isc January 14, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 5 45 FOR RENT--FURN., HOUSES 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES 70 ANTIQUES 74 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. FOR RENT IMM. UNTIL APR, AT-|AcC'T DEATH IN FAMILY, COZY 6- tractive furn., 8 rm. home. Janitor if rm house, fine lot, East Side, $12,500. ANTIQUES A. KESSEL desired. Reas. to responsible party. Phone Winn, 1692. 451 TN16-1tc 17 FOR RENT--GARAGES GARAGE FOR RENT. Available Feb. 1st. 1040 PINE ST. Winn. 752. 47T45-1tc 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. 48TLTN8-tfc ou © FOR SALE--HOUSES To Settle Estate ONE OF WINNETKA'S INTERESTING brick houses in choice East section. 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; h. w. ht.; 2-car garage; on 2-5 acres of superbly wood- ed grounds; half way between Lake and transportation. $30,000 will buy it. All cash might get it for less. Heinsen Realty Co. 720 Elm St. Winnetka Phone 254 52LTN16-1tc h Ing Charming English Home ATTRACTIVE "LL" SHAPED: PLAN. Large wooded lot on a quiet end street. 7 light, spacious rooms. Open porch. 4 large bedrooms, 2 baths. Oil heat, elec. refrig. Att. garage. Price $28,500. Quinlan & Tyson 746 Elm Street Winnetka 2198 52T45-1tc $2,500 Cash WILL HANDLE 6 RM. DUTCH COLON- jal in S. E. Winnetka, nr. all schools and trans. 3 bedrms., sunroom, 2 extra lavatories, wooded lot, garage. Price $16,000. E. E. Stults Realty 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winn. 1800 52LTN16-1tc FINE §8-RM., 3 BATH, EAST SIDE resid. Beaut. located, south front, com- fortable, homelike, with slp. pch., and tanked garage. Mighty good buy at Hokanson & Jenks 513 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1617 52T45-1tc OWNER LEAVING CITY OFFERS FOR sale only 200x200 piece of property in Kenilworth. Beautifully landscaped, flowers blooming continually from spring until late fall. Large 9 room hou<e, beautiful sunporch, 2 baths, ex- tra lavatory, redecorated throughout, oil burner, sell as a whole or divide. Kenilworth 1499. 52L'TN16-1tc FOR SALE--7 RM. HOUSE, GLAZED heated slp. and brk. rms. Excep. high class and well built. Many unusual features. Built by owner 5 yrs. ago for a home, not for speculation. Beautiful- ly landscaped grounds. 300 ft. from lake. Nr. school; and trans. Unusual opp. Owner must sell. Ph. Winnetka 1919. 52LTN16-tfc Beautiful Homes WE HAVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 brick homes of 6 and 7 rooms with 2 and 3 baths. Ready for May occupancy, see them and make changes you like, Prices from $22,000 to $22,500. Hub- bard Woods, Box 12. 52TN45-1te Also 6-rm. house West Side, oil burner, $15,000, or rent $100 mo. See Agent, 877 Elm St., Tel. Winn, 1689. 52T45-1tp HUBBARD WOODS. OWNER LEAV- ing city. Seven room Colonial house. Four glazed porches. Two baths. Sealed garage. Wooded lot. Winnetka 1649. 52LTN16-1te 53 FOR SALE--VACANT A Rare Buy in Vacant BEAUTIFUL LOT, NICELY WOODED among finest homes on East side, near lake. Convenient to transportation. Lot is 118x210. Price of $145.00 stands for short time only. Will divide. Let us show you this exceptional offering. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 2032 53TN45-1tc 4 FOR SALE--ACREAGE 34 ACRES, HEAVILY WOODED IN River Woods, just west of Deerfield, Illinois, opposite beautiful "Hiawatha Woods" development, recommended for investment or development, priced ex- tremely low for this type of property. We also have choice residential and business property in well improved and fast growing Deerfield. Drive over and let us show you. Charles C. Kapschull, Realtor Deerfield, IIL Phone 80 54LTN16-1tc 56 REAL ESTATE HAVE 75 CHOICE ANTIQUE HOOKED rugs, all sizes and patterns including large deometricals. Wholesale prices. Rare glass, mirrors, etc. 383 Briar- wood Pl, Ravinia, Ill. Hy. Pk. 2847. T0LTN16-1tc HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and fur coats. Call Univ. 5490. T4LTN-4tp 76 MISCELLANEOUS 71 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FURNISHINGS OF 5 RM. BUNGALOW complete or will separate--mohair dav- enport and chair. English lounging chair. Colonial desk. Odd tables, mir- rors, lamps. 