Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 1 Oct 1927, p. 56

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IRE a October 1, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 33 1" FOR RENT--HOUSES 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS 41 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT---ROOMS IN THE NORTH Shore Montessorie School, 761 Cherry St., Winnetka. Suitable for dancing or other classes. Children's parties or for afternoon or evening entertainments. For further information apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil, 163 41T29-6te LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM wth jood closet; twin beds; centrally located ; one blk. to Lake; 3 blocks to transp.; ladies or couple. Breakfast and late dinner if desired. Call Glen- coe 1160. 41TN30-1te FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE home, Near transpor. For ladies or couple employed. Phone Winn. 1167 or 278. $1T30-1te Unfurnished Winnetka 6 ROOMS, PORCHES; HOT WATER heat; East; $110.00 8 rooms, 3 baths; hot water heat; East; $175.00. 5 room bungalow ; hot water heat; $85.00. Hill & Stone 543 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 1544 44LTN1-1te FOR RENT -- EAST SIDE WINNETKA. Modern 6 room, stucco house; sun par- lor; newly decorated; enclosed and screened porches; garage. Phone Winn. 1629 Saturday after 4 and all day Sun- day. 44LTN1-1te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, % block to| 6 ROOM DUTCH COLONIAL WITH all transportation and stores. Phone sun parlor and arage., One and one- Glencoe 770. 41TN30-tfe half blocks from station. Call owner. Winn. 558. 44TN30-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE FURNISHED room with large closet and private| FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE; 2 CAR bath; 3rd floor in private home. Space garage. Inquire 145 Bertling Lane. for car. Phone Wil. 1253. 41LTNI1-1tc Tel. Winn. 2394. 44TN30-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIRE|7 ROOM HOUSE, WITH GARAGE. rooms for transients and residents. 9 Reasonable rental. Block to station. Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. Call Winn. 1066. 44L.TN1-1tc 41LT1-tfe FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE. DOUBLE 41T30-3te FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM, $4 A week. 2 gentlemen preferred. Winn. 1468. 41T30-1te LARGE ROOM, PRIVATE BATH, AND porch. Near transportation. Phone Winn. 2144 Sunday. 41T30-1te ROOM FOR RENT AT 902 ASH ST. 41T30-1tc 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS New Apartments 2-3-5 Rooms ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION AND Roll-a-way Beds. New Schell Building Winnetka Ready October 1st Stores and Shops Reasonable Rental Smith & Brown 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 42LTN1-1te FOR RENT -- 4 ROOM APARTMENT, $50.00. 5 room apartment, $65.00. Also, furnished room with housekeeping privileges. Tel. Wil. 1183. 42LTNI1-1te FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN1-tfe FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTNI1-tfc 43 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. FOR RENT--1 AND 2 ROOM I a Fi Shencus apt. Tel. Wil. 992-M th St. 43LT1-tfe Winnetka 7 ROOM HOME; 4 BEDROOMS; screened porch; oil heat; wooded lot; 110 foot frontage; 2 car garage. House in splendid condition. Price at little more than ground value. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winn. 1800 52LTNI-1tc BUILT FOR A HOME FOR SALE--6 RQOM STUCCO BUN- galow with space for additional rooms on second floor; 3 bedrooms, oil heat; 2 glazed porches; garage. Beautiful yard in fine location, with lot 65x160. $18,000. P. W. BRADSTREET & SON, Sole Agts. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St. Phone Winn. 162 52T30-1te FOR SALE--8 ROOM FRAME, 4 BED- rooms, hot water heat. Bargain for cash. Open for inspection Saturday and Sunday p. m. 1719 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. Phone 2399. 52LTN1-tfc FOR SALE OR FOR RENT -- SEVEN room residence with sleeping porch and living porch; reasonable price. House number is 599 Orchard Lane and the PACKARD FIVE-PASSENGER COUPE, excellent condition, good times, very at- tractive car well taken care of. Must sell immediately. $725. © Phone Win- netka 1268. 68T30-1tc PASSENGER PACKARD SEDAN. 