WINNETKA TALK January 21, 1928 A State Bank A Bounteous Harvest from Your Bank Book LANTING a regular Savings Deposit in our Bank each week (beginning now) will yield a good crop of funds for --the new car which ts to be bought in the spring --repairs on the house as soon as weather permits --new furniture at spring house- cleaning time --new spring apparel --a successful summer vacation Yes, such purchases will be made several months hence; but now is the time to think of them and to prepare for them--through a Sav- ings Account at this Bank. Banking Hours: 8 to 3; Saturdays 8 to 12:30 Monday Evenings 7 to 8 WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK Girls' "Hygiene Week" Begins Monday, Jan. 23 The second section of "Hygiene Weeks," sponsored by the Schultz avd Nord tailoring and cleaning firm of Wilmette, will be observed beginning Monday, January 23, when girls in the community, under the age of 12 years, will be invited to have one garment, each cleaned at the Schultz and Nord plant, free of charge. The Schultz and Nord trucks will call for and de- liver the garments, it is explained. "Hygiene Weeks" in this connection are designed to serve as an educa- tional enterprise stressing the impor- tance of cleanliness in the matter of clothing along with other hygienic precepts of cleanliness fostered in- the home and at school. This week was Boys' week when a similar program was carried through. Next week the girls are to have their inning. Select Committee for Benefit for Park Ridge A large bridge for the benefit of the Park Ridge School for Girls is being planned for February 2, at the Ev- anston Woman's club. The affair, ar- ranged under the auspices of the Chi- cago Woman's club, is being spon- sored by Mrs. Stanley Clague of Ev- anston. She will be assisted by a com- mittee composed of Mrs. Herbert Mulford of Wilmette, Mrs. FErnest Bartlett of Winnetka, Mrs. W. W. Wheelock of Kenilworth, Mrs. Walter Shattuck of Kenilworth, and Mrs. George M. Spangler of Glencoe. Proceeds from the affair will be di- rected into the general fund for the maintenance of the school. Maurice Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, left Wednesday last for a few weeks' vis't with his daughter in California. GY QARGY SEZ: {iin I) 7 -- ai J'COMPLIMENTS BEGIN 'ON THE. SOFA -AND THE} SHOULDN'T END AT THE [BATAR , EITHER ---- RIENDSHIP, courtship, mar- riage, radio, golden years . and some star from afar is singing as they sit in the gather- ing twilight: "Silver threads among the gold." "Here's where your dollar gets distance." (Open evenings 7:00 to 9:00) THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex Winnetka, IIL Ph. Winn. 1840 SOIT Public Forum Editor, WINNETKA TALK-- Yesterday I received a copy of an editorial from WinNETKA TALK, the date of which I do not know. It con- tained a statement about the debt that the Guild audiences and the actors owed me. I want you to know how much I appreciate that phrase, and to let you know I was deeply moved by your tribute. It was the nicest thing ever said to me in print and as far as I know the only thing of its kind said publicly about my resignation. You must know my affection for the north shore and its people to put in those four years of fiendishly difficult work trying to make the Guild a definite part of the north shore life and a real factor in the community. Then you realize how hard it was for me to leave. Although I am entirely en- joying my work here, I hold fond hopes of sometime in some way of returning to that community I want to call home. Gratefully yours, Alexander Dean, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Willett Lectures Attract to Union Church Meetings The Kenilworth Union church was filled to capacity with an intensely in- terested audience last Wednesday eve- ning to listen to the second lecture given by Dr. Herbert Willett in the series of lectures occurring every Wed- nesday evening at 8 o'clock. The first lecture was on "Zoroaster, the En- lightener of Persia," the second, "Con- fucius, the Sage of China," and next Wednesday he will speak on "Gautama, The Buddha." Dr. Willett is a brilliant neaker and is especially at home with these subjects. He is one of the most 'minent living interpreters of compara- ive religions. N. J. Conrad Purchases Residences in Winnetka N. J. Conrad of 914 Elmwood ave- nue, Wilmette, has purchased the Walter D. Main residence at 1099 Pelham road, Winnetka, for an undis- closed consideration. The home, located on property of more than an acre in area, is of brick construction and contains ten rooms and three baths. R. M. Johnston and company repre- sented the purchaser in the transac- tion, while Frederick B. Thomas and company were the brokers for the seller. Christ Church i8. Ashley Gerhard, rector At the 11 o'clock service in Christ church prext Sunday morning the new organ, which was installed three years ago and on which the last payment has been made, will be dedicated. The rector's sermon topic at this service will be, "As the Twig Is Bent." The annual meeting of the parish was held Monday evening, January 16. There was elected the 1928 vestry, consisting of the following: Wardens--William B. McIlvaine, R. Floyd Clinch. Vestrymen--Francis P. Butler, C. Col- ton Daughaday, Frederic A. DePeyster, Thomas W. Hearne, Robert §S. Laird, Joseph F. Page, Clarence B. Randall, Benjamin K. Smith, John N. Vander Vries, Erskine Wilder. The delegates and alternates to the Diocesan convention, which will be held at St. James' church, Chicago, February 7 and 8, were also elected: Delegates--C. D. Dallas, C. H. Coffin, William G. Forrest, Charles S. Jackson, Clarence B. Randall. Alternates--G. H. Atkin, Robert 8S. Laird, Frederic A. dePeyster, Henry R. Hale, B. K. Smith. Mrs. H. H. Shockey will entertain twelve members of her bridge club at luncheon and bridge Monday at her home, 115 Bertling lane.