\ ; be ec i a a i . WINNETKA TALK November 12, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS be charged only , Classified advertisements will General N olice -- to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 15 cents a line in one paper. - 30 cents a line Average of five words to the line. papers. CHARGE 50 cents. 25 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face type in all used. 109% discount on all cash with erder advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave.,, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions-- ae Av oY Sclank for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. and Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 10 DRESSMAKING 31 LOST AND FOUND GET YOUR DRESSES MADE IN YOUR home by first-class dressmaker. Re- modeling a specialty. Price reasonable. Kenwood 2707. 10LT7-1tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T31-tfe PLAIN SEWING AND REMODELING by the day. $5 day. Waukegan 2076 and reverse charges. 10TN36-1tp PLAIN SEWING WANTED. §.50 AN hr. or $4 a day. Call Winn. 230, Miss Seaberg. 10T36-1te DRESSMAKING -- COATS RE-LINED; furs remodeled; exp. Phone Wil. 3464. 10LTN7-1tp 10B GARDENING JOHN OSTROWSKY Y NURSER Real in trees, evergreens, shrubs, and perennials. Phone Highland Park 2098-Y-1. West Park Ave, Highland Park. 10BLTNZ2-tfc HAVE YOUR WINDOW-BOXES planted with fresh-dug evergreens for the winter. Call Léo Kari, Wilmette 3601-Y-3. Route 2, Happ Rd., Glenview. 10BLTN7-1tp 16 LOANS MONEY ANY AMOUNT YOU MAY NEED ON first or second Mortgages on Real Es- tate. Rates reasonable and all in- quiries held confidential. McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Un. 8383 REALTORS = 16LTN4-4tp 21 PAINTING & DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE DOG LOST -- 8 MO. MALE POLICE, black back and tail, wolf-grey chest, tan paws, right ear lops at tip; no col- lar. Liberal reward; no questions asked. Winn. 1130. 31TN36-1tc LOST -- BOY'S LEATHER JACKET with red plaid lining; at Horace Mann school or in vicinity of Blackthorn Rd. Reward. Call Winn. 1183. 31T36-1te LOST -- BEADED BAG, ON FRI. EVE- ning, Nov. 4, at Winn. Woman's club or on sidewalk in front of club. Re- ward. Call Winn. 1183. 31T36-1te LOST -- BOX CONTAINING NEEDLE- point tapestry and yarn. Winn. 2877. 31T36-1tc 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE A real opportunity presents itself to the girl looking to establish herself in a profession where advancement is limited only by personal ability Become a Telephone operator Full salary is paid during training Increases are regular Girls over 16 with at least grammar school education are asked to come in for a personal interview 2nd floor--614 Davis Street--Evanston or Winnetka Exchange--740 Elm Street 32T34-tfe WANTED--WHITE LAUNDRESS OVER 30 years; thoroly experienced; wash- ing machine mangle; must have A-1 ref.; permanent; Mondays only. 379 Ridge Ave.,, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1379. 32LT7-1te WE WANT A WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework ; who is reliable, a good plain cook and fond of children; no laundry; family of three. Mrs. Ham- ley, Glen. 590. 32TN36-1te time. Get estimate. I save you y. Brandt. Winnetka 185. 21TN31-tfc 22 PETS FOR SALE -- EXCELL. IRISH SETTER puppies; 7 wks. Highland Park 3055. 22LTN7-1te ---------------------------------------------- 23 RADIOS RADIO SPECIALIST Day and night service. Repair service and construction. 962 Pine St. Winn. 1892. 23LTN7-tfc WTD. -- WHITE WOMAN FOR GEN- eral housework ; small house; go home nights ; someone living within walking distance of Asbury Ave. Call Winn. 32T36-1tc COMBINATION NURSE AND 2ND maid for 4 yr. old boy; white; other help kept. 271 Linden or phone Winn. 1254. 