6 cylinder; '23 model. $575. Good condition. Kenil 261. 68TN30-1tp 70 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES bedroom set--spindle bed, high- chest, bedside table and dower chest. Curley maple dining set, cover- lets, quilts, mirrors, sconces, lustres, complete set of old lion glass, dewdrop and colored goblets, rugs, vases, bot- tles, books, prints, pictures and oval frames. Also a newly-arrived lot of card tables. MRS. MARY ANN DICKE Evanston 808 Washington St, 1 bl. So. Main St, near Sherman. Phone University 9890. T0LTN1-1te THE LAST WEEK---15% DISCOUNT sale on all antiques, including glass, china, pewter, and furniture. Great re- duction in lamp shades. New things arriving daily at The Little House of Interest, 312 South avenue, Glencoe. Tel. Gl. 732. T0TN30-2tp FOR SALE -- EARLY AMERICAN wt Cherry boy, Hubbard Woods Bargain SOLID BRICK HOME OF PLEASING design, located on a beautiful 63% foot lot x 141, close to schools and trans- portation, 3 bedrooms and bath with maid's room and bath separate. Vapor heat, 1-car arage. Price has been re- duced from $22,500 to $19,500 for quick sale as owner is moving South. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winn. 2032 Winnetka 52TN30-1te N. E. Glencoe 6 RM. FRAME AND STUCCO BUNGA- low, h. w. heat, gar. On beautifully landscaped lot 96x160, $19,500. Terms. N. W. GLENCOE 2 story T7-room Kellastone home, h. heat, gar. Lot 50x190. $15,000. $1, 000 cash'; balance like rent. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 52LTN1-1te Artistic Brick Residence ARCHED FRENCH WINDOWS WITH shutters. Amid thirty trees. Large living room and sun porch overlooks garden and gold fish pond with foun- tain. 3 spacious bedrooms 2 baths. Attached garage. 4 blocks to station in residential section. Price reduced to $20,000. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm Street Winn, 2199 TERMS OR TRADE WILMETTE: VALUABLE NORTH East corner--improved with 8 rm. frame residence; in fine order; 4 rms. and bath on 1st; 4 rms. and bath on 2nd; 2 car garage; side drive; 2 blocks to banks and stores; $19,500; very easy terms or will consider smaller home in part trade. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 421 4th St. Wil. 460, Univ. 8908 R2LTNI1-1te 5 ACRES NEAR INDIAN HILL GOLF Club and Avoca Rd. Call Greenleaf 560 or Pensacola 6806. 54LTN1-1te 5B WINTER RESORTS WINTER PARK, FLA. 5 RM. BUNG. Slpg. porch, gar. Completely furn. Overlooks Lake Virginia. 2 blks. to Rollins college and school. Will rent, sell, or exchange for North Shore prop- erty. Address Talk B-460. 55BLTN1-1tp 57 WTD. TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TQ RENT -- FURNISHED room suitable for piano study Mondays and Thursdays each week. Must be within 3 blocks radius of Elm St. sta- tion. Tel. Highland Park 1138. 57T30-1te -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 WTD. TO RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- LARGE FURNISHED arage. Near depot. Wil. 1367. tel. is Winnetka 1492. 52TN30-1te Maple and Cherry tables, bureaus, mir- room, lavatory; hot water; well heat- Earas P 44LTN1-1tp - " " rors and glass. One Cherry secretary. ed ; reasonable price. 602 Maple Ave. 8 ROOM HOUSE NEAR SCHOOLS AND Margaret W. Pfeiffer. 1500 Tower Rd. Tel. Wil. 3587. 41LTN1-1tc [45 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES LL aA Reasonable for guick Sale: Winn. 1451. T0LTN1-1te Winn. 1200. 30-1te FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED | HOUSE, FURNISHED -- 8 RMS, 2 -- = | JUST RECEIVED A NUMBER oF room, suitable married couple or 2| baths, garage. H. W. heat. Conven-| 53 FOR SALE--VACANT early bottles, glass, china and furni- ladies. Home privileges. Glencoe 976. ientn to schools and transportation. $100 ture from an old estate to be soa at 41LTN1-1tc mo. from Oct. 1, 1927, to April 30, 1928, C t b C rt a bargain. 808 Oak St. wih, Je he LARGE SUNNY ROOM, CENTRALLY McGUIRE & ORR amncer ury ou -- m-- located. Phone Wilmette 965-M. 45LT1-1te ° 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS iE Cia Lake Shore Sites ETE SARCE FLO ERG UNTIL MAY 1. VERY REASONABLE @ ore it "Reliable" Gas Stove -- OM, to esponsible rty. 8 rms. 5 bedrms., + i close to transportation. Winn, 2794. 