% : "3 WINNETKA TALK November 19, 1927 Prominent Officials Will Attend Auto Club Banquet Over three thousand members are expected to attend the annual Fall Dinner dance at Mann's Million Dollar Rainbow Gardens, Chicago, Thursday, December 1, when the Automobile club of Illinois holds forth on that evening. According to an announcement made by Si. Mayer, president of the Auto- mobile club of Illinois, invitations have been extended to one hundred seventy- five prominent citizens, including May- or William Hale Thompson, Secretary of State Louis I. Emmerson, senators, Judges and officials of state, county and city offices. HONORED AT BELOIT Stanley Abramson of Wilmette, freshman at Beloit college, has been elected a councillor of the freshman men's dormitory association. HARTNETT RIDING STABLE 437 Chestnut St. Winnetka A regular meeting of the Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations will a be held at 10:30 o'clock on Saturday Riding Lessons morning, November 19, in the Wo- Saddle Horses for Hire man's committee room of the Straus building, 306 South Michigan avenue. Under the personal direction of -- Mr. Hartnett The Service club of the New Trier Township High school is planning a former Riding Master of the matinée party at the Norshore theater Indian Hill Club. for next Saturday afternoon. - oa ad Miss Francis Levi, who is attending Downer college in Milwaukee, spent last week-end at her home in Wil- mette. Open to the Public For Appointment Phone Winnetka 3040 Announcement Miss Anne Pavey announces an exhibit of handiwork of the southern mountaineers at the home of Mrs. W. B. Pavey, 845 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, November 28--December 3. Engagement Announcement Reveals College Romance Mr. and Mrs. Hope Thompson, 1219 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia, to Merle Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Myers of Evanston. Both Miss Thompson and Mr. Myers attended Northwestern, Miss Thomp- son being a Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Mr. Myers a Delta Upsilon. The mar- riage is to take place December 17, at the Thompson home. Mr. Myers and his bride expect to live somewhere along the north shore. Already showers are being planned and given in Miss Thompson's honor. Wednesday, November 16, a luncheon and miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs. Victor Metzger, 419 Maple avenue. D. A. R. PRESIDENT HERE Mrs. Alfred Brosseau, president gen- eral of the National society of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion was in Chicago November 16 and 17. The former day she gave a lec- ture at the Hotel LaSalle on "Nation- al Defense," and that evening Mrs. Charles Herrick gave a dinner for her at the Union League club. Thursday Mrs. Brosseau was the guest of honor at a reception at the Stevens hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Corwith Greene have returned from their wedding trip and have opened their home at 1628 Wesley avenue, Evanston. Mr. Greene is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Greene, 120 Ninth street, Wilmette. Mrs. Greene was fosmerly Miss Minna Bradford of Evanston. --0-- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blumenstock are entertaining at their home on Willow road tonight in honor of their daugh- ter, Ruth, who has returned home from Syracuse to spend Thanksgiving with her family. Dealer's Exhibit of Modern U. S. Artists Shown at Orrington Paintings by American artists, chiefly contemporary painters, form the dealers' loan exhibition now on display at the Orrington hotel ball- room. The showing is sponsored by the University guild and is open to the public every afternoon and evening. There are 44 canvases, all oils. They include the following: Market Place, Middlebury (Lavalle), Invading Surf (Waugh), Mountain Stream (Hibbard), Monadnock in Au- tumn (Sharman), Roseton (Leith-Ross), Autumn in the Hills (Kaula), The Branch (Ingerle), Spring (Desch), Skip- per (Henri), New England Winter (Cirino), Sunny Hillside (Ryder), Down the Kedgwick (Benson), A Little Girl (Hawthorne), Queen Anne's Lace (Sta- cey), White Fence (Palmer). Return at Evening (Dessar), Late Af- ternoon (Gorter), Brittany Cattle (Die- terle), Gloucester (Vincent), Burgomas- ter's Daughter (Hitchcock), Among the Hills (Harpignies), Sandy Shore (Rits- chel), Blue and Gold (Van Veen), 5th Ave. & bTth, N. Y. (Wiggins), Madri- gale (Grant), Maid of Italy (Rolshoven), Brook in Winter (Koeniger), Ducks (Koester). Youth (Beneker), Bird Decoration (Botke), Sycamores (Shulz), Majestic Hills (Puthuff), Cosmos and Asters (Knox), Nursing Mother (Sandona), Mesas in Shadow (Dixon), Portrait (Wiezcorek), Birds and Swamps (Bein), The Indian's Land (Cassidy), Clouds (Groom), Oat Fields (Steele), Autumn Glory (Cherry), Study--Still Life (Ober- teuffer). GIVES THANKSGIVING TEA The Alpha chapter of Lambda Phi Delta, Northwestern University School of Speech, will be entertained at a Thanksgiving tea Sunday evening by Miss Genevieve Bennett. The tea will be held at the home of Miss Bennett's aunt, Mrs. Florence Bennett Peterson, 687 Lincoln avenue. N ow--A COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE! An Announcement of Interest to Users of Furnace Oil To our friends and customers who have installed oil burners im their homes, Consumers Company announces the addition to its line of fuels of Stanolind Furnace Oil. After an extensive investigation concerning the merits of many kinds of furnace oils, we are confident that we have chosen the kind which will give our customers the greatest satis- faction and utmost economy. STANOLIND FURNACE OIL, made and guaranteed by the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) is of the highest quality. It is clear, clean, heavy in heat units and dependable. It burns clean, leaving no waste or residue to clog the burners. It is ideally suited to any installation requiring a 38° to 40° gravity oil. Don't wait for cold weather. or oil, phone us your order now! @nsumers (@mpany Wiimette--Wil. 1300 Winnetka--Wil. 354 THROUGHOUT 2 DELIVERIES PHONE UNIVERSITY 4500 Dist. Office 1015 Church St., Evanston Phones T HE Glencoe--Glencoe 75 = Highland Park-- Highland Park 2800 NORTH SHORE Whether you burn coal, coke DISTRICT