," the home of Mrs. O. L. Paulsen, 1125 Colfax street. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maistrovich, 1088 Pine street, have sold their home and are moving on October 1, to 555 Cherry street, to the Soule residence, which they recently have purchased. --O and Mrs. Leo Campbell, for- merly of 934 Westmoor road, have moved into their new home at 839 Locust road. Mr. RENT ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER" Wid it you can easily and quick- ly beautify ALL your floors -- wood, linoleum, tile or composition. It matters not how they are finished -- whether with varnish, shellac, wax or paint. It takes only a few minutes-- there is no stooping--no messy rags and pails. It doesn't even soil your hands! JOHNSON'S WAX This marvelous new labor-saver bur- nishes wax on floors to a brilliant lustre that is hard to mar and easy to clean. Ten times faster and better than hand methods. Runs itself--you just guide it. Phone and reserve a Johnson Electric Floor Polisher for any day you wish. We also deliver and call for the machine. We: carry Paste;. Powdered and Liquid Wax--and recommend Paste Wax when using the Electric Polisher. RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE Painting and Decorating 550 Center Street Tel. Winnetka 344 [ | | THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Founded 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy An International Daily Newspaper Published daily, except Sundays and holidays, by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY. 107 Falmouth Street, Boston, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Ope Year o..'.copoivie $9.00 Three Months Six Months 4.50 One Month Single Copy. ...5 cents i is 92.23 73 ON SALE IN WINNETKA Winnetka News Co., 557 Chestnut Street News Stand, C. ¥ N. W. R. R. Station Advertising rates given upon application. The right to decline any advertisement is reserved. The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper Service! No market in this vicinity is better able to serve you more promptly and con- scientiously, with quality meats, than we are. Quality prevails at all times, whether you come to the store in person, or whether you order by phone, you will always receive "only the best quality of meats" and. . . .for which, you pay no more than you have been paying for really inferior quality. Peters' Market Meats of Quality 734 Elm Street Phones 920-21-22