2 baths. H. W. heat. Off burner, and | * OR EXCEPTIONAL HOUSES--AN EX-|; OVENS: ¢ BURNERS. PORTABLE 41LTN1-1tc| gar. Walter P. Smith and Co. 332 Park | Clusive development just South of Wil- | ~ electric sewing machine. Both in good Ave. Glencoe 702 LTN1-1te| Mette Harbor unsurpassed for beauty condition and reasonable. Goodman, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. HOT - and Sitractivernese, HleYen charming Tel. Highland Park 1329. 7ILTN1-1tc water heat. Near transpor. 839 Ash |47 FOR RENT--GARAGES Ochi es hone, tow Deters Below St. Winn. 2213. 41T29-2tp remaining locations . are = gone. r. | MAHOGANY DINING TABLE AND 8 : FOR RENT--GARAGE AT 807 CHERRY | Matthews, Univ. 8504. chairs, $65. Small black gate-leg table, LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE| St. Phone Winn. 2980. 47T30-1tp ° $5. Upholstered rocker, $2. Victrola for 2. Winn. 1920. 41TN30-1tc alr armner Ine cabinet and records, $25. Black wicker FOR RENT--GARAGE AT 564 PROV- 9 ©! hall bench, $15. Call Win, NL. Yee FOR RENT--ROOM WITH RUNNING | ident Ave. Winn. 1219. ATT30-te | 00 bovis ge lusive AERIS leat 1555 water, yentleman only. 969 Elm St, | m---- -------- w-- | 5 2 § avis St, 3 4 > NT 53LTN1-1tec | GOLDEN OAK DINING SET, 57-INCH Winn. 2399. 41T30-1tc | 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES Toad lable, crystal cabinet, buffet, 8 LOVELY CORNER ROOM 3 WIN-|FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE OF-|FOR SALE -- NORTH SHORE LOT| chairs. Liv. room suite, lounges, rock- dows and fireplace ; suitable for 2. 910 | fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent| near lake, ready to build. Original| er, 2 arm chairs, solid mahog. liv. rm. Elm St. Winn. 2336 41T30-1tc ground floor location, at 736 Elm St. subdivision price. Terms to responsible table. Paragon radio. All Ey iy e. : : . : Phone Winn. 142. 4SLTN1-tfe | party. Call Winn. 2235. 52LTNI-tfc| Winn. 1624. T1L -1tp ROOM FOR RENT. PHONE WINN. 2435 or call at 1036 Oak St. 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES > FOR SALE--ACREAGE COMPLETE MAHOG. BEDROOM SET, twin beds, box springs and mattress, $150. Also English sideboard, English coffee table and porch beds. Phone Glencoe 190. T1TN30-1te FOR SALE -- CHILD'S EDUCATIONAL af price 1524 Asbe ts Ave. Mrubbard Half price. ury Ave. Woods, Il. T1ILTN1-1tc FOR SALE -- OAK DINING TABLE, Drea rio 316° 36d St, Wimette. er. Reasonable. 1 Willette. FOR SALE -- TABLES; CHAIRS; desk ; bedding; electric iron; heater; jugs; clocks; Bastman enlarging ma- chine. Phone Winn. 1236. TILTNI1-1te 11- ro ht | 11-3 AXMINSTER ORIENTAL cond. LL 5. Dark oak d I, EoD 2420. 7T1ILTN1-1tc WTD. TO RENT -- WORKING COUPLE, white, desires small apartment over If desired, can care for house. Phone morning or evening. 637-J. TN1-1tp WANTED--4 ROOM APARTMENT OR small house. Address Winnetka Talk B-381. 58T30-tfe ---------------------------------------------- 66 WTD. TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED TO BUY, 5-6 ROOM BRICK-- Brick veneer or stucco on tile, Win- netka or vicinity. B. A. Thorpe, 111 W. Monroe St. Rand. 4094. 66T30-1te -- 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS $50 -- A 7-PASSENGER CADILLAC touring car, model 53. 5 good tires. Still in good running condition. Call 'Winn. 1084. Address 200 Chestnut St., Winn. 68LTN1-1tp PACKARD FIVE-PASSENGER COUPE, excellent condition, good tires, very attractive car well taken care of. Must sell immediately. $725. Phone Winnetka 1268. 68T30-1te JORDAN SPORT TOURING, 1925. Good condition. Phone Glencoe 817. 68TN30-1tp 54-INCH MAHOG. TABLE & CHAIRS, in perfect cond. Queen Anne sisle, $35. Winn. 1416. Address 910 Oak St. T1ILTN1-1te GRAY BEDROOM SUITE, CONSISTING of bed, dresser, chair, table and mirror. Also, Sanitary couch. $25 for lot. 739 9th St. Wil. 1607. TILTN1-1te DINING ROOM SET -- MAHOGANY round table, 6 upholstered chairs. Good condition, $50. Call Winn. 2260. TILTNI1-1te LIVING ROOM AND BEDROOM FUR- niture, draperies, and lamps. Phone Winn. 1814. TILTNI1-1te FOR SALE -- UPHOLSTERED CANE black couch, $12.00. 424 'Washington Ave. Wil, 207. 71LTN1-1te FOR SALE--5 SPLIT REED one reed table. 1340 Asbury Ave. Winn. 717. TITN30-1tp FOR SALE--2 MAHOGANY STAINED Birch French doors. Tel. Winn. 1313. 71T30-1te FOR SALE -- BABY'S BED AND scales. Winn. 2111. 71T30-1tc (MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 56)

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