32T36-1tc GOOD COOK; GEN. HSEWK.; FAM- ily 3; best wages; Winn. 176 Sat. eve. or Sun. aft. 860 Burr Ave. 32TN36-1tc 25 SERVICE BUREAU "RLITE" EMPLOYMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES you with a reliable, diligent COUPLE with an intelligent, conscientious NURSE. 111 E. Pearson St. 25T36-1tc Call Sup. 7481 28 WINDOW SHADES SHADES CLEANED. NEW SHADES made to order. Skokie Shade and Awn- ing shop. Winn. 1994--14 Prouty Ct. WANTED -- WOMAN TO HELP WITH housework 2 half days a week. Tel. Winn. 2330. 32T36-1te WHITE GIRL; GEN. HOUSEWORK ; 4 in family; ref. req. Winn. 2421. 32T36-1tp WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; small family; no exp. neces- sary. Winn. 2325. 32LT7-1tp 33 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- A-1 AUTOMOBILE ME- chanic for Hubbard Woods branch. 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE 38 SIT. WID~--~MALE & FEMALE COLORED SISTERS; 1ST CLASS COOK and 2nd maid; No. Sh. ref. ; neat, clean and reliable. Write Winn. Talk B-496. 36TN36-1tp WOULD LIKE TO PLACE MY NURSE- maid, high-school girl who works after- noons ; efficient, reliable. Winn. 550-M. Call Mrs. Frederick Copeland, Winn. COUPLE DESIRE POSITION ; BUTLER, chauffeur and houseman; cook; 1st class ref. Univ. 6229. 38LT7-1tp 140 WANTED--ROOM & BOARD WTD. IN WINN. NEAR TRANSPOR.-- room with board, private bath or lav.; by quiet elderly woman. Best ref. Tel. A NEAT COLORED GIRL WISHES position as maid; very experienced; ref.; go home at night. Lois Sanders. Tel. Wil. 1058. 36LT7-1tp CARE OF CHILDREN PART TIME OR evenings. Phone Glencoe 104. 36TN36-1tp WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Call Winn. 112. 36T36-1tc NEAT EXPER. WHITE WOMAN wants cleaning by day. Call Waukegan 2076 and reverse charges. 36TN36-1tp WAITRESS WANTS DAY WORK OR steady position; also plain sewing. Ph. Winn. 2645. 36TN36-1tc EXPERIENCED COLORED LAUN- dress; by day. Oakland 7426. 36T36-1tp DAY WORK, LAUNDRY OR CLEAN- ing; Mon. & Thurs. Call Univ. 8101, 36TLNT7-1tp EXP. COOK AND 2ND MAID; WHITE; together if poss. Univ. 1621. : 36LTN7-1tp SIT. WTD. -- BY EXP. COL. GIRL; gen. housework; best ref. Call Green- leaf 1479. 36LT7-1tp WTD. -- TO TAKE CARE OF CHIL- dren by hour, day or evening. Call Wil. 2279 before 12 o'clock. 36LT7-1te WASHING, TRONING OR CLEANING by the day; good ref. Greenleaf 1142. 36LTNT7-1te WANTED -- WASHING OR TRONING. Will call and deliver. Phone Wil- mette 3599. 36LT7-1tc STENOGRAPHIC AND GENERAL OF- fice work; 4 yrs. exp. Talk B-493. 36LTN7-1tp GENERAL HOUSEWORK; REF.; EX- per.; colored. Phone Kenwood 9719. 36LTN7-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS work to take home. Will call and de- liver. Call Wil. 834-M. 36LTN7-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS PERMA- nent days; Wed., Thurs. Fri. Green- leaf 790. 36LTN7-1tp EXPER. COL. HELP WANTS DAY work. Call Glencoe 658. 36TN36-1tp LAUNDRY WORK FOR WEDNES- days. Call Glencoe 1044. 36TN36-1tp 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE 2174, for reference. 36T36-1tp Winn. 1246. 40T36-1tc COMP. WHITE WOMAN; GENERAL/|41 FOR RENT--ROOMS housework for couple with child of school age; good plain cook; no wash=| ROOMS IN THE NORTH SHORE ing or ironing. Wages $16-$18. Ard- Montessori School. 761 Cherry St, more 0934. 36T36-1tp Winnetka. Suitable for classes, chil- dren's parties or for afternoon or eve- TRAINED BABY NURSE WANTS ning entertainments. Apply to Miss situation Wed. and Thurs. also eve- Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163. nings. Mending. Winn. 2022. 41T35-4tc 36T36-tfc LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM with good closet; twin beds; centrally located ; one blk. to Lake; 3 blks. to transp.; ladies or couple. Breakfast and late dinner if desired. Call Glen- coe 1160. 41TN35-tfc ROOM WITH OR WITHOUT HOUSE- 'keeping ; reasonable; near Hubbard Woods trans. Winn. 2847. 