January 21, 1928 WINNET KA TALK 41 I ------------, -. General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. Average of five words to the line. D ed d 1 i ne f or Ins erti ons-- Classified advertisements will be Classified advertisements will to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or R t 15 cents a line in one paper. AL@S--30 cents a line in all three papers. No black face type used. on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS be charged only 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 109% discount ac- cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; WINNETKA TALK and Friday Thursday 5 o'clock for the 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 30 LOANS FOR SALE--BARGAIN. 4 passenger sport sedan in fine running condition. Ph. Kenilworth 598. 4LTN-1tp 9 BOOKS IF YOU'VE ANY NEW WORKS OF fiction and others you've read and don't wish to keep I will buy them. Write Wilmette Life B-563. 9LTN17-1tc 11 BUILDING & CONTRACTING ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING HAVING those alterations and repairs done now? G. W, Saxton Carpenter and Cabinet Work No job too small for my personal at- tention. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Univ. 8383 30LTN16-8tp 37 OFFICE PLACEMENT NORTH SHORE PERSONNEL SERVICE (Miss I. V. Rosenberg) Executive, Secretarial, Stenographic, of- fice, bookkeeping, sales and profession- al positions filled. Special Department CLUB--HOTEL--HOME . SERVICE CHANDLERS BLDG., ROOMS 7 & 8 634 DAVIS ST. UNIVERSITY 740 3TLT1T-1t 546 Sterling Rd., Kenil. Kenil. 3495 2 11TN46-1tc | gq oR 16 CLUB MEMBERSHIP GOLF CLUB MEMBERSHIP FOR SALE. Must sell my membership in one of the prominent North Shore Golf Clubs. Price reasonable or will trade for one on South Side. 16LTN17-1tc 17 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKER--QUICK, EXPERT FIT- ter, wishes family engagements. Refs. $5.50 per day. University 2637. 17LTN17-1tp DRESSMAKER, DESIGNER, $6.50 PER day. Miss Kingsrod, 521 Hinman Ave. Univ. 7929. 17LTN16-3tp PLAIN SEWING AND CHILDREN'S dressmaking. Tel. Winn. 1036. 17LTN17-1tp WILL DO HEMSTITCHING AT HOME. Mrs. Trudell, 624 Willow rd. Winn. 1662. 17T46-2tp PLAIN SEWING AT $.50 AN HR. OR $4 a day. Also care for children eve- nings. Winn. 230. 17T46-1tc 25 INSTRUCTION EXPERIENCED TEACHER tutor in French or home. Miss Neussel, WILL German at her tel. Winn. 955. 25LTN17-1tp TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED teacher. Elementary and High School pupils brought up to grade. Tel. Kenil. 248. 25L TN15-4tp Do You WantaDog? THE EVANSTON HUMANE SOCIETY has several good dogs which they would like to give away. Call University 1052. 3ILTN17-1tc 42 RADIOS FOR SALE--CROSLEY DEMONSTRA- tor complete with table and built-in speaker. "A" and '"B" eliminators. $180 value, $110. Also other 6 tube demonstrators as low as $39.50 without accessories. Radio Service shop Phone Winn. 1840 42LTN16-1tc RADIO SPECIALIST Day and night service. Repair service and construction. 962 Pine St., Winn. 1892. 42L'TN7-tfe | 57 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE A real opportunity presents itself to the girl looking to establish herself in a profession where advancement is limited only by personal ability Become a Telephone Operator Full salary is paid during training Increases are regular Girls over 16 with at least Grammar school education are asked to come in for a personal interview 2nd floor--614 Davis Street--Evanston or Winnetka Exchange--T740 Elm Street 56T46-tfc WANTED 2 GIRLS, WHITE, ONE FOR cooking and down stairs work and one for second work. No laundry work, best wages, refs. required. Address Wilmette Life B-548. 