January 21, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 21 SINK N. T. TANKERS Englewood Swimmers Come from Be- hind to Capture Two-ply Meet in New Trier Pool By F. Z.F. New Trier swimmers took a double defeat from Englewood High last Sat- urday evening in the New Trier pool. The seniors were defeated by a score of 36 to 23, while the juniors took a beating, 31 to 19. New Trier got off to an early lead when Captain Bennett took first place in the forty-yard swim, with Engle- wood taking second and third honors. Englewood sent the meet into a tie in the following events when Griffin gar- nered half of his ten individual points by raking in the 100 yard freestyle race. The 220 yard race also went to Englewood when Griffin again came in ahead of the New Trier men. Brown of Englewood was second, while Joy of the home school was third. Cava- naugh put the 100-yard breaststroke into the Englewood column with the time of 1:18 1-5. Read gave the 60- yard backstroke event to New Trier, but Englewood clinched the meet by taking the diving and relay events. Visitors Overcome Lead Like the seniors, Coach Jackson's juniors got off to an early lead. with Roos taking the first place in the forty yard swim in the time of 21 2-5 seconds. The 100-yard swim went to Connelly of the invaders, as did the forty-yard breaststroke when Stolar, and the forty-year - backstroke, and Skupas, both of Englewood, took first honors. In a business like, but not flashy bit of fancy diving, Karshen of Englewood copped that event, and the windup event for the juniors, the relay, went to Englewood's mermen who completed the race in the time of 1:31 2-5, Senior 40 yard swim--1. Bennett (N. T.), 2.| Sante; (E.), 3. Barbour (E.). Time 100 yard swim--1. Grifin (1&.), 2. oy a T.), 3. Bennett (N. T.). Time 220 yard swim--1. Griffin (E.), 2. Brown (E.), 3. Joy (N. T.). Time 2:45. 100 yard breaststroke--I1. Cavanaugh (1.), 2. Rogers (N.JT.), 3. Burke (E.). Time 1:18 1-5 60 yard backstroke--1. Read (N.:1.), i 2. Brown (E.), 3. D. Granstrom (N. T.). Time :45. Diving--1. Beardsley, 2. D. Granstrom, 3. Enchelmeyer. Relay--Won by Englewood. ming for Englewood, Brown, Barbour, Grable, Griffin. Swimming for New Trier, D. Granstrom, Patterson, Joy, Bennett. Time 1:27. Junior 40 yard swim--1. Roos (N. T.), Tied Swim- for second and third Skupas (E.), Beardsley (E.). Time 2-5. : 0 yard swim--1, Connelly (E.), 2. Ross ii T.), 3. 'Leppa' (E.). Time "40 yard breaststroke--1. Stolar (E.), 2. Springer, 1: T.), 3. Beardsley (E.). Time -b. 40 yard backstroke--1 Skupas (E.), N. 3. N. Granstrom 2. Roos , (N.. T.). Time :27 2-5 Diving--1. Karshen (E.), 2. Barnard (N. T.), 3. Swabacker (N. T.). Relay--Won by Englewood. Swimming Lippa, Skupas; swimming for New Trier Prussing, N. Granstrom, Larner, Roos. Time 1:31 2-5. Lake View High School Alumni Plan Big Frolic The Lake View High School Alumni association will hold its annual mid- year reception and dance in the large ballroom at the Edgewater Beach ho- tel, Friday evening, February 3, with special features. The mid-year gradu- ating class of the high school will be guests of honor at this party. Prin- cipal Charles Perrine and members of the faculty will be present, together with the old grads. This is an occa- sion for meeting old friends and re- newing old acquaintances. Lake View High school, one of the oldest educa- tional institutions in the city, dating back to 1874, boasts of one of the old- rst and strongest high school alumni associations in the country. Many north shore residents are members of the associatinn. Pupils' Recital Pupils of Myrtle M. Hopkins appear- ed in a piano recital at the home of Mrs, Hopkins, 1322 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, Saturday, January 14. The program given at that time follows: Duet, Linwood Walz .............& Booth Wilma and Ebert Knoop of the Bees RL arranged by Mrs. Hopkins George Reinhardt Jack inthe Pulpit ©... 00. Mohreys Andante Pastorale. -........o... .« os Heniton Wilma Knoop Old: Folks at Home!" LLNS 5. rr NRE arranged by Mrs. Hopkins Ebert Knoop March Bohemiany Song ™%. &.........& ... Aletter Marguerite Peterson Black Forest Clocks... ........5..... Heins Fern Ahlstrand In a Robher® Cave >. Dwmeiie. = Terry Francis Rapp The Wood: Nymph's Harp ......... Rea Iris Garrett Hives at#Play ..... dc. lian, Mueller g Lucille Gonder Violin Solo, Christmas Song..... Schultze June Ahlstrand, accompanied by Fern Ahlstrand Graceful! Daneer .....LIA0L.0LG Lemont Ruth Smith To a; Toy: Soldier: .j...u.cve cup Warner Lorna Garrett 'Whispering Pines oc. civimi «sive Stafford Ruth Phelps Among the Flowers .......... Satoria Alice Nord Falling® Waters: :.. 0, Ll... 35. 5.00 Truax Lois Phelps Duet, Charge of the Uhlans....... Bohm Bob Fletcher and Mrs. Hopkins Minuet .......6. 45 25.5 5: Paderewski Arthur Jones Second Mazurka ....... 0.5. . Porter Sva Nord CANZONI LR orm es ai eae at aE wares Schutt Doris Tansill The 'Chase :.... ioe Sere ve Rheinberger Kathryn Kerr SONATA nie er rr eae Mozart Alice Sherinian TQ the SPLING vv. ope or ia eis Greig Caroline Kerr Prelude C Sharp Minor Rachmaninoff Harlow Pyfer Helen Reinhardt Read the Want Ads Bouree Since the failure of the state-project- ed railroads, 1857-60, there has been no attempt toward state-owned public util- ities in Illinois. Positively taught any person JAZZ IN 20 LESSONS Write or phone for FREE BOOKLET CHRISTENSEN SCHOOLS OF POPULAR MUSIC F Piano, Saxophone, Banjo, zll Instruments 20 E. JACKSON ST. HARRISON 5669 CHICAGO, ILL. Piano Playing 1177 Wilmette Avenue ILMET Ph. 2766 ppointments dvisable STATI |yPTavne et i 8 | 4 = ail ulrs ila ori I i) WEA = (9 Ample Parking Room in UPTOWN CHICAGO LL big city facilities without congestion-- that's the privilege enjoyed by citizens of Uptown Chicago. Shop in nearby stores offering the season's smartest. Attend the church of your choice. Dine, dance or enjoy the theatre in uncrowded leisure. Always you may have the convenience of your car, for ample parking space can be found nearby. Car, bus and "L" lines also afford rapid transportation to every part of the city. UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People One of a series of ad- When you plan to travel, use the Rail- vertisements for Up- town Chicaga spon- sored by the Central Uptown Chicago Asso- ciation and paid for co-operatively by Up- town Chicago's busi- ARGV E road Union Ticket o z Office -- buy your d 2 ticket, reserve your < > Pullman and check 0 8 your baggage at the MONTROSE Uptown Station. ness men. Phone Longbeach 7454. y Business Men--Uptown Chi- cago welcomes new businesses, and is doing more than any . other Chicago community to assure the success of every en- 3 terprise within the Uptown | Chicago area. We urge you: to investigate the possibilities *' kere for substantial success. Ne sss------------]