Sid A December 3, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 11 Foundation Will propoitions, some build them as monu- . . ments, and some are built for charity. Aid St. Francis He pointed out that hospitals are of Hospital Growth | hospital is one to which any well- two types--open and closed. An open qualified doctor can bring his patients. The Foundation for St. Francis hos- | : : : . : | A closed hospital is one run by only pital held a business and social meet- |. foo men. St Francis is of ile open ing last Wednesday afternoon in the |type. Dr. Chilcott ended his talk | Nurses' home of the hospital. A re-| with a statement of present impera- | tive needs at St. Francis hospital. port was made indicating that the membership drive has progressed to the point where letters have been sent 125 Boys Enrolled mn out to all who might be interested in | Community Center Class joining, offering anyone of four kinds | Over 125 boys are now enrolled in| of membership: individual, club, sus-|ihe Kenilworth Community center boys' | taining, or life. The members decided | class which are held every Monday and to have four club meetings a vear, | Thursday, it was stated by Robert W. | coming in September, December, Feb-| Townley who has charge of the Boys' | ruary, and April. These will be held at | work. The class is now completely or- | 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon on the | ganized and the members are evidenc- third Wednesday of the months in-|iho a great amount of interest in the dicated. The board will meet once|york, In addition there are 45 scouts | each month, on the third Wednesday | who meet wth Mr. Townley each Wed- at one o'clock. The annual meeting | hesdayv. i will be held in the spring. | The girls classes are going corres- Mis. Frederick McLaughlin of Rog-| pondingly well. There are about 85 ers Park will be program chairman, | oirls enrolled in the class work which it was announced. is conducted each Tuesday, Wednesday | The by-laws were read and accepted | and Friday. The general supervision of by the members. They will be sub- the Community Center is directed by mitted to the Secretary of State, in| Mrs. Jessy I. Page. order to secure a charter for the or- ganization. v A The Rev. Father Deneen, who was to have spoken, was unable to remain, Scouts Through New Plant so the oniy speaker of the afternoon Col. Louis Waefelaer and his Boy was Dr. I. H. Chilcott of the hospital's | Scout Troop No. 23, Glencoe, were staff of surgeons. He spoke on the | guests of Frank King, the cartoonist, progress of hospitals in the past twen- | and "Skeezix," at the Chicago Tribune ty-five years, more particularly since Friday evening. 1912, when the American College of Mr. King lives in Glencoe, where all Surgeons whs organized. This organi- | the boys know "Skeezix" and where zation aimed for standardization of | Mr. King is particularly interested in hospitals. Dr. Chilcott emphasized the | all the boys of the village. supremacy of North American hos- The Scouts met at St. Elisabeth's pitals over those of the rest of the Parish House at 7:30 from whence world. He gave many reasons for |they were driven to the Tribune our large number of hospitals. Some | Tower, where Mr. King escorted them men establish hospitals as business ' through the plant. "Skeezix" Creator Escorts ELsie THAL 565 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka Continuing Our Mid-Season Reductions Dresses For Daytime Wear $16.75 t0 $65.00 formerly up to $95 Gowns For Evening Wear $25 to $65 formerly up to $95 Sports Apparel Dresses Knitted Sweaters Jerseys and T weeds Slipover Style $10.75 to $25 $5 formerly up to $39.75 formerly up to $9.75 Sport Coats Furred and Unfurred Models $35 to $65 formerly up to $95 | VEGETABLES Mushrooms, pound =... cals veers issn. 35¢ Green Peas, pound ............cconeeeviin 19¢ Fresh Spinach, peck .... cove crsvrrsvioariss 29c Artichokes Zor Bh ey cre ivvss vnia voids 4 25¢ Cauliflower 2 i BA Ses iid avs ie tain 20c and up Brussel Sprouts; box >... .................. 25¢ Beets and Carrots. bunch ............ «7... 8c Green and Wax Beans, quart ............... 15¢ For your Winter Potatoes see our display COSMAS BROTHERS SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 1143 Wilmette Avenue Opposite Post Office Fresh Green Onions, Water Cress, Parsley, Radishes | | At Extremely Reasonable Prices FRUITS | | Blue Goose Grapefruit, large size, 2 for ..... 39c¢ | Medium size, S for ......ciiiiiiiiiiiiiaen 25¢ | Sealdsweet Florida Grapefruit, large size, 2 for 25¢ Medium size, 3 and 4 for .............c0enn 25¢ I Florida Oranges, 3 dozen ................ $1.00 California Sunkist Oranges, large size, doz. ...79¢ | California Grapes, jumbo, basket ............. 39¢ Tangerines, dOZeN ...........ooeeeeennnens 39¢ Green Cooking Apples, 3 pounds for ........ 25¢ Fancy Jonathan Apples, 10 pounds for ...... 89¢c All kinds of Dates, Nuts and Cider | Cliquot Club, case ...............5.5 $2.15 Morand, Case .' ive situate alte anv vwnne $1.45 | Canada Dry, case ......cvonvieeeanmap inns $2.15 | Phone Wil. 2693-2694-823 | 4 Deliveries Daily |