56LTN17-1tc WANTED--NURSE UNDER 30 YEARS for 2 year child. Assist upstairs. Ref- erences required. Mrs. Benson, Winn. 429. 56LTN17-1tc WANTED--EXPERIENCED WHITE nurse-girl. References required. Mrs. Peirce, 656 Ardsley rd., Winnetka. 56TN46-1tc Exp. child's nurse of good personality and character wishes permanent position in good home in Wilmette, Glencoe, or Winnetka. Salary $25-$30. Address Talk B-565. 60T46-1tp AMERICAN DRESSMAKER wants six ladies of N. Shore to take one day each week for repairing and altering their gowns, or sewing of any kind. Best ref. Address, Wilmette Life, B-531. 60TN46-1tp NURSE, HOSPITAL AND PRACTICAL experience. Best ref. Univ. 3273-J. 60TN46-1tp CLEANING AND COOKING BY DAY or week. Reference. Glencoe 647. 60TN46-1tc GERMAN WOMAN FOR WASHING and ironing by the day. Winnetka 3019. 60T46-1tc COLORED LAUNDRESS WANTS work by day. Refs. Winnetka 1667. 60TN46-1tp COMPETENT WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Highest wages, no laundry. 3 in family. Phone Winnetka 1254. 56TN46-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH JouSework, 3 in family. Wilmette 56LTN17-1tp RELIABLE WHITE GIRL FOR CARE of children afternoons from 2 to 5. Phone Winn. 1747. 56LTN17-1tc NURSE GIRL, WHITE, YOUNG FOR walking children. Permanent position. Glencoe 1049. 56LTN17-1tc WANTED--NEAT WHITE WOMAN TO clean the house every Friday. Ph. Winn. 2330. 56T46-1tc WANTED--EXP. WHITE COOK AND second maid, refs. Wilmette 176. 56TN46-1tc WHITE PROT. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH gen. houswk. and children. Tel. Winn. 2075 at 6 any evening. 56T46-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with hswk. and care of child. Small home. Call Winnetka 2159. 56T46-1tc WANTED YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hswk. Exp. cook. Call Glencoe 678. 56TN46-1tc HOUSEMAID MORNINGS ONLY, 5 days a week. Winn. 1730. 56T46-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE RADIO EXPERT--SERVICE GUAR- antee to give satisfaction or no charge. Phone between 6:30-7:30 Winnetka 172. 42N'T46-3tp 44 SERVICE BUREAU THIS CATERER SPECIALIZES in cake and sandwiches. All kinds of fancy sandwiches, 85¢c a dozen. Caviar, $1.00. CAKES--Sunshine (to serve 18) $2.50--Angel Food, $2.50--Lady Balti- more, $3.25--Fruit Cake, $1.25 1b. Made in our model kitchen by expert cateresses to your individual order and delivered at any time. Phone Green- leaf 4417 or 5055. Residence phone, Greenleaf 5370 evenings. 44LTNI17-1tc 27 INTERIOR DECORATING 55 LOST AND FOUND INTERIOR DECORATIONS DECORATIVE SCREENS, WALL hangings, drapes, lampshades, attrac- tive prices. PAUL TYLER 433-8th St. Wilmette 3689 27TTN46-1tp 28 LAUNDRY WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO take home. Tel. Winn. 1598. 28T46-1tc LOST--WIRE-HAIRED FOX TERRIER. White with black shoulders, brown head. Wore leather collar, with license tag. Disappeared from Foxdale ave- nue Thursday, Jan. '5. Reward if re- turned to T. W. Varnes Ln Dury .,~ Hu rd Woods, inn. s ahi obs 55T46-1tp LOST--CHILD'S WRISTWATCH, white gold. Reward. Winn. 2450. a. FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS WISHES family wash to take home. Tel. 1972 Highland Park. Will call for and de- liver. 28 TIN46-1tp 55T46-1tp 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE EXP. CHILDREN'S NURSE, WHITE, refs. Kenilworth 3880. 