41LTN7-1te CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT2-tfc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. % block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN31-tfc ROOM FOR RENT -- WITH BOARD IF desired. 969 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 2399. : 41T36-1tc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT ; NEAR Hubbard Woods station. Call Winn. 2478. 41T36-1tc FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE FUR- nished room; conv. to transp. Phone 'Winn. 1769. 41T36-1tc ROOM FOR RENT; VERY REASON- able. Winn. 2844. 41TN36-1te FURNISHED ROOM; CLOSE TO transportation. Call Winn. 1590. 41T36-1te PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR RENT; near transp. and restaurants. 836 Oak St. Phone Winn. 1559. 41T36-1tc LARGE, PLEASANT, WELL LIGHTED, front room; h. w. heat; near station. Phone Winn. 415. 41T36-1tc LARGE, WELL HEATED ROOM ; NEAR transp.; priv. bath. Winn. 1543. 41LTN7-1te NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; SUIT- able 1 or 2; near transp.; reas. Glen- coe 976. 41LTN7-1te 42 FOR RENT--APTS. WILL SWEDISH WOMAN WHO called at 1109 Gage St. for light hsekpg. rooms please call at 1113 Gage St.? 42LTN7-1tc 3 RMS. WITH KITCHENETTE. FURN.,, $65. Unfurn., $60. See McArthur, 1079 Gage St.,, Hubbard Wids. 42LT7-1te 4 ROOMS WITH KITCHENETTE. $65. 1073 Gage st., Hubbard Wds. See jani- tor or call Highland Park 2589. 42LT7-tfc CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSEMAN ; ENG- lish, position with private familv: 14 yrs. exper.; good refs. Winn, 2973. 3TLTNT7-1tp FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN2-tfc HOUSEMAN WANTS WORK BY THE day: handy with tools; will also do outside work and look after your car. Winn. 2973. 37TLTNT7-1tp FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS AND single rooms: furnished and unfur- nished ; heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42L.TN2-tfe GARDENER OR CARETAKER; 12% years last pos.; Danish; Lake Forest refer. Peterson, Lake Forest 1441. 37TLTN7-1tp SIT. WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR AND gardener; housework and furnaces. 1169 Scott Ave. Winn. 1813. 37TN36-1te WINDOW WASHING, FURNACE tending, general work. Winn. 1343. 37TTN36-1tp 30 PERSONAL GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY All hand work. Call for and deliver. Tel. ------------------------------------------------ Glen. 106 31 LOST AND FOUND T -- GOLD AND RED BEADED . Call Winn. 1530. 730 Center St. Bs > 31T36-1te WOMAN WILL DO CLEANING OR laundry work by day; pay own carfare; also do any kind of cooking and serv- ing dinner parties; good ref. Highland Park 813-W. 36LTN7-1tp Apply to Mr. Wilkinson, Packard Mdfor Car Co. of Chicago, 1735 E.|CHAUFFEUR AND MECH.; GOOD Railrond Ave,, Evanston. ref. ; single, 26 yrs.; Swedish: 10 yrs. 28LTN2-tfc 33LTN7-1tp| exper. Winn. 692-7. 37TTN36-1tp Eg BOYS WANTED -- MORNING ROUTES | WHITE CHAUFFEUR: 1ST CLASS now open in Hubbard Woods. Phone| mech.; 12 yrs. exper. Phone Glencoe Winnetka 765. 33T35-4tc 332-J. 37T36-1te 30TN35-2tc | 36 SIT. WTD.--~FEMALE PAINTING; CEMENT WORK; PAPER, house and window cleaning; odd jobs. Wil. 3428. 3TLT5-tfe NEW 5 RM. APT. FOR RENT. $75. Phone Winn. 2688 or 1055. 42LTNT7-1te FOR RENT -- SMALL APT. WITH EN- closed porch. Phone Winn. 1230. 42TN36-1tc 43 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE APT.; NICE- ly furn.; steam heat; janitor service; near Indian Hill station. Available Dec. 1. Winn. 2584. 43T36-1tc IN A HURRY FOR COAL OR COKE? Call Winnetka 653. 43TN36-1tc 44 FOR RENT--HOUSES ATTRACTIVE 6 RM. HOUSE; DESIR- able Evanston location; reasonable to responsible party. Greenleaf 1785. 44LTN7-1tp AS A HOUSEMAN, FURNACE, AND garden work. Tel. Winn. 1552. 37TLTN2-tfe SUB-LET MODERN, 5 ROOM BUNGA- low. Call Northbrook 157. 44L.TNT7-1tc a Nr