9 pc. solid wal. English din. rm. set. Col. poster mhg. bedrm. set, and wal. twin bedrm. set. Maytag washing machine. Thor ironer. Break- fast set. Silk spreads and overdrapes. Call evenings or Sunday, 1018 Ash st. Winnetka 2091. T1ILTN16-1tc DECORATIVE SCREENS Either for their own decorative merits or to conceal some necessary but not handsome object. Designed to order. Drapes, lampshades. 433 Eighth St. Wilmette 3689. TILTN16-1tp FOR SALE--BRUNSWICK CABINET phonograph and records, excellent con- dition, $25. Phone Winnetka, 1296. 71LTN16-1tc LIVING ROOM OVERSTUFFED chairs practically new, also 1 ma- hogany side table, 1 hand painted table. Phone Glencoe 22. T1TN45-1tc FOR SALE -- COLONIAL MAHOGANY dining rm. set, 1 table, 6 chairs, buffet and tea cart. Also ice box. Tel. Winn. 2549. T1T45-1tc HAVING SOLD LARGE HOME WILL sacrifice beautiful Persian rug 13x25; cost $4,200. Greenleaf 5312. 7T1LTN16-1tp Dudley Bradstreet (Formerly with P. W, Bradstreet & Co.) IS NOW IN THE REAL ESTATE AND Insurance business under his own name at 522 Center St, Winnetka. He will be pleased to list your property for sale or rent or to assist you in your search for a home at the price you have in mind. 522 Center St. Ph. Winn. 806-875 56T45-1tc WE ARE RECEIVING MANY CALLS for rentals in Winnetka and Glencoe. If you have property to rent now or later on, phone or bring in your list- ings, while the demand is on. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St., Winnetka. Winn. 2032 56TN4¢5-1tc 57 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTE®) TO RENT--VERY LARGE room in Winnetka for dancing classes. Winn. 2689. 57T45-1tc FOR SALE_BED DAVENPORT, FAIR condition, $10. netka. Tel. 2472. T1TN45-1tc FOR SALE--CLARK JEWEL @ GAS range. 4 burners. A Reasonable. Tel. Winn. 401. 71T45-1tc PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH- ings. 749 Grove street, Glencoe. Tel. 1257. 71T45-1tc FOR SALE -- ONE THOR ELECTRIC Washing Machine in good condition. Glencoe 309. T1TN45-1te TAN WICKER SETTEE, TAPESTRY spring cushions. ~A-1 condition $25. Phone Winnetka 2358. TITN45-1te FOR SALE--2 PIECE OVERSTUFFED living room set. Can be seen at 844 Spruce St. 71LTN16-1tc MAHOGANY DINING ROOM TABLE and 6 chairs. Good condition. Winn. 396. T1ILTN16-1tc WANT TO SELL 2 PAIRS OF BLUE velvet portieres. Good cond. $10 a pair. Winn. 2867. 71T45-1te 0 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--5 OR 6-ROOM house or bungalow. Immediate occu- pancy or May 1st. Phone Wilmette 1650 evenings. 60TN45-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WITH 4 or 5 bedrooms, preferably 2 baths. Write Wilmette Life, B-542. 60TN45-1tc #8 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED--MOD. 6 RM. HOUSE, BRICK pref. Must be good location and price right. B-539. 66LTN16-1tp 88 FOR SALE--USED CARS FOR. SALE--WILLYS-KNIGHT 3 DOOR sedan, 1925 model. Good condition. Can be seen at 804 Oak st. Call Winn. 140. 68T45-1tp FOR SALE--BUICK ROADSTER, EX- cellent condition and appearance, $350. Phone Winnetka 1296. 68LTN16-1tc 70 ANTIQUES FOR SALE IN WINNETKA, A NEW 7-ROOM bungalow. Hot water heat; 2 car gar- age; lot 50x177. Price $12,000. In Glencoe--2 new 7-room homes. Near school, stoges and transportation; on wooded lots; hot water heat; attached garage, Phone Winnetka 489. 52TN45-1tp FOR SALE TO BE MOVED. 7-ROOM_ FRAME house, bath on first. Practically new Holland furnace. Electrically wired and fixtures. Must be moved from 760 Hub- bard rd. by April 1. Phone Winn. 416. 52T45-1te FOR SALE--7-ROOM HOUSE, TO BE moved at once from 434 Adams, Glencoe, $500 for quick sale. Tel. Winn, 998. 52TN45-1tc SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE DURING January at The Little House of Interest, 312 South avenue, Glencoe, Telephone Glencoe 732. Many pieces of early American and Eng- lish furniture, including pair of hand- painted Pennsylvania Dutch chairs and stool. Windsor chairs and benches. Variety of tables and occasional chairs. Unusual andirons and lighting fixtures. Glass and china. Fine selection of pewter. T0TN45-1tp FOR SALE--ODDS AND ANTIQUES-- Walnut and rosewood Iloveseats, old maple beds and rockers, chest of draw- ers, occasional chairs and tables, boul cabinets, choice persians and turkish collectors, rugs and other objects of art. Glen Brook Ackers, North