56LTN17-1te A NEW CLASSIFIED SERVICE! Those of our patrons wishing to place an advertisement EVANSTON REVIEW, in addition to Wilmette Life, Winnetka Talk or Glencoe News, can now do so by calling-- WILMETTE 4300 or WINNETKA 2000 Copy for THE EVANSTON REVIEW must be in by ' -- 5 P. M. on Tuesdays -- in THE = AMBITIOUS MEN WHO WANT TO MAKE MONEY EASY TO LEARN. WE MANUFAC- ture and sell our own products. Rated over a million in Duns and Bradstreets. 70% of men that started to work for us four years ago in Chicago still with us--happy--prosperous. Our work is steady and permanent the year round. We want men from 25 to 45 years of age. Call for private interview at our Evanston Division office--room 201--1621 Sherman Ave. Church St. Bldg. $A: M: tod PP. M. BTLTN17-1tc WHITE GIRL WILL ASSIST WITH housework or nursing. Call Winn. 940. 60T46-1tp TEACHER DESIRES POSITION AS governess. Music and all subjects. Telephone Mansfield 0384. 60T46-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS day work. Reference. Douglas 0457. 60TN46-1tp EXP. COLORED MAID. COOKING OR gen. hswk. Refs. Ph, Wil. 3884. 60LTN17-1tp LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE- keeper. Motherless home pref. Wil. 1776. 60LTN17-1te YOUNG COLORED MAID WISHES hswk.or any kind of work. Good refs. Alonzo. Ph. Wil. 2058. 60T46-1tp EXP. MULATTO AS 2ND GIRL OR general maid. Ref. Tel. Greenleaf 4537. 60LTN17-1tp MARRIED CHAUFFEUR. WHITE. Must be good. Both to live on prem- ises. 319 Sheridan. Tel. Winn. 1090. 57TN46-1tc WANTED GARDENER AND HOUSE- man, white, refs. Living near by. 620 Sheridan Rd. Glencoe 810. 57TN46-1tc 58 HELP WID.--MALE & FEMALE WHITE, COUPLE IS THERE A WHITE COUPLE NOW employed in Evanston or on the North Shore who desire to make a change? 'We have a very desirable opening that must be filled at once. Man must be butler-houseman-chauffeur ; woman must be Al cook. To such a couple we can make a mighty fine proposition. Call us today. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 58LTN17-1te EXPER. COUPLE--BUTLER, COOK and housework. No driving. Local or city refs. req. Tel. Winn. 1858. 58LTN17-1te LADY WISHES WORK BY THE DAY or week. Good refs. University 4179. 60LT17-1tp DESIRES DAY WORK AS A-1 LAUN- dress by A. DeGrot. Call Wilmette 4074. 60LTN17-1tp YOUNG, WHITE, EXP. LAUNDRY OR day work. Refs. furn. Wilmette 3760. 60LT17-1tp MOTHERLY LADY WISHES TO CARE for children by the hour eveningsl Refs. furn. Wilmette 3760. 60LT-1tp UNIVERSITY STUDENT DESIRES care of children evenings, Sat. and Sun. Call Wilmette 866M. 60LT17-1tc YOUNG WHITE WOMAN WANTS laundry Tues.,, Wed. & Thurs. Sunny- side 6314. 60LTN-1tc DESIRE TO PLACE MY EXCELLENT German maid from Feb. 1st to Apr. 15th or May 1st. Wilmette 2948. 60LT17-1tc COLORED WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY work Mondays. Univ. 8146. 60LTN17-1tp GIRL WANTS GEN. HOUSEWORK. No washing. Colored. Glencoe 987. 60LTN17-1tp DAY WORK AND MOTHER'S HELPER. Call Glencoe 647. 60TN46-1tp DAY WORK, PHONE WILMETTE 4211. 60LT17-1tc 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE Hsewk., Furnaces, Trees TRIMMED, TAKEN DOWN, WINN. 2639. 61LTN15-tfc GARDENER, ALL-AROUND GROWER, 8 years of experience, capable of tak- ing full charge. State all particulars as to wages. Talk B-564. 61TNL46-1tp MIDDLE-AGED MAN COMPETENT and reliable as care taker for Winter months. House or janitor work. 882 Pine St. Winn. 1549. 61T46-tfc EXP. CHAUFFEUR, SINGLE, GER- man, 21 yrs. old. Willing to do any kind of work. Call evenings 6 to 9. Phone Glenview 80J. 61LTN17-1tp 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE STENOGRAPHER TO WORK FOR Public Utility company. Permanent position. Address Winnetka Talk, B-545. 60LT17-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN.,, etc. Drive, wash cars. Winn. 1552. 61LTN11-tfc (Continued on page 42)