38 WINNETK A STALK October 1, 1927 Bride Wears an Imported French Gown at Wedding When Miss Virginia Suydam, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Derr Suy- dam of Chicago, became the bride of Dr. Carroll William Johnson of Glen- coe, Wednesday evening, September 28, she wore a French gown she brought with her from a recent trip abroad. The dress was of oyster white chiffon, beaded in crystal bugle beads and tiny French and hung under-dress of nude crepe. mirrors, over an Instead of Ask Your Dealer for Eleanor Bird Seed A Song In Every Seed. It's better than what you think is best. A Home of Distinction TEN SEVENTEEN GROVE 1004 Co-operatively owned. oe -- New, Seven story fireproof building containing 14 apart- ments of 6 rooms and 2 baths. Centrally located in Evanston's finest residential neighborhood. Within three blocks to all transportation. MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION INCINERATOR CHUTES SPACIOUS ROOMS AMPLE CLOSET SPACE WOODBURNING FIREPLACES Inspect these beautiful apartment homes today! Agent on Premises EQUITIES $6,400 AND UP Victor C. Carlson Organization 509 Davis Street PHONE GREENLEAF 500 a veil, she wore a tight cap of silver lame, beaded with bugle beads and heart-shaped French mirrors. The ceremony took place at the Opens Sunday Club home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leonard Roche of 801 Central avenue, Wil- mette. The house was decorated with autumn flowers, with yellow predomi- nating. The Rev. D. H. Cornell of the Glencoe Union church read the cere- mony at 8 o'clock before a small num- ber of friends and relatives. At 8:30, a reception was held for 200 guests. Mrs. Roche was the bride's matron of honor, and Dr. Johnson's cousin, Loren Emerson Taylor of Tulsa, Okla, served as best man. Following the reception, Dr. and | Mrs. Johnson left for a three weeks' | motor trip to Tennessee. After their | honeymoon, they will be at home at | 2600 Eastwood avenue, Evanston. | BAPTISMAL SERVICE There will be a service Sunday after- | noon at 3:30 o'clock in the Winnetka | Congregational church, when children | may be presented for Christian bap- tism. Junk -- Rags -- Old Clothes Magazines -- Tires BEST PRICES S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER PHONE WILMETTE 3334 | day Evening club on October 2. Lorado Taft, noted sculptor, been secured as the speaker for the | opening program of the Wilmette Sun- Mr. Taft, who is well known to all north shore residents, has appeared before the Sunday Evening club in previous | seasons and has gained a wide popu- larity in this vicinity. Sunday will be illustrated with stere- opticon views. has | His lecture this | Halliburton to Lecture Before Voters' Forum Young Richard Halliburton, author of the "Roval Road to Romance" will speak at Orchestra hall, Chicago, on the night of October 17, under the aus- pices of the Chicago League of Women Voters Forum. North shore units of | the Voters' league are interested in the | lecture, The daring adventure portrayed in Halliburton's two books of travel, to- | gether with his individuality, and in- | timate fascinating style as a platform | speaker, has made him a decidedly pop- | ular man among contemporary authors and orators. Here we find again that | irrepressible spirit of impetuous youth, Though only twenty-seven years of | age, Richard Halliburton already wit- nesses a rapid-fire sale of his "Royal Road" in America as well as the publi- | cation of editions in England, Germany, Holland, Sweden and Denmark. As early as July the colunmns of sev- | eral Chicago papers carried an an- nouncement that the Chicago League | of Women Voters' Forum would pre- | sent Richard Halliburton at Orchestra hall and at once lovers of adventure, travel and romance became keenly in- terested. Under the leadership of Mrs. W. A. Roberts, newly elected president of the | Forum, and Mrs. C. L. Hibbard, chair- i man of the lecture, much is being done to make this program one of the big club events of the vear. assure the success of every Business Men--Uptown Chi- cago welcomes new businesses, and is doing more than any other Chicago community to terprise within the Uptown Chicago area. We urge you / Dance Tonight in UPTOWN CHICAGO OW about the new dances -- are you pre- H pared to dance them? You can see them in the great ballrooms of Uptown Chicago now, and dance them if you can, or secure speedy in- struction if you can't. Then on with the dance, on floors and to orchestras that are beyond compare! When you plan to travel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Office --buy your ticket, reserve your Pullman and check your baggage at the Uptown Station. UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People ARGYLE en- to here for substantial success. ies CLARK AV IHL MONTROSE One of a series of advertise- ments for Uptown Chicago, sponsored by the Central town Chicago Association and paid for co-operatively by Up- town Chicago's business men. Bn A p-