Brook, Ill. Phone North Brook 161. TOLTN16-1tc 72 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- ton, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN5-tfc 73 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Coal and Coke Phone 653 Winnetka The Northshore Co. 16 Prouty Annex--Winnetka T3TN45-1tc FOR SALE -- HARDING BURNER outfit complete with boiler, practically new, being used only three months and in perfect condition. Will sell this out- fit at one-half its actual cost. For particulars telephone Lincoln 0148 and ask for Birchl. T3LTN15-4tc FOR SALE -- CHILD'S CRIB AND mattress, $7. Two pairs of baby scales, $5 and 38. Baby buggy, $4. Lin- den avenue, 467, Tel. Winn. 809. T3TN45<1te FOR SALE -- SPENCER NO. 30 HOT water Boiler. Reasonable. Too small for present owner. Tel. Wil. 776-M. T3LTN13-tfp ANDIRONS, $3, MAN'S OVERCOAT, $8. Child's coat, size 6-8, $2. Winn. 2144, T3TN45-1te FOR SALE--DARK BLUE REED BUG- gv. Winn. 2480. 73LTN16-1tp 74 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. WANTED--CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per 1b. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. T4ATTN14-trp SYSTEMATIZE DOMESTIC PROBLEMS Let an intelligent graduate in home economics work out a simplified sched- ule for your particular home needs. Re- liable supervision of formal and inform- al affairs. Address Winnetka Talk, B-532 76LTN16-3tc FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN--A $300 credit on any new model Studebaker for delivery between now and April 1. Call Winn. 995. 76T45-1tc WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for debts contracted by others than ourselves. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. West. 1337 Asbury ave.,, Win- Kenilworth Voters League Has Tickets for Byrd Lecture The Kenilworth League of Women Voters has assumed its responsibility in its interest in the lecture by Com- mander Richard E. Byrd, to be given under the auspices of the Illinois League of Women Voters, on Wed- nesday evening, January 25, at 8:15 o'clock The Kenilworth league has secured a limited number of tickets which may be procured by telephoning Mrs. E. D. Snydacker, Kenilworth 700. Com- mander Byrd needs no especial intro- duction. He will tell his own story of the trans-Atlantic flight, show mo- tion pictures, and outline plans for his next big adventure, his aerial expedi- tion to the South Pole. His flight across the Atlantic is too recent for us not to remember his un- daunted spirit in face of obstacles, and determination to make this flight, and his subsequent accomplishment. Commander Byrd has a pleasing voice, a magnetic personality as well as a thrilling story to tell, and it is with pride that the Kenilworth League of Women Voters affiliates itself with the presentation of this lecture. Among those in charge of the pro- gram are Mrs. C. I. Hibbard, Miss Genevieve Corkell, Mrs. William G. Barry, Mrs. Henry Cheney, Mrs. John Vander Vries, Mrs. S. M. Singleton, Mrs. E. D. Snydacker, and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Snydacker. Ms. Cope was one of the many in Kenilworth on the sick list during the holidays. She is regent of the Skokie Valley chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and a very en- thusiastic worker in that field, attend- ing the National meetings in Wash- ington and the state conventions of Illinois. She was organizer of this chapter two years ago. --0-- Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor, 149 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, sail for Furope, January 14 on the Majestic. They plan to go direct to Paris, Swit- zerland, Spain, and Italy. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Campbell of New York before sailing. Mrs. Campbell is the former Miss Marguerite Starck of Chicago. --O-- The Mothers' club of Alpha Xi Delta sorority is giving a reception and tea next Monday from 2 until 4 in the afternoon, at the Alpha Xi Delta house on the woman's campus of Northwest- ern university. Mrs. Elliott V. Young- berg of Wilmette is social chairman of the club and Mrs. B. T. Gibbs of Evanston is president. --Q-- Mr, and Mrs. William Sherman Hay, 645 Sheridan road, Winnetka, will leave about January 15 for a Mediterranean cruise.