January 21, 1928 WINNETKA TALK To Telephone ' 9 Two Deliveries from Winnetka or Daily-- Wilmette, call Telephone, "Wilmette 1100" University 2400 Davis Street ~ Downtown Fvanston A PAGE OF JANUARY VALUES FOR MEN AND BOYS -- Now! Men's $40 One- and 2-Trouser Suits at $29.50 Plainly, a Tremendous Value The new styles: 3-button, roll lapel, and 2-button models in worsteds, chevi- ots and tweeds. 200 being sold at this price. The Wisdom of Buying These 2-Trouser Suits For Boys Now They are $20 and $25 suits in sizes 14 to 18--and 32 to 38--the smart 3-button models with hi-roll lapel which may be worn as a 2-button coat. The Number Is Necessarily § 95 Limited -- So . Choose Early at Some of the one-trouser suits have extra trousers which sell for $4. { 25 STRATFORD SUITS OF a: ~§ $55 and $60 QUALITY, exclusive fabrics, sizes 35 to 42 at $33.50. Boys' All-Wool Lumberjacks 1000 Men's Shirts-- Th Ga [a 4 c S I'tS cy Sizes 8 to 16 in these lumberjacks and mackinaws that all \ A rs the boys want. Mothers will be glad to know they need not ill Sell Fast at pay $3.95 and $4.95 for them now, but only $2.95. Fresh new shirts in a special purchase that en- 5 Blouses---the ~-~-and Shirts ables us to offer $2.50 and $3.00 values for 8 J $1.85. Broadcloths, madras, and others in $ 1 ® $1 and $1.50 kind Equally Valueful neckband and collar-attached styles. Manhat- . tans included. Whites and fancies, $1 19 at 85c¢ . It is not often you can get '"Col- Blouses you know are good--the AE ab legiate'"" $1.50 and $2.00 shirts Men's Flannelette A $5 or $6 Muffler "Puran ig of beperloth for $1.19. Broadcloths, oxfords . . . ma S. ancy patterns. d d 1 d 1 % Night Shirts, special, Can Be Purchased at er $1.29 $3.95 $20 and $25 Boys' Overcoats English Twills, English Foulards. Fine Scotch flannel in these night Darbrook Squares, Eagle Crepes-- : M $ ! shirts with silk frog trims. Sizes the finest of silks in these muf- a quick selling at 1595 16 to 20. January Value here! flers, now at $3.95. Plain blues, fancies and tweeds in these overcoats, sizes 12 to 18 years. Time to buy now for next season, when $2.50 and $2.95 Fine Silk Reefers, 20x40 inch, at $1.95. $15.95 is the present price. Men's Chalmer's Union Suits 38 to 46, $1.85 value, $1.65. ' --and only 12 3 Extra Values While They Last Just 6 Boys State Tochate Men's 75c and $1.00 Plain and Fancy Silk Hose, pr.. . . . . 59c Mackinaws, $6.95 $9.95 $1.50 English Broadcloth Athletic Union Saits ©. $1.19 Those big plaid mackinaws that Boys' knit bottom and knit $7.50 Jantzen Sports Coats, wool knit, 'size'36° ./, .. 0. $4.95 always sell for $8.95. All-wool. collar suede jackets in grey or tan. Just 8 Men's $40 Fine Winter Overcoats, special ...$31.50 $13.50 values. Men's $12.50 Sheep Lined Moleskin Coats, now . ...$10.00 Boys' Sheep-lined Moleskin and Corduroy Coats, 209 off. $3.00 and $3.50 Kingly and Manhattan Shirts, at . . . $2.65 Boys' Blue Kersey Cloth Coats, sizes 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10, $11.95 Boys' Germania Chinchilla Coats, : Men's Suits--Third Floor sizes 9 to 12, $12.95. Men's Furnishings--First Floor Boys' Section--T hird Floor