January 14, 1928 WINNETKA TALK The shortest way from want to have is through the Classified Pages 36 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE COMPETENT WHITE CATERER WILL 'cook and serve dinners, lunches etc. Phone Highland Park 1303. 36TN44-1tp LIGHT COMPLEXIONED COL. WOM- an, north shore ref., wants place cook- ing. Tel. Drexel 0491 Sunday from 5-7. 36TN44-1tp WASHING, LAUNDRY WORK AND gen. cleaning. White. Phone Wil. 389. 36LTN15-1tc DRESSMAKING, REMODELING, PLAIN sewing by the day. Ref. Greenleaf 1142. 36L'TN15-1tc 37 SITUATION WANTED--MALE PAINTING and HOUSE CLEANING done at very mod. prices. Work guar. to be satisfactory and first class. Est. given free. Gunnar Dahlin 4025 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago Tel. Keystone 9228 37TLTN15-1tp WANTED -- PART TIME BOOKKEEP- er, simple systems installed, financial statements submitted, income tax re- turns. Address Wilmette Life B-528. 37TLTN15-1te Hsewk., Furnaces, Trees TRIMMED, TAKEN DOWN, WINN. 2639. 3TT/TN15- tfc CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN.,, etc. Drive, wash cars. Winn. 1552, 3TLTN11-tfe WANTED BY HONEST WHITE MAN house work and odd jobs. Good refs. Glencoe 1035. 3TN1-1te 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 41 " FOR RENT--ROOMS WANTED--ABOUT JAN. 15, EXPERI- enced white nurse girl. References re- quired. Mrs. Peirce, 656 Ardsley rd. Winn. 32LTN15-2te FURN. RM. FOR RENT IN PRIVATE home near transpor. For lady or couple. Phone Winn. 278 or 1167. 41TN44-1tc WANTED -- W HI TE MAID FOR second work, family of 4, references required. Telephone Winnetka 68. 708 Prospect ave. 32LTN15-1tp WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 4 block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN31-tfe WANTED -- COMP. MAID FOR GEN. Hswk. With or without laundry. Ph. Glencoe 258. 32N52-1te A WHITE GIRL WANTED TO TAKE care of 2 yr. child, no experience re- quired. Time 8:30 to 11:30. Glencoe 88. 32N52-1tc LAUNDRESS TO TAKE HOME FAMILY washing. 234 Maple Hill Rd. Glencoe 92. 32LTN15-1tc WANT W A NE W- A. VE HAV. E b2 FOR SALE--HOUSES KENILWORTH Sound as a Dollar OWNER GOING TO CALIF. SACRI- fices 10 rm., solid brick, 2 baths, extra lavatory, hot water oil heat, 2 car garage. Immense, beautifully wooded lot. Superb garden with 11,000 bulbs. All ceilings canvassed. Lge. sun and sleeping porches. $42,500. Heinsen Realty Co. Exclusive Agents 720 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 254 FOR SALE--OWNER MUST SACRI- fice 6 rm. modern Dutch Colonial. 3% blks. to C. & N. W. R. R. and N. S. 8lectric. No reasonable offer refused. 1832 Broadview Ave., Ravinia. 52LTN14-1tp EAST, ALL CONVENIENCES 1 BLOCK to all transportation. Winn. 769. 41TN44-1tc NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN NEW apt. one blk. from station. Single or double. Winn. 2304. FOR RENT -- LARGE, WARM, WELL furn. room in east side home. Wil- mette 1940. 41LTN15-1te LARGE, FURN., WELL HEATED ROOM near transp., private bath. Winnetka 1543. 41LTN15-1tc TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HSEKPG.; everything furn. 1138 Oakwood Ave. Wilmette 3429. 41LTN13-tfe FOR RENT--2 FURN. HOUSEKEEP- ing rms. or sleeping rooms suitable for two. Wil. 2183. 41L14-1tc LARGE ROOM FOR 1 OR 2, $4 OR $7. Winnetka 1920. 41LTN15-1tc ROOM FOR RENT Winnetka 2794. 41TN44-1tc 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN2-tfc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN2-tfc WILMETTE LIFE WINNETKA TALK GLENCOE NEWS JUST CALL WILMETTE 4300, WINNETKA 2000 OR GREENLEAF 4300 For the convenience of advertisers wishing to cover the Evanston territory we will also accept Want Ads for THE EVANSTON REVIEW.